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MSU mixed death GH2017


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Looking for some feedback on my mixed death army list for GH2017. I've been trying to organise an army that I feel is competetive but also a bit quirky.

Grand Alliance Death

Allegiance - Death

Vampire lord on Zombie Dragon (General) (Red Fury) (Cursed Book)

Necromancer (mounted)


6 Skeleton Chariots (Battleline)

10 Zombies 

10 Zombies

Corpse Cart (Unholy Lodestone)

3 Ushabti

3 Ushabti

2 Morghast Harbingers

2 Morghast Harbingers

Remmainder summoning pool - 2x2 Bat Swarms likely.

Played a couple of games so far and it seems quite good and fairly unique. Interested to hear the thoughts of fellow players.


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The only thing I would question is the two units of 10 zombies, they really aren't making proper use of the zombie kit and honestly without it their stats are just pants. 

You can get 2 units of Dire Wolves, which are also battleline, cost the same points, still get the Corpse Cart bonus and actually have good stats. They have over double the movement, get an armour save, get 11 attacks (+1) on 4+/4+/-/1 (against 10 at 6+/6+/-/1) and get +1 to wound on charge. The biggest disadvantage would be not triggering the massive unit (20) for objective holding but your zombies won't be doing that anyway.

For cheap battleline you will get way more bang for your buck out of 5 Dire Wolves than you will 10 zombies.

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Thanks for the reply.

That's probably a sound call on the dire wolves. I had thought about them myself however I was I thought originally the banner to replenish casualties on the zombies, added to their greater model count, would make them better back field objective holders.

I wI'll test the dire wolves as well and see how they get on.



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If you don't like the dire wolves and don't mind dipping into your summoning pool you could up the size of the zombie units then have them instantly fuse at the start of the game. Pay for 2x20 zombies then just shambling horde them into 1x40. You get both your battleline but can still make the most of their horde benefits.

You could also wait on each unit of 20 so that you are ressing 2d6 and merge them just before they engage in combat. More risky but higher potential payout. For this strat 2x20 or 1x30, 1x10 is probably optimal. It gives you a solid size unit and doesn't get to the number where really you should just be buying a full block of 60.

It's all about how much you want to invest and what you want from them. Dire wolves are way more flexible but really only function at smaller numbers of 5-10. Zombies are a better holding units but are bad at low numbers and are really inflexible.

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I think a Liche Priest would be better than Necromancer.  He can buff Desert Legions (Skelly Chariots), but also Reanimant (Ushabti & Morghast Harbingers). 

You might want to swap out 2 Morghast for Mortis Engine.  Plenty if multi wound units to heal there. 


I'm not convinced on the need for Corpse Cart. Try for another hero Banshee or Vampire Lord if you can. 

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