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battleshock: remove wounded model?



Ok I am pretty sure the answer is yes, still asking because a friend asked me:

If I have an already wounded model in a unit and the battleshock forces a model to flee, can I let the wounded model flee, thus only losing one wound to the battleshock instead of two or three (for example in a unit of Savage Boar Boyz)?

My answer would be yes because wounds are allocated to the models their owner chooses, and the models removed by battleshock are also chosen by the owner.

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2 answers to this question

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Absolutely yes, you are correct, going by the rules-as-written. Some people feel it's weird/unrealistic/immersion-breaking or just plain unintuitive, and house-rule against it, but I'd say that's the price you sometimes pay for having a simplified rules-set.

The most important thing is for both players to have the same expectations, so if it comes up in a game and you haven't house-ruled it in advance, unless both players are happy to go against the RAW, I'd recommend sticking to the RAW at least for the remainder of that game.

If you are going to house-rule it, bear in mind that being forced to remove unwounded models first would penalise armies with lots of multi-wound models, the points listed for matched play are written on the basis that you'll be playing the RAW.

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