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Assembling a mixed horde of Chaos.


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Hi people ! I started the hobby (WHFB and W40k) when I was a student in 2010. Needless to say (but I still say it, see what I did there ?) that I was short on cash during that time, but now I'm all right (rocky start, but still, 10 times better now than then).

I have always been fascinated by the myriad forms of Chaos (and their Death Metal look). Saddly, in 2010, Hordes of Chaos was a thing of the past. You were either Beastmen, Warriors or Daemons. So, of course, when AoS started, I had high hopes for it. I was a little bit sad to see that most leader models would only buff models from their own subfactions, and I am a lil bit sadder to see that factions are being further splitted apart by allegiances (seriously, is there a reason for dividing beastmen in brayherds and warherds ?).

However, I noticed that the Chaos Grand alliance allegiance still existed, and thus, it is still possible to make a mixed Chaos force (which I intend to do). I guess I'll just need advice from more experienced players. Here's what I actually have in my collection :

Great Unclean One (creature caster model)
Herald of Nurgle x2
Daemon Prince x2
2x Plague Bearers x20
Nurglings x3
Plague Drones x3
Soul Grinder (of Nurgle)
Lord of Plagues
Putrid Blightking x5
All four Gorechosen heroes (Exalted Deathbringer, Aspiring Deathbringer with goreaxe and hammer, Skullgrinder and Slaughterpriest).
Blood Warriors x10.

I am interested by the chaos ogors and chaos dragon warscrolls, but overall, I'm pretty interested in everything. What do you think I should add to my collection to make a viable 2000 points (but still mixed Chaos) army ?

I usually play against Ironjawz using my Nurgle stuff, but I usually end up being a punching bag for three consecutive hours. Those damn brutes are hard as brick.

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Couple of thoughts: 'I'm going Host of Slaanesh with Slaves with Slaanesh keyword though.' 

- Deamons that are near a daemon hero of their mark will usually get a bonus. So it might be worth splitting your army up different elements with a specific task and where possible use a daemon unit buffed by a passive ability of it's herald. For example:

  • Use a 10 girl squad of seekers supported with (exalted) herald on chariot for the extra speed. With this 340pt 'squad' you have an insane threat range and with a double turn can easily get behind enemy lines to threaten objectives/support units/artillery or simply distract your opponent. (buy the new Slaanesh set and trade the ten daemonettes for five seekers, quite cheap)
  • Use your Great Unclean One, with 30/40 Plague bearers as your centre block. They are insanely resilient and will hold your centre for a long time. 
  • Add Tzeentch elements to your army for some ranged and MW threat (or the daemon cannon) haven't played against or with any of them so i'm hard pressed to judge if the Tzeentch daemons/tzaangors are effective enough without their full Desciples synergies up. 
  • Lastly I would look into Khorne to create a 'kill squad'. Something that will hit insanely hard to take the hurt to your opponent. Again not a Khorne player and never played them since AoS dropped. So someone else will have to drop some suggestions.

If you go this route I don't see much need to add in Slaves to Darkness as the faction don't really have a specific role to fullfill. I would suggest looking into the chosen though. 6's to wound cause a mortal wound. Might help against your Ironjaws opponent. Making a guess about the beastmen of old, I suspect they will not really add anything without their ambush ability. But again not my personal army. 

And then you get to the goodies. I would look into all the monsters and see what monster might fulfil a role you are still missing. Maybe a Cockatrice for extra mortal wounds. Keep it save behind your plaguebearers and put the hurt on those Brutes. (well not that much hurt most likely :D 50% chance for d6 MW). The Mutalith Vortex Beast is a personal favorite design wise but no idea how it plays. Dragon Ogres are very cool and the 'Beneath the Tempest rule from the Shaggoth is so much fun, but again no idea how they play. 

In general I think this would be my approach. Look into 2 or three roles your army needs to fulfill: Speed for backfield threats (can break an elite army apart without even doing damage), ranged, Mortal Wounds, Close Combat power, resilience. And then build those elements around your Nurgle core. Because I personally believe you are better of doing 2 or 3 roles good than to try everything a little. And then just field additions based on the rule of cool and try stuff out until you get there. 

Hope this helps and i'll follow this thread with interest. Although I expect to hear the cheers when you finally beat those nasty greenskinz ;) 

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What do you think of this list ?

Allegiance: Chaos

Great Unclean One 
- General
- Trait: Spiteful Destroyer
- Artefact: Chaos Talisman

Lord Of Change 


30 x Plaguebearers Of Nurgle 

20 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch

1 x Burning Chariots Of Tzeentch

10 x Blood Warriors 
- Goreaxes

3 x Flamers Of Tzeentch

Soul Grinder 
- Mark of Chaos: Nurgle

Total: 1950/2000

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Seems okay to me, but i would kick 10 of the Horrors or play them as 2x10 Horrors. 20 of them aren't really better at achieving things, that 10 of them could do.


You now have 170 points free, i would play a daemonprince of nurgle or slannesh. He gives you reach and is decent in combat.

I also don't like soulgrinders, their shooting is unreliable and in combat they also suck. Think they are to expansive for what they do. Maybe replace him for a second Daemonprince.

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Okay, so how about now ?

Allegiance: Chaos

Great Unclean One 
- General
- Trait: Lord of War
- Artefact: Chaos Talisman
Daemon Prince Of Nurgle 
Daemon Prince Of Nurgle 
Lord Of Change 

30 x Plaguebearers Of Nurgle 
10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch
10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch
1 x Burning Chariots Of Tzeentch 
10 x Blood Warriors 
- Goreaxes

3 x Flamers Of Tzeentch

Total: 1990/2000

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Seems good to me, but i am not the best player to judge this ;).


Think you have enough guys to hold objectives, some mortal wound spells (LOC and Horrors), some shooting (Horrors and Flamer), a good tarpit (Plaguebearer), some punchy units (Princes + Warriors+ Skullgrinder + GUO).

I like it =). If you want to play in tournament i don't know how good it will fare, but you should have some chances.

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2 hours ago, Roark said:

My GHB2 is currently in the mail. Is the Chaos Allegiance army trait completely unchanged from GHB1? (ie: roll a 6, get +1 to hit in combat?)

It seems to be the exact same one, maybe the range got reduced for heros triggering it. (3 inch now)

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