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Giant Spined Chaos Beast


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I own the wonderful Giant Spined Chaos Beast from Forgeworld but sadly, they never gave it an appropriate warscroll after Age of Sigmar happened. I contacted them back in January to ask them if there where plans for a warscroll, when the model was still listed in their website, but they never answered back and a few months later they removed the model from the webstore.


One option is to use it a a Gigantic Chaos Spawn as they are close in size and both FW models. 

After some searching i found out that someone had made a custom warscroll for it to use in their games. https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2016/12/22/warscroll-giant-spined-chaos-beast/


I liked the warscroll so i adopted it for my friendly games and reworded a few parts to have it a little more in tune with official warscrolls.

What do you think the point cost should be for this? It has tremendous speed and can dish out some good damage with rend 2 and the Spikes ability, but can die fast if focused, with 8 wounds and 5+ save. 




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