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The Tomb Stirs - What Will Rise?


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I was digging through my CoS (Cupboard of Shame - Ever-expending hoard of all sorts of wargaming excesses...) and I stumbled across some miniatures I didn't realise I had any more!

I have 40 of the old style Skeletons, with plenty of TK upgrade kits - so I could either do them as TK or "VC" style. I also found a few Carrion, 2 Necrosphinx and a set of metal Tomb Guard command models. I must have missed all of these when I did my great Tomb King purge earlier this year. I'm fairly certain I've still got ol' Apophas somewhere too, the scarab dude.

Having recently said I'm not going to start a Death army, because it's the only Grand Alliance I haven't got yet, I was sorely tempted to upgrade my unholy trinity to a full circle of four Grand Alliances. I've got Order, Chaos and Destruction covered - it seems a shame to ignore Death. I've always liked Tomb Kings, having amassed a small army during 8th, and this seems like a great opportunity to build a small army I've wanted for a while. It would only require that I buy two models - the Mortarchs.

Those of you who are familiar with the old fluff will remember that Arkhan and Neferata worked together in Lahmia to overthrow Lamashizzar, and it was Arkhan's magic that turned her into a vampire. I know Neferata is a bit overdone, but I thought an army containing them both would be cool. Whilst it's not ever going to win any tournaments, the following is 20 pools of zoomy flying around awesomness, with some Skellies thrown in for good measure (Who can fly with the Dark Mist ability from Neferata!):

Arkhan The Black, Mortarch of Sacrament
Neferata, Mortarch Of Blood
Prince Apophas

40 x Skeleton Warriors
3 x Carrion 


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Question: Does Arkhan's "First of the Mortarchs" Command Ability affect himself?


First of the Mortarchs: If Arkhan the Black uses this ability, then all Death Wizards within 18" of him can increase the range of their spells by 6" this phase.

If he activates this ability in the Hero phase, can he then add 6" to his own two spells?

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8 minutes ago, Dangermouse425 said:

Question: Does Arkhan's "First of the Mortarchs" Command Ability affect himself?

If he activates this ability in the Hero phase, can he then add 6" to his own two spells?

Sure does. It was mentioned specifically in the FAQ.

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Your cupboard must be massive. You sold me tons of stuff, and you still had all that left?


Your list won't win any tournaments, but it's not unplayable. You have tons of punch, lots of magic, and a little staying power. It's going to look awesome though. Arkhan and Neferata's tag team smash up.

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34 minutes ago, Darth Alec said:

Your cupboard must be massive. You sold me tons of stuff, and you still had all that left?

Yeah, the Cupboard of Shame is pretty extensive, hence its name. I also have a garage which is half full of motorbikes and kit and half full of Warhammer, etc. I may have a problem...

35 minutes ago, Darth Alec said:

Your list won't win any tournaments, but it's not unplayable. You have tons of punch, lots of magic, and a little staying power. It's going to look awesome though. Arkhan and Neferata's tag team smash up.

If you wanted to improve the list, what would you consider dropping/changing?

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Actually that's quite a good list, as Neferata and Arkhan can double cast the rend immunity on the two Necrosphinxes and mystic shield, which can then both alpha strike straight into an enemy objective. The Necrosphinxes are scoring units themselves. Nef and Ark can also heal them each turn too. Apophas can take out warmachines. Neferata's command ability is way better than Arkhan's. Send her in with one of the Necrosphinxes (she can alpha strike herself with movement 16).


I'd get Spirit Hosts instead of 40 skeletons personally (they would only lag behind everything else in the list) - only use for Skeletons would be to sit blocks of 10 on objectives in your territory.

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The skellies and the Carrion. Carrion won't really do you much good, other than sit on objectives. They're OK at that. But as I discovered during SCGT, they can only really kill things that are terrible in combat. Anything with a decent punch will kill them. Not a terrible choice, but they won't do anything other than hold objectives. Won't take them.p


Your skeletons don't really mesh well with the list either. They give you numbers, but you'll probably want to split it up to cover more ground. Which makes them terrible in combat. Spirit hosts, or Black Knights (or TK heavy cav) will be much better objective campers. Spirit hosts, Morghasts, Ushabti, Blood Knights, Chariots all mesh better with your fast moving, hard hitting force.


With so much fast, hard-striking stuff, the skeletons just feel out of place.

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True, but I do have 40 Skeletons stuck in my cupboard. It seems a shame not to use them. Perhaps running them as Tomb Guard would be a better use of them? 

I don't mind ditching the Carrion though. Can always take it as a side pool option.

Blood Knights are awesome models, I've just got to consider a cool way to convert some Khemri-esque Blood Knights.

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