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New Age Of Sigmar player looking for some advice/information.


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Hello and good evening all.

I have recently just started building up a Wood Elves/Wanderers force for Age Of Sigmar and have a question regarding round bases.

The glade guard I got was the old box with square bases, I tested one on a 32mm base and it looked fine personally but wanted to check if elves can go on 32mm bases without any issues (not played much of aos as of yet).

Thank you


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Welcome to the hobby and congrats on the choice of army. They are my favorite and have the nicest models IMO.
Gladeguard are supposed to be on 25mm. I'm not much of a gamer myself and im not sure if you gain an advantage of having larger bases, but from a modeling perspective, I think a 32 is to large for GG. With a base that large it will be a lot of empty base that you would want to cover... I'd get hold of some 25mm if I where you. They're not that expensive.

The eleven characters are supposed to be on 32 though so you'll get used to them.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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