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Fancy hero bases - how they effect line of site




I have some dwarf heroes, which of being short are rather easily able to keep out of line of site (apart from the high king obviously). I bought some of the rather fancy age of sigmar Hero bases, which have (now they're glued on) elevated my characters above the normal height of dwarf. 

So my question is; does this effect line of site and open my heroes up to all kinds of missile unit, or are the bases discounted as they're purely aesthetic? 

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This is something you should probably discuss with your opponent. But by the rules if you can see a model, you can target it with shooting, abilities etc.

The fact that you've made your models look cooler, will negatively effect them on the table for being shot at / hiding. But will also allow you to see over things offering you an advantage. Basically a double edged sword.

My Great Unclean One conversion is maybe 3-4 times the height and width of the official GW model. While this looks awesome on the table it has advantages and disadvantages. He covers more board space, can block entryways and has a larger radius for spells & abilities. However he is also impossible to hide from shooting, can be attacked by more models in combat and can't fit through any entryways. so you win some and lose some!

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I have the same issue, though I am personally fine with the gameplay disadvantages as the models look awesome.

Though mine are a little excessive... xD


(the second one is a current WIP)


I second the first answer, just chat about it with your opponent, see what you both think. :)



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I'm afraid you'll have to rely on goodguy opponents if you want to pretend to shrink the relative height of your dwarves to accomidate their sweet base decorations. Personally, I would let you play as if they were shorter, as I like to reward choosing to look sweet, but many wouldn't as the rules are the rules, so just be pleasantly surprised when they're nice rather than expect it.

One caution I'd add is that creative bases and model conversions are all in fun, but always use the proper base size that comes in the box, as shrinking these for troops can give huge tactical advantages (two rows attacking at 1" or squeezing in an extra model during pile-in), which at worst is powergaming masked as creative customization, and at best unintentionally cheating. In your example, you're suffering a disadvantage from your being creative, but with base sizes, they're balanced on purpose to be that size, and changing it up or down almost always gives advantages in some way.

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Thanks for the answers. Makes sense. Kiblams love the conversions

For my a thane is a must because their battleshock buff wins me battles, it makes my dwarfs even more immovable :), plus he packs a punch when he gets stuck in a fight. I had an old warrior i gave a standard to I wasnt happy with, the really old GW is going for silly money and I don't like the newest miniature. So I tried my hand at green stuff and using long beard and veteran warrior parts made my own thane standard bearer.. I'm. Hoping the GF went stuff looks like clothing from. Between the armour. I wanted a dynamic pose that stood out over the battlefield. 


The picture is my new thane on massive base next to my old thane (painted to the left handside)






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Personally, I'd prefer not to follow true line of sight too much. The model is the same size (i.e. not a monster) as the troops in front? You can't see it. You are yourself a big monster and directly in front? Of course you can see it. 

We've found a ruling for us that says your torso has to have a line of sight to the full torso of the target to allow shooting/casting.

Your base looks pretty neat but puts you in a huge disadvantage... discuss with your opponent and be generous throughout the game when discussions about los come up and I assume they won't bother too much and allow you to ignore the conversion.

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