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Bloodsecrator Rules Clarification (not stacking!)


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Hey guys,

Pretty new to the game and very new to the forum, got a quick rules rules question - 

Does the Bloodsecrators portal close at the beginning of the next hero phase? Or does it stay open until you declare it closed? Does it close if you move in the subsequent turn?

I was running Gore Pilgrims recently and wasn't sure whether the Slaughtpriests had to be within 6" of him every hero phase to get the added range, or just in the turn that he opens it.

The wording on the warscroll is:

"In your hero phase, you can declare that this model opens the Portal Of Skulls. If you do, until your next hero phase you may not move the model, but it has the following abilities:"


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The ability last until your next hero phase.  Therefor in each of your hero phase you may declare that you are using it.  If you are using the Gore Pilgrims battalion then you must check in each of your hero phases if the Slaughterpriests are within range of the Bloodsecrator.  You may not move the Bloodsecrator while this ability is in use.

or in other words:

The portal does not remain open until you declare it closed.  It must be re-used in each of your hero phases in order for it to remain in effect.  The Bloodsecrator may not move while it is active.

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The Slaughterpriests only need to be within 6" of the Bloodsecrator in the hero phase, i.e. when he opens the portal. And as@Jharen said, the Portal of Skulls is only open until your next hero phase. At the start of your hero phase the Portal 'closes' until you decide to use the ability again.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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