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Show me your Bretonnia 2000 point list


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Hey Hey!

Wanna see peoples bretonnia cuz i have run out of ideas :)

Mine look like this

Noble list:

Lord on Pegasi 140

Damsel of the lady 100

The Fey enchantress 160


3x10 Freeguild guard 240

2x10 Grail knights 640

9x Pegasi Knights 600

Peasant list

Paladin 80

Freeguild General 100


2x48 Peasant Bowmen 1200

2x16 Men at arms 120

Freeguild guard 80

Field Trebuchet 220

Peasant Malitia 60

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Playing Bretonnians is a tricky thing to do in AOS. If you just stick strictly to the compendium warscrolls, you're basically playing a Freeguild list with worse infantry and better cavalry although I do see that you're not above mixing in Freeguild stuff which is a plus.

If your play group is open to it I'd suggest using the fan made battletome made by Auticus Deus Vult which gives Bretonnians some much needed punch and flexibility without being overpowered.

Here's my 2000 point list I'm working towards:


Breton Marshal on Pegasus: 140
Virtue of Knightly Temper
Silver Lance of the Blessed

The Fay Enchantress: 160

Paladin: 80
Sword of the Quest

Paladin: 80
Sword of the Quest

10x Men-at-Arms: 70
Drummer, Trumpeter, Standard Bearer, Relic Bearer

10x Men-at-Arms: 70
Drummer, Trumpeter, Standard Bearer, Relic Bearer

20x Peasant Bowmen: 260
Drummer, Trumpeter, Standard Bearer, Relic Bearer

20x Peasant Bowmen: 260
Drummer, Trumpeter, Standard Bearer, Relic Bearer

5x Grail Knights: 200
Grail Banner Bearer, Trumpeter

5x Grail Knights: 200
Grail Banner Bearer, Trumpeter

3x Pegasus Knights: 200
Banner Bearer, Trumpeter

Field Trebuchet: 220

Peasant Milita: 60

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I'm planning on building the following list myself:

King Louen Leoncoeur (General) - 400

The Fay Enchantress - 160

Paladin Standard Bearer - 80

16 Knights of the Realm (Battleline) - 440

8 Knights Errant (Battleline) - 200

10 Freeguild Archers (Battleline) - 100

10 Grail Knights - 360

2 Fulminators - 240

1980 points total.

Not aiming for a particularly competitive list or anything, just something I can shout "CHARGE" with and have some fun. I'm hoping that the GHB2 fixes Bretonnia's unit sizes so I can make this into a pure cav army, but I'm not holding my breath ¬¬

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I went 2-2 a few months ago in a reasonably competitive tournament with this almost-entirely Bretonnian list. Foregive the non-Bretonnians; I needed cheap battleline, and I imagined they were just re-trained archers :P This list is not the most min-maxed, and required very careful play, but I had a lot of fun!

16x Knights of the Realm

10x Freeguild Archers

10x Freeguild Archers

1x Lord on Pegasus

1x King Leoncoeur

1x Damsel on Horse

10x Grail Knights

10x Questing Knights

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