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2000 pts. Tomb Kings


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Hi Guys,


i just got me a new Army and its Tomb Kings. I have lots of Options but hadnt the chance to play yet. I was just plaing around with some lists and came up with this one:

Allegiance: Death
Settra The Imperishable (360)
Liche Priest (120)
High Queen Khalida (120)
Tomb Herald (100)
3 x Skeleton Chariots (140)
3 x Necropolis Knights (160)
3 x Skeleton Chariots (140)
10 x Tomb Guard (160)
-Tomb Blade
30 x Skeleton Archers (300)
Necrosphinx (400)
Total: 2000/ 2000
Heroes: 4/6 Battlelines: 3 (3+) Behemoths: 1/4 Artillery: 0/4


what do you think of it? Iam not sure whether i should use Skelleton Cavalry or Chariots. I wanted to use archer with kahalida even though its not too competitive i think. The list should have some punch and some defensive Power it is ok for me if it is a medium comp list

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I have seen a few issues that need to be addressed. Firstly the points you are using are out of date. Settra, necropolis knights and the necrosphinx have all had a points Increase so unless your opponent is ok with you using the older points values your list is over points I'm afraid :S

The second issue is with battleline. You only have 2 battleline with the chariots. The archers are only battleline if queen Khalida is your general this means you won't be able to use settra's command ability to buff your army as only your general can use command abilitys. If you add another cheap battleline option you can get around this.

The list looks solid settra makes everything better! His buff makes the chariots and necro knights very effective! I'm not a huge fan of the necrosphinx tbh, it's expensive and doesn't have a lot of the keywords needed for the buffs and spells from your hero's. I would consider a warsphinx instead and use the points saved elsewhere. The regular warsphinx can benefit from all your buffs. Also if your running settra and archers I'd consider trying to get a tomb king in there for another +1 to hit buff potentially.

Hope that helps :)

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Hi Opposix,


thanks for the reply. I used the warscroll builder isnt it up to date (it is linked to the GW Website) Settras Points Costs are listed as 360. Do you mean the Sneak Peak Points for GHB2 ? I think they are not official because GHB2 isnt even released yet.


I dindt recognize the missing 3rd Battleline Unit though.

Isnt the Damage Outpunt of the Warsphinx nothing compared to the necrosphinx? 


I wanted to use a Herald for act as a bodyguard for settra because he has only 8 Wounds


Which Artefacts and traits would you suggest?

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There is an option on warcrcroll builder for generals handbook 2 trial points. If you select that then it will give you the updated costs. 

The warsphinx damage output is nowhere near a high as a necrosphinx however it is not terrible with settra buff and Khalida will buff it's shooting attack. The only reason I suggested it was to save points but still keep a behemoth :) he can still kick out some damage and will be as tanky as the sphinx. It's personal prepherence however. If you like the necrosphinx coz he's a badass then include him :)

Having a Herald is essential. If settra goes down the rest on the army looses so much of its potency (speaking from experience...) I would always include one. I would suggest having him on a horse to keep up with settra's movement.

Settra is a unique character so can't take a trait or artifact I'm afraid :S cursed book is always a good one on one of your other hero's or tomb blade to try and heal settra if he is close enough.

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Opposix, is incorrect in regards to the points. The updated points that heavily nerfed Tomb Kings were very explicitly labeled as "experimental," they are not yet the official points costs and are widely considered too severe of a nerf in the face of the modern meta.  I expect (and hope) that they will be toned down a bit once GH2.0 actually is released or TK will likely fall out of relevancy. For now, all the TK players I know are still using the GH1.0 pts costs. If anything, you'd need your opponent's permission to use the experimental pts values, not to use the official ones. (Though many tournaments are now using the experimental ones which is why we haven't seen a TK army anywhere near the top of tournaments for a while. Those updates pts basically took a competitive army and pushed it to bottom tier) 

Also when I select GH2.0 right now in warscroll builder I'm not seeing the pts increases, though I think they used to be there. So I'm thinking that probably is a sign GW changed their minds about them.

As for your army.  I'd drop the Tomb Guard in favor of a big healthy unit of skeletons to fill out your battle lines and give you something hardy to stand in front of the archers to take chargers. In my opinion, tomb guard is really only a good choice if you go the route of the warscroll battalion, otherwise, standard skeletons at half the pts cost per model are simply a stronger choice.

Personally, I'm also not a fan of the necrosphynx as it eats up soooo many pts. Though it is a powerful monster I just don't feel it has enough impact on the game to justify a 400pt hit. For the cost of a single necrosphynx you could bring in 2 catapults and a necrotect which is going to have a much heavier impact on the game giving you long range firepower and the mass bravery debuffing. Alternatively you could go the route of several units of horsemen as they are very efficient for what they bring. 


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Hi Thanks for the reply,

very good Points you made there and new insight for me :-)

I like the Tomb Guard Models (i´ve got the newer plastic Ones) so i wanted them in the list. My Gaming Buddies are also ok with using the GHB1.0 Points because they too think the points increase is way too much for the TK.

Lukily i got me a second sphinx so i can use both/all Versions :-)

Maybe i could get rid of Khalida and the archers but because of settra, i can use all command abilities which is very very nice. I aso have tomb Scorpions which can annoy the enemy backline and kill the buffing characters?

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I think the best thing to do would be to get some games in and try it out. Tweek the list as you go based on any weaknesses you identify. Glad you have a good group sympathetic to the points hike. Some of them are excessive tbh! I like the idea of tomb scorpions, I don't own any myself so have never been able to try them. Picking off key buff hero's can be tricky for death, tomb scorpions would do this very well (as long as you don't wiff all your attacks)

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