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Alsara, Dragon Noble


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I'm a fan of both Age of Sigmar and the PC game total war Warhammer. The 2nd total war Warhammer is going to have the high elves (my favorite race) and one of their Lord choices is a elven princess who is more missile/bow based. I wanted to make a conversion portraying an elven princess so I decided to take a sister of the watch and convert it to a dragon noble hero, taking the reaver bow (reaver bow on fire in this case) and star blade weapon options. The picture is in a state with most of the base coat done, but very little of the washes or highlights or dry brushing or anything


I know that I need to clean up a lot of the lines but before I continue but I wanted to show off this conversion that I'm pretty proud of. I would love suggestions for the bow (or any other part of the model, I'm going for a bow on fire/dragon look to it and I'm not totally convinced of it. And I don't like the sword, I think I'll go back over it to make it a silver/steel sword. Any suggestions are welcome.






I used her in a short half skirmish campaign with my brother, and dang dragon noble with a bow just wreck in skirmish. She was unpainted at the time but did so well that she was bumped up in the painting priority. I am also working on writing a short story based on a loremaster character but she may be referenced or get her own story later, I'll be posting those in another thread when the story is done which may be a little ways off.





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Nice conversion!

One suggestion for the bow if you're not completely happy with it would be to paint the dragon wings part a different colour to the flames part, rather than have them both use the same scheme. The flames might even stand out a bit more strongly then.

Perhaps golden wings (Smaug was golden!) to match the armour?

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Well, first off the most important thing is that you like how it looks, everyone else's opinions come second to that - so always think through any advice you get to make sure you agree for yourself before following it! :)

Personally I think that gold and silver look well together, especially on elves. It's a more refined look than the green+yellow or red+white uniforms that Empire troops wear, for example, I guess because those are brighter combinations that contrast more strongly.

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