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Nagash Lore


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So I just finished reading the Nagash trilogy. Nagash the sorcerer, Nagash the unbroken and Nagash immortal. What's the next book? What book talks about him coming back again and getting destroyed by Sigmar?

Also, I have read a lot of the lore for him in other places and it seems quite different than the stories in these 3 books.

An example is the whole Nefrata story line. She gets turned into a vampire by Arkhan accidentally when he tries to save her from being poisoned. Where do I find the story of her drinking the blood of Nagash?

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For the first part of your question that's detailed in the sigmar trilogy. 

The second question? She never drank the blood of nagash, vampires are essentially called the blood of nagash since undead and those who serve him(living necromancers) for a given amount of time essentially shards of his spirit latches on to them and they become a part of nagash.

Hence why Nagash could easily bring back Arkhan, Neferata and Mannfred for AOS. 

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