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Let there be Ogors (1500)


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Waagh to you fellow muscle-loving psychopats.

I'm preparing a 1500 army my local tournamets (I do have a 1000 points Ironjawz army and 2000 points Beastclaw Raiders Beasthammer-oriented army) but for 1500 I'm... not pleased. I could do a typical 2 Big Guys, 2 Mournfangs and a Hunter Beastclaw one, but I find it lacklusting at such points. So I thought to myself - "Hey, I like big muscled sweaty dudes, let's add some more of them!" and I've came out with something like this

Allegiance: Destruction
Frostlord on Stonehorn (460)
Huskard on Thundertusk (340)
- Chaintrap
3 x Ogors (120)
- Ogor Clubs or Blades with Iron Fists
3 x Ogors (120)
- Ogor Clubs or Blades with Iron Fists
3 x Ogors (120)
- Ogor Clubs or Blades with Iron Fists
3 x Leadbelchers (160)
3 x Leadbelchers (160)

Total: 1480/2000

In theory, I'll have both some bulky lads to run thru the frontlines, a zoo-oriented sniper called Thundertusk and some Lead to rain down my enemies. That's the plan, but I'm not sure how it may work in game? Any pointers / ideas? I'm trying to avoid taking puny goblins since they are neither muscles nor sweaty.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was going to suggest dropping the Huskard in favor for some more bodies. As i'm looking for the combination I like (don't have any big boys just the footslogging ogors+4 mournfang). 6 (or bigger) Ogors with fists and mystical shield are amazing against horde style armies (the wounds back trigger on 5's then). Although I know not everybody is a fan... my Iron guts have delivered every game. Take 6, either your opponent focuses on them and leave your other ogors alone. Or a couple get in and wreck face. 

But dropping the huskard leaves you with a very akward amount of points left. The core of my gutbuster force is usually: 2*6 ogors 480, 6 leadbelchers 320, butcher 140 = 940 points. Depending on the opponent, battleplan but mostly my mood of the day :D I can branch out: Maneaters, giant or mournfang usually (dividing one unit of six ogors to meet battleline requirements). Maybe dropping the leadbelchers for some points (they are great as battleline but as a unit itself.... I just prefer other units). 

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