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Greetings people ,

Now i don't have that much experience on death yet but at least on my local store meta i feel i m doing something wrong . Can you please give me your heads up about those three lists below . The logic behind them is pretty similar , neferata mourngul and the gheist stick together for the negatives to hit while the zombies/ghouls chill on one objective hopefully managing to keep it through sheer numbers/regen . Still i m not sure how to continue from there so any advice is deeply appreciated .





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Like TheOtherJosh said .... to much focus on heroes and monsters. They should complement and buff your troops and not be around 75% or more of your army. And to be honest... those small units are ... well they wont get the job done. You will need to field at least one big unit of 30+ models and build around that.

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Thanks for the answers for starters . Been playing regularly vs skaven with a bunch of mortars and storm fiends , a tzeentch skyfire list with two lords of change , a bunch of different stormcast lists and some slylvaneth . 


I do get that i spend most of my 2k points on behemoths but most of the times i found that a 40model block of skeletons gets vaporized before actually doing something . I playtested the blood knight one vs nurgle today it worked pretty good to be honest .

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5 hours ago, GonnaWorkForFood said:

Thanks for the answers for starters . Been playing regularly vs skaven with a bunch of mortars and storm fiends , a tzeentch skyfire list with two lords of change , a bunch of different stormcast lists and some slylvaneth . 


I do get that i spend most of my 2k points on behemoths but most of the times i found that a 40model block of skeletons gets vaporized before actually doing something . I playtested the blood knight one vs nurgle today it worked pretty good to be honest .

I don't think there is anything you can do against a skyfire list. I'm not sure there is a death list out there that can really deal with that. The skaven list I'm less sure about, but stormfiends with warpfire are also really nasty against death. That one might be winnable though. Stormcast lists are tougher to predict, but top tier ones like Aetherstrike Force are going to be very, very hard. In general, it sounds like your local scene is pretty tough. 

I think that if you wanted to try to go for big blocks, 40 skeletons isn't going to do it. You have to really go ham and run like 120-160 skeletons/zombies plus support. Make a unit champion the general with Ruler of the Night so that it can't get sniped and put a wight king with banner or two in the middle of your blocks for the further 6+ save. Tzeentch will still probably wreck you because it can so easily pick off all the heroes and pour massive damage into you until you break. Stuff like stormfiends that can't reach the banners though will be much less effective against 5+/6+ ward saves on bulk wounds.

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8 hours ago, swarmofseals said:

I don't think there is anything you can do against a skyfire list. I'm not sure there is a death list out there that can really deal with that. The skaven list I'm less sure about, but stormfiends with warpfire are also really nasty against death. That one might be winnable though. Stormcast lists are tougher to predict, but top tier ones like Aetherstrike Force are going to be very, very hard. In general, it sounds like your local scene is pretty tough. 

I think that if you wanted to try to go for big blocks, 40 skeletons isn't going to do it. You have to really go ham and run like 120-160 skeletons/zombies plus support. Make a unit champion the general with Ruler of the Night so that it can't get sniped and put a wight king with banner or two in the middle of your blocks for the further 6+ save. Tzeentch will still probably wreck you because it can so easily pick off all the heroes and pour massive damage into you until you break. Stuff like stormfiends that can't reach the banners though will be much less effective against 5+/6+ ward saves on bulk wounds.

Hey man thanks for your time ,

Yeah my local stores are brutal . The thing is zombies do work but i think they could potentially struggle against some of the strong rerolling 2+ saves out there. And tbh it happens quite a lot . This is why i wanna try focusing on behemoths , plus lets face it the models do look amazing .

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3 hours ago, GonnaWorkForFood said:

Hey man thanks for your time ,

Yeah my local stores are brutal . The thing is zombies do work but i think they could potentially struggle against some of the strong rerolling 2+ saves out there. And tbh it happens quite a lot . This is why i wanna try focusing on behemoths , plus lets face it the models do look amazing .

Yeah, you aren't going to get through a 2+ reroll with skeletons or zombies! The idea would be just to ignore those units as much as possible and just push objectives. 

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As has been said, too many Behemoths. Death often times is about Horde and support, I tend to find if you dont go big, you go home vrs many of the meta lists (Skyfire Tzeetch, Skaven Skryre Fire, Cunning Ruk, Aetherstrike, etc)

Try switching Neferata out for Mannfred, his Command is amazing(Reroll 1's on all death units hit and wound rolls), as for the 2+ save madness Mortal wounds are your friend and Death has many intresting ways of dealing them (Large units of Spirit Host or Crypt Flayers make things really intresting)

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