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Heavy troggoth list



Hey guys!

So I was going to go to a tournament on the 16th, but alas real world stuff got in the way and I couldn't make it. I also wasn't able to get all the painting I wanted done so probably for the best.

I was looking and it seems like the store might hold another on the 30th with any luck. So if that goes ahead then I was thinking of dusting off my trolls. 

Thinking this might be a fun list:

Troll hag - 400pts

Arachnarok (Spider shrine) - 280pts

6 fellwater trolls

3 sour breath trolls

3x5 spider riders - full command

3x 3 ogors - full command

1x gorgers


I've used gitmob grots as batteline for the trolls previously and it didn't work too well. They tended to explode and then shortly after the trolls would also explode leaving the troll hag alone against the enemy. I think the ogors might do better, I plan on using them to screen and primarily do the dying. There is potentially a good combo with the troll hag curse and the ogors, but not too likely to get off. Spider riders are there to look cool and move fast, if they do some killing then thats a bonus :).

Let me know what you guys think?


Crispen out



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Have you considered Savage Orruks as your battleline troups? I am not sure a unit of three ogors is going to be that effective at screening.  For less points you can get 10 orruks with 20 wounds with a 5+ save in combat.  Good for objective taking and clogging up the battlefield with green bodies.

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6 minutes ago, Naishy said:

Have you considered Savage Orruks as your battleline troups? I am not sure a unit of three ogors is going to be that effective at screening.  For less points you can get 10 orruks with 20 wounds with a 5+ save in combat.  Good for objective taking and clogging up the battlefield with green bodies.

haha yeah they would be pretty good, thats for sure and would fit more in with the list look and feel. I only own regular greenskinz atm. I could take 3 units of 10 orruks with shield and choppa? gives me a 5+ all the time and re-rollable 5+ in CC.

I took the ogors also for that 6inch move. 


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I would be try and find 60pts for a grot shaman as well to try and get Mystic Shield on your larger Fellwater Troggoths.  I have found their 5+ save just doesn't cut it in the grind of combat.  The regen ability is good but you need to be still alive to get the wounds back. -1 to hit with a 4+ save makes them a lot more durable.

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1 hour ago, Naishy said:

I would be try and find 60pts for a grot shaman as well to try and get Mystic Shield on your larger Fellwater Troggoths.  I have found their 5+ save just doesn't cut it in the grind of combat.  The regen ability is good but you need to be still alive to get the wounds back. -1 to hit with a 4+ save makes them a lot more durable.

Yep, totally agree. The archnarok will have the shaman on top, so he gets to cast two spells. Will prioritise the ole mystic shield :D for one of those and probably super charge a unit of spiders with the other.



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