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Why is it??



Why is it I always finding myself wanting to build models when I am painting them? Why is it that when I am painting  such cool models I want to be building more? Seems this cycle never ends for me. Part of the reason is never being able to give as much time to the hobby as I would like to. Life certainly gets in the way and of course I have to work to earn money to buy new toy soldiers. 

Now I have never been much of a 40K guy in the last 10-15 years, but I was a huge Necromunda guy in it's day. Now GW is coming out with Shadow War Armageddon this week and I am totally stoked about this game! I went out and bought a box of Genestealer Cults Neophyte Hybrids as now I have a great excuse to run Genestealers one of my favorite factions to 40K back in the day. Naturally I want to continue my work on my Age of Sigmar projects which is the distraction. Any every take a hobby vacation before? Where you take a vacation and lock yourself in your man cave and just jam on building cool models and painting and listening to awesome music or watching your favorite movies or netflix shows? This is my dream...


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I spent all of my Easter Holidays in 2014 painting my South Coast GT Empire army only to get pipped to the Best Army award by the POinthammered boys who swanned over from America for a jolly holiday. I watched all the West Wing and Buffy to get me through it all. Now with two kids I know I'll never be able to get that sort of time again, so my painting goals have changed to painting in a more economical fashion to get projects done faster. 

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Oops realised I have the wrong end of the stick with my previous post here.  Please ignore. :)

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