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So somehow...



I did another win! That makes 3/4 heats won, which I believe makes me the overall winner of the Legions of Legend at GW York. Display board to go but I believe according to scoring im away in front. So here are the models that did it, 5 savage maniaks who were the entry, and then a forgeworld banner and savage big boss, which were the Open entry earning a point each:



They became a bit of a struggle to get done really, with a 12 hour stint the day before deadline. Ended up getting really tired and boared of the savages as whilst they're pretty, really none of the old fantasy sculpts compare to the stuff GW has put out since AoS dropped. The ironjawz just shine brighter. The big boss is pretty nice though, fantastic musculature and a great pose. And cannot fault forgeworld as ever, though if anything the banner is so detailed it is overwhelming! 

So next is the display board, which I have never undertaken before. I need ot pick up some foam, bits of wood to model a tower, and paint and sand on a scale better for it. It's a bit daunting so any tips and advice would be great. Really want to keep it as cheap as possible too!


So enjoy, C & C and tips welcome, have a good day!




Change is coming...

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I love that banner, it looks great!

Also good idea with the red war paint on the Orruks. IMO the naked Orruks' skin is great, but the lack of armor can make them a bit boring regardless of how awesome one paints the skin. The war paint solves that problem to a certain degree.

My only critique would be that the bones look very bright. Since they are used as weapons by savages I would assume them to be more brown-ish than they are.
Could be caused the light though, I know some of my colors also look much brighter on pictures taken in a light box than they look in normal light.

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Thanks :) Yeah can't not give them warpaint, they'd be even more dull without it! They're not the most thrilling models by any shot though.

Fair enough, it is a relatively light scheme. I think the thing the lightbox manages is it actually seems to have lightened the darker areas. Check my earlier warchanter especially to see what the bones are like. It may be wiser to make them darker on the savages, but I was bashing them out to the deadline, and also it's matching my non-savages.

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