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Afterthoughts of my first tournament (part 2)



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After lunch the next pairings were drawn and I faced off against Anthony and his Sylvaneth.

He brought to the table:

Alarielle, 3x3 Kurnoth hunters, 2 sets of dryads, 1 set of tree revenants, a Treelord, branchwraith and 3 wyldwoods I believe. 

The scenario was border war. Anthony started by deploying a wood right in the centre of my side of the table, to which i chose the opposite side to start, we deployed and he chose to go first. He summoned another wood on to the centre on my side and one on the centre right point. Alarielle moved to the centre of the board and he shot off a few ogors. I returned fire by claiming the two centre objectives and my own and laid some serious hurt into allarielle via the thundertusk in the double turns. I made a lot of mistakes with placement in this game with my stone horn (Although winning the game for me) being too far away until turn four to have an effect. I also spent far too long chasing Alarielle around the board trying to kill her when she has so many ways of healing. i must of had her under 5 wounds three times until I gave up and reminded myself to focus on objectives. In the end after a few hard fought fights I took my first and only Major victory of the tournament due to having more points than my opponent. That being said however, we did run out of time and Anthony was kind enough to let me have the major rather than pushing for a draw that he had the chance of getting. Top bloke!

In general, He was a great guy, with a fantastically painted army and chock full of enthusiasm for our match. He completely embodied the tournament aspect for me and got my vote for most sporting player. I managed to continue chatting with him throughout the rest of the tournament and after, and he was awesome to speak with and a genuine nice guy. 

Finally after a quick smoke break and chatting tactics with Mike Carrigher @carrigher82 and Luke Smith @Sehryth7 I went in to find myself paired up with Luke for my final match. 

By this point we were both pretty shattered and the game was a lot more laid back than the others. It was however for me the funniest and best game of the day even though I got the major loss. 

Luke was playing with a huge Bloodbound (Technically mixed chaos army) Which included ( don't quote me on this):

Allegiance: Chaos

Bloodsecrator (120)
Bloodsecrator (120)
Bloodstoker (80)
Mighty Lord Of Khorne (140)
Sayl The Faithless (160)
40 x Bloodreavers (240)
10 x Blood Warriors (200)
10 x Blood Warriors (200)
5 x Wrathmongers (180)
5 x Skullreapers (140)

There is a large chance that this isn't right so if you are reading this and want to correct me, I will be more than happy to update it :)

Anyway, The scenario was Gift from the Heavens, and as always my opponents meteor landed slap bang in the centre of his army!

Luke was a fantastic opponent and it felt like chatting to a mate I had known for years. The match was so laid back I almost forgot it was at a tournament. My dice rolls throughout the match were hilariously awful and Skarbrand beat the living snot out of everything he came near. With one axe. The other he didn't even need.
A big highlight for me was when my Gargant managed to kill 5 blood reavers with a single headbutt which had us both cracking up. My thundertusk shot off his general in the first round which shocked him slightly, but it obviously didnt shock Skarbrand as he then proceeded to smash 7 shades of sh** out of the thundertusk and taught him a very painful lesson. I managed to get what I thought was going to be a tie at turn 4 however Sayl pulled off the unbelievable and whisked a unit of blood warriors into a conga line through my troops and to the objective stopping me from scoring and securing Luke the major win when I couldn't delete them quick enough. I am waffling here but this was seriously the best match I have played yet and even losing it was still fun. Top bloke, looking forward to playing him again and only wish I could have voted twice for the most sporting award.

After the matches we all mingled for a bit before the prizes were given out. 

Damien managed to come away with the much coveted Wooden Spoon (Spoons for the Spoon throne!) which came with a stormcast shaker and dice. Needless to say he was over the moon and despite losing all his games thoroughly enjoyed himself ( It has to be said his crowning glory was using hand of dust to instantly remove Archaon from the table before he could do anything, much to his opponents horror!).


It was a great introduction to the tournament scene and really sparked a fire in me to attend more. It is something I have always wanted to do but never gotten around to. It has inspired me to improve the quality of my armies, play more and meet more players. I honestly cannot state just how great it is to meet other players in the flesh rather than over message boards. To anyone reading who may be thinking of going but is nervous or unsure, dive in, the people are great and patient and there is so much to gain. 

Anyway, cheers @Jamie Grinstead for having us, really hope to attend your next event.

P.s. cheers to staff member Chris for taking the time to teach my missus Magic: the gathering and keeping her occupied while the rest of us nerded out. Great service and I shall be putting my preorders all through the store now, happy to support those who are supporting our local scene.

Cheers for reading my ramblings, Mohojoe out!

results in the end were:


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Recommended Comments

Remember to always remember the scenario! Haha I know it's hard to sometimes, and it's great to just have fun. If you have your eye on the prize though, building your list towards winning scenarios and keeping track of that will get you from the middle of the pack to the top tables.

Tournaments are fun, everyone go!

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16 minutes ago, Dez said:

Remember to always remember the scenario! Haha I know it's hard to sometimes, and it's great to just have fun. If you have your eye on the prize though, building your list towards winning scenarios and keeping track of that will get you from the middle of the pack to the top tables.

Tournaments are fun, everyone go!

eah i get distracted so easy by big shiny things!

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I second what you say about @seryth7 he's a top sport, always a great game and he's a good mate. I know he also enjoyed that final game from conversation post shameful KFC on way home. Good to meet you mate and no doubt cross paths again in the future. I'm enjoying reading your blogs

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27 minutes ago, carrigher82 said:

I second what you say about @seryth7 he's a top sport, always a great game and he's a good mate. I know he also enjoyed that final game from conversation post shameful KFC on way home. Good to meet you mate and no doubt cross paths again in the future. I'm enjoying reading your blogs

Bit miffed I didn't get to play against the Fyreslayers but there is always next time. Looking forward to bumping into you fellas again, will have to let us know if you guys are heading to any tournies our way

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The fyreslayers were a joy to behold and completely trounced my Skryre list. Well-played Mark, but your secret is out!

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