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Denizens Of The Dark - Creation And Planning



Denizens Of The Deep



Beware straying too far from the village my child and never stay out late,

For where shadows lay and the earth opens up,

Nothing but darkness and death await.


For there amidst the crystal, the earth and the loam,

Creatures feast,

upon little boys bones.

Bedtime tale, popular amongst Midlander Wet Nurses - Author Unknown


A Destruction army blog inspired by horror, lovecraft, Goblins and the Dark.

Arachnarok Spider With Grot Shaman (280)
Grot Warboss (80)
Orruk Warchanter (80)
Orruk Warboss On Wyvern (240)

Moonclan Grots x 40 (240)
Moonclan Grots x 40 (240)
Grot Fanatics x 6 (180)
Gitmob Grots x 20 (100)
Orruk Brutes x 10 (360)
Orruk Brutes x 5 (180)


War Machines


Total: 1980/2000

I am aiming to start my first tournament in March 2017 and I wanted to create a new army with a strong theme. I love competitive games but I find that I get drawn into that, by the fluffy side. With that in mind I have chosen to create a Destruction army using Orruks and Goblins with a rich backstory. I want them to be distinguishable from all other armies and to have bases and terrain that can aid the narrative behind the army. I have chosen to create an underground dwelling force that thrive in crystalline caves under the nation of "Midland", a fairly generic freeguild nation. They emerge from their underground homes to hunt humans as a food source and as an enslaved work force. 

I will be using the blog to post short stories, photos of my army, list theory crafting and battle reports. 

Thanks for reading.

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I'm excited for a Grot blog! Only question is why a single choice of Gitmob Grots? Since you're 20 points down anyway, wouldn't another selection of Moonclan Grots be more consistent?

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For range as I hear moonclan grots aren't so good with the bows and I am severely lacking any range.

The list however is very open for debate as I am by no means a tournament guy.


I have been thinking of putting in a Dread Maw (the forgeworld  snake thing)  purely because I have always loved the model and it actually seems to fit thematically!

Edited by Mohojoe
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