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Preparing for my first tournament



I've always wanted to attend an event and often between life, money, and kids it's always been just an idea that's never blossomed into a reality. A few weeks back I was casually looking through the events section on this site and noticed a one day 1000pt event in Leeds. Not being very far I mentioned to the wife that it might be cool to go, not really expecting a response (she often goes deaf when hobby is mentioned) she responds with "cool you should go,". I paused expecting some sort of bargaining scenario to begin, involving me looking after the children for a full 7 days while she spends it with her girlfriends in some tropical resort. To my amazement this didn't happen, and not only did she show mild interest, she even paid for the ticket!

it's entirely plausible that this is just to get me away long enough for (insert vocation of choice) man to pop round ;) , but really this doesn't bother me as i'm going to a tourny!

Initial preparation began with WTF how do I prepare? Luckily two podcasts came out this month touching on this very subject.

I certainly don't have any goals other than just to experience playing at an event. I have my list sorted, though a unit of Dire wolves inconveniently required painting. luckily and probably due to my excitement these have been completed pretty quick.dire-wolves.jpg

As for other preparations, I've read the rules pack and currently trying to learn the matched play scenarios word for word. The scenery requirement is no issue as I've loads of painted scenery and I've even bought a cheap tablet for the AOS app. Many thanks to the Mortal Realms Podcast as they have produced some DIY tokens which I've just glued to 25mm bases.

The biggest question I have now is do I forgo paying my water bill and buy an official combat gauge, and rangefinder, or make do with the basics?

tourney pic.jpg

Will post soon, probably with a write up of how my games went and how I found the whole experience.

Happy hobbying


P.S will this be enough?




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Where did you get that case for the tokens and markers??  I have the same tokens and that would be much easier than my current way of dropping them all in a plastic bag.

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2 hours ago, chord said:

Where did you get that case for the tokens and markers??  I have the same tokens and that would be much easier than my current way of dropping them all in a plastic bag.

Its from ikea. I believe it was full of screws before it was re purposed :)

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This is not game related, but personal survival related.

Pack water.  Not sodas.  Not sports drinks.  Water.  Drink a full bottle in betwern each round, and drink a bottle over the course of each round.  You won't realize it because you'll likely be in the air conditioning, but dehydration is a real issue.  The last thing you want to happen is a dehydration headache that ruins the rest of your day.

Pack fruit, preferably bananas, or granola.  Homemade granola so you can control the nutritional content (I recommend Alton Brown's recipe).  Eat a bar or a banana between each round.  They will keep your energy up and minimize your desire to have a big greasy lunch that will ultimately wear you down.

I also try to double up in the waters and offer one to each opponent, as I see too many people at events chugging down liquid sugar.  Also, it never hurts your sports score.

Perhaps also bring a stick of deodorant.  Even for a short one day event, standing around what is usually a somewhat cramped room will increase your stealth sweating.  Never a bad idea to touch up after Round 2 or 3.

Finally, play to play.  Don't ever expect to place at your first event.  You may be surprised and take it all.  But if you go for the sake of the game, you can absorb the fun of new opponents instead of focusing on placing.  Most of the one day events I've been to are a 10+ hour affairs when you factor in commute, lunch, breaks, etc.  Those 10+ hour commitments are much more entertaining if the trophy isn't hanging over your head every minute.

- Criti

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1 hour ago, Criti said:

This is not game related, but personal survival related.

Pack water.  Not sodas.  Not sports drinks.  Water.  Drink a full bottle in betwern each round, and drink a bottle over the course of each round.  You won't realize it because you'll likely be in the air conditioning, but dehydration is a real issue.  The last thing you want to happen is a dehydration headache that ruins the rest of your day.

Pack fruit, preferably bananas, or granola.  Homemade granola so you can control the nutritional content (I recommend Alton Brown's recipe).  Eat a bar or a banana between each round.  They will keep your energy up and minimize your desire to have a big greasy lunch that will ultimately wear you down.

I also try to double up in the waters and offer one to each opponent, as I see too many people at events chugging down liquid sugar.  Also, it never hurts your sports score.

Perhaps also bring a stick of deodorant.  Even for a short one day event, standing around what is usually a somewhat cramped room will increase your stealth sweating.  Never a bad idea to touch up after Round 2 or 3.

Finally, play to play.  Don't ever expect to place at your first event.  You may be surprised and take it all.  But if you go for the sake of the game, you can absorb the fun of new opponents instead of focusing on placing.  Most of the one day events I've been to are a 10+ hour affairs when you factor in commute, lunch, breaks, etc.  Those 10+ hour commitments are much more entertaining if the trophy isn't hanging over your head every minute.

- Criti


Eat pizza, drink beer, punch opponents to throw off their game

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3 minutes ago, Undead4Life said:


Eat pizza, drink beer, punch opponents to throw off their game

Also acceptable.

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Actually I can appreciate the effects of taking care of oneself during a tournament day. Dehydration is a legitimate result of standing, thinking and moving around all day. On more than a few occasions I've woken up the next day feeling hung over from the mental and physical exertion!


What's a scenery requirement? I've never encountered that before.

Those dire wolves look great! I'll second the suggestion to just go and aim to have fun. It took a few tournaments for me to understand that but once I did the whole experience became much more enjoyable.

What is that case you have your GHB in? I would love to get one! Would perhaps preclude the need to spiral bind the book, and it would be reusable for each subsequent version!

Edited by Undead4Life
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18 hours ago, Undead4Life said:

Actually I can appreciate the effects of taking care of oneself during a tournament day. Dehydration is a legitimate result of standing, thinking and moving around all day. On more than a few occasions I've woken up the next day feeling hung over from the mental and physical exertion!


What's a scenery requirement? I've never encountered that before.

Those dire wolves look great! I'll second the suggestion to just go and aim to have fun. It took a few tournaments for me to understand that but once I did the whole experience became much more enjoyable.

What is that case you have your GHB in? I would love to get one! Would perhaps preclude the need to spiral bind the book, and it would be reusable for each subsequent version!

The scenery requirement is 4 pieces of painted scenery, luckily I have tonnes so that was no issue.

The case i have my GHB in is just an A4 plastic case from tesco (uk), it was only a few £ and it holds my lists and event printouts etc...

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