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More ironjawz and some battle reports



Tuesday I did some painting of the maw crusha and brutes since I knew I'd be busy in a few days so I'd have to work on them during the week.  Tried the yellow over white primer, four coats in I really don't like the coverage of yriel yellow. 

Wednesday small d1 (for my flgs) trials of ironjawz.  Well I thought the fyreslayers were hurt in wound based keyword restricted games, well ironjawz are almost unplayable.  Severely disappointed in that. Megaboss needs six units of ironjawz for his waagh bonus which puts you in so many wounds that I'd use maw crusha over him. That's an issue. Second issue is no shooting with only having average saves. 

So when I got home I played against my fyreslayer and then against my seraphon d1 list.  Fyreslayers were handed an easy victory due to all the shooting attacks they have. I even gave ironjawz sudden death.  I think the game lasted 2 or 2.5 rounds. 

Against seraphon it wasn't even a game. They didn't even live to see a combat round ouch. Overall I have to say they were more than disappointing. I will need to look for other destruction units to see if I missed any buffs. Otherwise table then and hope match play fixes them


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In terms of the Waagh bonus, remember that the 6 units is only for the 2 attacks benefit - as long as you roll equal to or under the number of units within 10" the Megaboss and those units gain +1 attack. Also, they don't need to be within 10" when they attack only when he uses the command ability so they can all go after different units.

Are you running any battalions? Most of the basic ones are focused on increasing speed. For example if you have picked up one of each of the new releases you can field you can take the Ironfist, which enables units to move d6" in the hero phase, which takes them all up to 7" move, so able to get into combat much quicker. Would help to cut down the amount of shooting you face.

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You should play Megaboss on foot to mainly reroll ones with your brutes (his ability).

The main command ability you want to use is the Gordrakks. The reason is because any destruction unit within 20" can receive two melee attacks and charge 3 d6 - this includes any formation of units too. That's a huge advantage when you run the battle formation for free d6 movement. If lucky you can move and charge up to 28"! Obviously that's not realistic, but basically you should be able to get into combat before they shoot you down.

Furthermore, to ensure more victory use a war chanter to give your brute unit 2's to hit!

Imagine brutes with two extra attacks each, reroll 1's, hit on 2's, and if they have 4 or more wounds you reroll anyways. That's always strong...

Hope that sheds some light how to abuse them in AOS.

(Keep in mind Ardboyz are okay too with more atracks and extra 2" charge for drummer. I personally go Gordrakk, Warchanter, 2 Brute units, 1 unit of Ardboyz with drummer and banner for bravery with Ironfist formation. That's 60 points in scgt.)

Edited by AlexanderHemedinger
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