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Logging game plays and painting in AOS

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More ironjawz and some battle reports

Tuesday I did some painting of the maw crusha and brutes since I knew I'd be busy in a few days so I'd have to work on them during the week.  Tried the yellow over white primer, four coats in I really don't like the coverage of yriel yellow.  Wednesday small d1 (for my flgs) trials of ironjawz.  Well I thought the fyreslayers were hurt in wound based keyword restricted games, well ironjawz are almost unplayable.  Severely disappointed in that. Megaboss needs six units of ironjawz for his wa



Monday night maw crusher

I figure maybe a blog might help me to focus on projects ahead and complete them. Also logging plays.  Last night I finished assembling the maw crusher and primed the wings. I started painting the wings black and red. I had been really trying to figure out what color to paint and decided to stay with the red base body. Going to be a busy week/weekend but I'm going to try to see how fast I can get my Orruks that I bought painted. I got megaboss, mawcrusher, two boxes of brutes,  warchanter a



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