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Path to Glory Campaign



Me and my gaming group is preparing for a 'Path to Glory' campaign. We are not going to roll our Warbands, but will instead use the points from  matched play.

The first goal is to write a small introduction of the Warbands and to name the Hero.

We will be starting out with 300 points a build from there.

Warbands are gathering for the coming storm. The forces of Orders have secured the Seeds of  Hope, but the Chaos gods are never contend and never truly defeated. Lord Nurgle is  preparing for an onslaught of unknown proportions and bend on tainting the Realm of Life once for all.
War is upon the Mortal realms and champions must now muster there forces in an epic 'Path to Glory'


Daemons of Nurgle 

By Spiky Norman
...the dull, hollow ringing of the brass bell and accompanied with an incessant wet coughing was the sound of contagion, spreading slowly but inevitably like the rainstorms in the distance...





By Nixon

Esyae was patrolling the borders of the forest. It was her duty, as a Branchwych of the Silveroak Glade, to make sure that the newly sprung forest would not once again become tainted by Chaos.

The Radiant Wood had sprung to life and the spirit-song was growing once again. But a slow humming was starting to form and the soothing voices of the spirit-song was turning into something different. The Leader of  Clan Lothian was calling, Esyae was duty bound to answer, it was a song of war.

It was time once again to muster the Wargrove and purge the taint.




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Love the idea of this, imrunningsonething similar for my club. Only thing with 300 points is I know Ironjawz can't take a Megaboss and any battle line troops :)

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Well we are going to apply points per model, so if you were going to start out with Ironjaws , you could bring the Megaboss and some Ardboys at 18 points each. Im not even sure we will be using the army composition rules from GH?

I will go and ask @Spiky Norman, he is our rulez guy.

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5 hours ago, Nixon said:

Well we are going to apply points per model, so if you were going to start out with Ironjaws , you could bring the Megaboss and some Ardboys at 18 points each. Im not even sure we will be using the army composition rules from GH?

I will go and ask @Spiky Norman, he is our rulez guy.

Yea, we won't use the Matched Play requirements of having Battleline units.


Actually here is all of the supplementary rules we'll use - Although the number of points for draw/wins may be subject to change:

A Warband must consist of warscrolls from one(1) Grand Alliance.
Each Warband gets 300 points starting out.
Each Warband must compose of a minimum of 1 Hero and 3 Non-hero models, and a maximum of 1 Monster/Behemoth, Warmachine/Artillery and Hero per 300 points.
Named characters and Battallions are not used.
The leader of a Warband must be a Hero.
The leader can choose a (1) Command Trait. This trait is permanent, unless the Warband changes leader.
Each Warband have a (1) Battle Trait from the chosen Grand Alliance or a suitable Battletome.
Artefacts can be bought at 60 points, max. 1 artefact per Warband.
A Warband uses the Rewards table based on their Grand Alliance:
Grand Alliance: Destruction = Ironjaws
Grand Alliance: Death = Death
Grand Alliance: Chaos = Pick one from the Chaos tables
Grand Alliance: Order = Pick Stormcast, Seraphon or Fyreslayers

When buying new units, you can buy single models for their individual price. Example: You can buy 3 Skeleton Warriors for 3/10 of the price of the Warscroll, even if the Warscroll notes that the minimum unit is 10. Prices are rounded off to nearest whole point.
If the Warband have units with less models than the Warscroll minimum, you have to fill those up before you can buy new units of the same kind - That is no duplicate 'under-strenght' units at a time.
If a unit contain less than the Warscroll minimum, none of the models counts as unit champion, but can still be musicians, carry banners etc.

Each Warband that have less than 40+ points of the opponent(s), can roll once (1) on the Triumph table. The effect from the table last only for one battle.

After each battle each participating Warband gets 1d6 x10 points added to their Warband. If the battle was a draw participating Warbands can reroll their 1d6 once. If a Warband got a Minor Victory they get to roll 2d6 and pick the highest, and a Major Victory awards 2d6+3 and pick the highest.
A Warband can choose to pay 60 points to roll once (1) on a (1) Rewards table.
A Warband can save up points to a maximum of 300 points.
If a leader of a Warband died in battle, you can nominate a new leader (Must be Hero). It can be the same as before, or a new Hero. If a new Hero is chosen as leader, the leader can pick a new Command Trait.

Each Warband must win the Battleplan: The Monolith with a Major Victory to win the campaign.
Opponents agree with their opponents on what battleplan to play. If they cannot agree, roll 1d6 and the highest pick the Battleplan, the lowest roll get to pick sides.
If a Warband is 1 Glory point from winning the campaign, and have not yet won a Major Victory in the Battleplan: The Monolith, then the Battleplan is automatically 'The Monolith'.

Edited by Spiky Norman
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The Free People


By Grønlykke

”They will hunts us down and hang us for treason... but not if we find it... Then we will be heroes and more important... we will have a fighting chance!" The bald priest whispered to the two other men around the table.
Dieter looked at his two old friends for a moment and drank from his beer. "Let's do it! I am only a Captain of the City Guard, but I know that Maas Saxen and Leopold Plecken will follow me... so that is 10 handgunners and 10 guards."
Franz Braunsweiger emptied his beer and called for another round." Very well, you know I am in as long as it involves driving Gisela.. happy days ahead!”
Udo frowned ”It will not be happy days!! It will be noticed that we... and especially that dammed tank of yours is missing... and people will not be happy..." Franz was about to said something about his beloved steam tank, but new beers where brought to their table and they all went silent. Dieter still smiled and then said "What a group we are; A fighter, a priest, and a crazy steam tank commandor set for saving the world...”
They clanked their tankards together and drank before Dieter continued ”I will steal the war banner to night and by dawn I will walk out of the citygate with Mass and Leopold and their men and then you will follow when you can... it is settled then... lets change this bloody war!"

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The Traveler

By Spiky Norman

In the wake of the The Traveller, the very fabric of reality stretched twisted and tore, and horror followed with it. 
In his path sickness and death follows as a trail of withering decay across the lands towards his unknown destination.

...As the child kept on a feverish ramble about the man having his eyes and mouth sewn shut, the worried parents grew more and more desperate as they themselves started to burn up...


Edited by Nixon
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1 thing I'm considering for modified Path to Glory is using artifacts as special scenario rewards. For example, my campaign will be map-based, with one location being a grave yard. The victor of the first battle there can have their Champion hero enter the Necromancer's Mausoleum, and if he can fight his way past X Zombies/Skeletons/Spirit Hosts, then he can raid the necromancer's coffin to claim a random Death artifact. Said artifact can then be kept (and claimed by an enemy hero should yours be slain) or offered to your patron god in exchange for a roll on your artifact or hero reward table.

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This sounds so cool, thanks for sharing.  I am going to try and get something like this set up at my store.

Also, love this picture:


Edited by JokerLord
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Bow and blade

By Roar
Part 1

In an unknown century of the Age of Chaos, Melarchos lived as the son of the village chief in a small settlement in the Nulahmian Kingdom in Shyish. The village didn't have much, but they survived and knew to lock  them self up when the pale mistresses passed through on moonless nights. 

Melarchos grew up no stranger to hardship; when his father was killed and his elder sister taken by the creatures of the night when he was fourteen, he didn't weep, but helped his mother with the farm. When the draught killed their crops, he foraged into the dark woods with sword and bow to keep his family alive. 

Two years later, the council of elders voted him the new village chieftain.

His rule was harsh and in most other realm he would have been called cruel, but his stern laws made seed safe in the granary and his skills with bow and blade kept predators from the livestock.

It was not to last.....


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19 hours ago, KhaosZand3r said:

1 thing I'm considering for modified Path to Glory is using artifacts as special scenario rewards. For example, my campaign will be map-based, with one location being a grave yard. The victor of the first battle there can have their Champion hero enter the Necromancer's Mausoleum, and if he can fight his way past X Zombies/Skeletons/Spirit Hosts, then he can raid the necromancer's coffin to claim a random Death artifact. Said artifact can then be kept (and claimed by an enemy hero should yours be slain) or offered to your patron god in exchange for a roll on your artifact or hero reward table.

That's some pretty good ideas. Thanks for sharing!

I think our group should consider maybe using some of that too, at least the rule about being able to loot artefacts off of the leaders of the other warbands. That should like it could be fun :-)

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I have already added an Artifact to the background story of my warband. Come back tomorrow and check it out.

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The gathering of root and twig

A strange noise suddenly interrupted the spirit-song, It was like a distant ringing bell. Esyae had never heard this sound before, but she felt the taint, it was not natural.

As she made her way across the woods, the spirit-song waned, until she only heard a faint whisper, it was the song of a young Ancient known as Phaendar, he was calling for help.

Esyae almost panicked as she felt cut off from the soothing songs of her kin.

“You must secure the moonstone of Hidden Ways, and free me” She heard Phaendar almost whisper.

Esyae called out to root and twig, she shrieked out in rage and despair, her song was violent and beautiful at the same time. At first the woods around her fell silent, but then she heard it, she was not alone the living woods had answered her call, the Tree-Revenants and Forest Folk were coming to her aid.


The Warband (300 points)

Esyae, Branchwych of Silveroak Glade (120)

Tree-Revenants: Lead by Fenriel Scion of Silveroak Glade (100)

Dryads (6 x 12 = 72)

Total: 292


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Thanks @JokerLord.

We are getting together every second Thursday. The plan is to paint and develop our story and eventually play through the campaign.

Here is an overview of what the table looked like this particular Thursday.




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No offense, but I will never understand the preference to assemble before painting. Haha just seems inconvenient for reaching the tight spaces.

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No offence, but I like painting miniatures, not parts. And sometimes I can be difficult to assemble the painted parts without damaging the paint-job.

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I play similar rules in my path to glory:

Warbands start at 500 

The leader has a special artifact called divine shard who give 3 extra wounds to evry unit( not to evry single model. The whole unit, like a mystical shield who cover 3 wounds). So the game  last a little extra  time.

The First winning game give an artifact choose to the player 

In some battleplan i made special home rules to use common enemy with AI, their defeat give extra point . And other special focus give extra point.


We play in 2, 3 or 4


Its very funny and easy ,because only with a few models battle Can be boring if you are an expert player


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Sounds fun with the Co-Op mode against AI (if I understand you correctly).

I have been toying a similar idea ever since I played Zombicide, and maybe using the AI and "noise mechanic" from that game to control NPC enemies in a game like Mordheim, or maybe in a game of Path to Glory. It would be ideal when used with Skaven I think, which could simulate games like Vermintide very well :-)

I'd like to hear your ideas for controlling AI too.

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By @Spiky Norman

...In the footsteps the grass withered and browned in moments, the vines recoiled and the flowers on the forest floor turned to black and shrivelled up, while the woodland wildlife fled in haste. The lingering decay spread from the initial footprints to expand further into the undergrowth of the forest. Worms dug out of the ground, and started to burrow into the rodents that did not escape in time...



Herald of Nurgle_b.png

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Bow and Blade

Part 2

by Roar

The first signs of the slaaneshi invasions was the return of the living corpse of Melarchos' sister. They found her the the barn, feasting on the blood of a pig and covered in dirt. As Melarchos stepped closer with a sharpened stake in his hands, her crazed eyes met his without any sign of recognition. Her voice was coarse: "Run and hide, manling, the lord of pain is approaching". Then Melarchos ran her through.

Early in the morning, he heard the baying of otherworldly hounds in the wind. The chill that ran up his spine told him that this was the end of his world. In that moment he knew that he was to follow a wild and painful path, one that only the strongest of his men could take with him.



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The first encounter

By Grønlykke

The snow fell heavy. Dieter von Steinhof looked at the big shadow standing at the top of the small hill with a frown. There was no doubt that this was the place and a part of the great puzzle that could change the war… But the big shadow worried Dieter more than he liked to admit. 


He called out for the leader of his small group of handgunners: “Maas! … Take a shot.” The old bearded man nodded and aimed carefully with his long rifle. The shot rang high in the peaceful snow and the big shadow roared out when hit… but did not fall. On the contrary, it went into a rage and ran at some unseen target. 

Dieter ordered his men to walk slow but steady towards the small hill and the monstrous beast. But suddenly out of nowhere some strange beings half-trees half-demons attacked from behind. Mass Saxen and his handgunners made Dieter proud as they fired into the charging tree-demons taking two them out… But then big scythes ran though their rangs. Oglaf and Uli screamed as limps were ripped from bodies - their mothers will cry for ever more. Leopold Plecken ordered the city guard to turn around and charge the last of the evil and vicious monsters… and so they did as they sang "...AS THE GREEN AND WHITE MAIDEN WAS SLAYING THE FOUL....” and killed without mercy.

The big beast heard their glorious song and turned towards them… But the battle was over. With his blazing smile Dieter ordered his men to hold the line and fire. Bullets ran through the big shadow in the snow and made the beast fall to one knee… but it got up again and would not die. Dieter could not see what happened in the heavy snow, but it sounded like the big monster was battling some other beasts, maybe more tree-demons. 
Again Dieter called out Mass Saxen. “Finish this…” … and he did.


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