tidying up.
Well, after my declaration of what I had to get on with in my last entry, I decided I needed a centre piece for the stormcast and rather than going for that derpy faced tauralon, I opted for a stardrake. The rider is magnetised at the torso so I can use both options.
I was going to start on some space marine bases this morning but when I went to my loft, which is my boarded out hobby cave, to get some filler that i'm sure I had, I couldnt find any..... maybe it was because it was abit of a mess. I tend to neglect the loft as I only use it for airbrushing and messy stuff like scratch building terrain, and of course storage. I do all of my painting at the kitchen table.
Time for a tidy and sorting session!!!
I took some pics of stuff that ive had for ages that I fancied showing off.
Some really old white dwarfs I had, mostly from the late 1980's and early 90's.
And the first RPG I played whn I was a kid!!
The New Thalenore Astros, League Champions in their first season.
More Blood Bowl Teams including WIP.
One of my Imperial Knights and Big Dadday Nagash.
So, 4 hours, numerous empty boxes and 4 black sacks of junk and rubbish later, The loft was once again back in a usable state.
All in all not a bad days work, now where was I? Oh yeah, space marine bases........
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