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About this blog

This is my current hobby journey, I am embarking on the much talked about Beastclaw Raiders Start Collecting Army. I may well end up adding other projects to the blog as time goes on.

Entries in this blog

The Beastclaw are finished.

Well, the beastclaw are done. Overall I really enjoyed painting this army to 2000 points, there is a ton more detail on these than I first thought, Still have 10 mournfang to do but thats a problem for future me. I have started my backlog of terrain for both AOS and 40K. I hope you enjoy.  




So, I have finally finished the stardrake, taken since 8th january and its been done along side the beastclaw raiders, some terrain and more dark angels for my 40k army. Im pretty happy with how its finished, except for the purple armour plates, not sure if im happy as I think they look a bit dust from the drybrusing. I will see how I feel in a few days, I may end up redoing them. Its all had a coat of Vallejo matt varnish and the metals and armour plates have been ard coated to match the rest o



tidying up.

Well, after my declaration of what I had to get on with in my last entry, I decided I needed a centre piece for the stormcast and rather than going for that derpy faced tauralon, I opted for a stardrake. The rider is magnetised at the torso so I can use both options. I was going to start on some space marine bases this morning but when I went to my loft, which is my boarded out hobby cave, to get some filler that i'm sure I had, I couldnt fin



Hobby progress... or a realisation ?

So I have made abit more progress on the beastclaws, but I have been a hobby butterfly due to getting a set of the Series D brushes for christmas and, they are fantastic for drybrushing. I thought I was making a good dent in my models to paint list including some terrain, a stompa for my 40k orcs. The one thing I forgot about was my last 2, maybe 3 months worth of the mortal realms subscription.  Anyway, hope you enjoy some pictures of my progress or lack there of...... My Jacob B



Back to bases, mistakes were made

well, its not been to productive of late, but more progress has been made on the as of yet un-named Beastclaw raiders warband, and mistakes were made...... So, I went to get the bases from the cupboard as I wanted to get them done so I could start attaching the stonehorns as they are a pain in the butt due to them being front heavy.  Upon placing them on the table I noticed a bit of an issue with the filler I used.   All apart from 2 bases had large cracks and gaps in them, I



Horns and fur

So, been a couple of weeks and quite a bit of progress on the stonehorns.  I have pictured the paints used in the photos, the leathers have been done with Zandri dust, Skrag brown, Mournfang brown, Baneblade brown, Dryad bark and Steel legion drab, washed with agrax and layered back up,the browns still need an edge highlight. Quite happy with the results. The Hoofs and bone trophy racks are a traditional method of zandri dust, agrax, ushabti bone, and still need to a layer of screaming skull and



Onwards and Upwards

So, been a busy week with hobby progress, got quite a bit done, nothing completed but progress made. Hope you all enjoy. First off, my other two boxes arrived from just play games, I would highly recommend them for purchases, Great prices, fast delivery and fantastic communication. Couldnt resist the chance to take a full army picture. After it was all built and sprayed black. Bases Sprayed and ready for paint The rocks were painted using mechanicum standard grey, an



The first steps

So, A few months ago I was listening to the Just play podcast when Ian was talking about his heat 1 mawtribes army, and the idea of a small model count army appealed to me. I currently have a Legions of Nagash army which includes Nagash and 80 skeletons, A stormcast army including many wings, Nighthaunt and my pride and joy, the Kharadron Overlords. So fast forward a few months and I decided to bite the bullet, I got 1 start collecting box from a friend when he had only used a couple of the garg



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