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Up through the clouds the ironclad soars!



And whilst my madness is still in full bloom the labour of love that gave it it's method is nearing completion. And it's really coming together!


My only issue is it's had to be more angled than I'd like to fit within the height bounds of the 'realmgate' but with the clouds it looks like it's rising up magnificently out of them! And I'm quite proud :)


I'm pretty proud I've managed to achieve this :) just gotta trim the clouds for the base and then finally add on my energy arcs from the gate itself to give it the proper appearance of having just materialised into the realm, bursting forth from the massive gateway to soar through the clouds before dropping down onto the foe to rain aether death upon them!!


Ahem... Anyway here's a WIP of the energyIMG_20190212_232037.jpg.0134354660a1efa14ad67a3f326c6ba9.jpg

Using the creeping vines kit with the leaves cut off for them. Will possibly need to cut them down a bit further but should look good :)

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Recommended Comments

I'm loving how this project is coming together! The idea of a bunch of sky pirates just ominously coming from the fog/clouds is a great concept to work off of. Makes me wish I had the time and money to take some of my crazy army ideas and run!

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5 hours ago, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

I'm loving how this project is coming together! The idea of a bunch of sky pirates just ominously coming from the fog/clouds is a great concept to work off of. Makes me wish I had the time and money to take some of my crazy army ideas and run!

Thanks! This army is my first biiiiig army conversion project. And to tell the truth is a very slow burn project due to the costs and time it takes to do the conversions. Probably had it as a project for nearly half a year now and only just almost at a playable 2k list built.


It's worth it for me though, i love converting so having a full army project I can mess around with has been nice. Thankfully I've kept costs down due to having a rather large bits box nowadays so only needed to buy kharadron stuff mostly.

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12 hours ago, Lightbox said:

It's worth it for me though, i love converting so having a full army project I can mess around with has been nice. Thankfully I've kept costs down due to having a rather large bits box nowadays so only needed to buy kharadron stuff mostly.

Yeah my bits box is starting to fill as well, shame none of my armies have any shared designs, but at least all the spare skulls from LoN can go with any army. A friend of mine started an SCE army because she fell in love with one of the stormhosts colour scheme and wanted to do a dark angel themed army with the vanguard chamber stuff. Fortunately for her, her bf was interested in playing SCE as well until deepkin stole his heart (and soul)

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