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GUO Basecoat complete!



I completed the basecoat on the great unclean one with three colours- a light green called Dead Flesh, a dark green called.......Dark Green, and a bright pink/red for the wounds. pic.jpg.8d911ab27eb6d7d9dee486002e2848e8.jpg


It looks very airbrushed right now, which is not a look I like, but hopefully some washes and detailing with a brush will help!

I found consistency with this airbrush to be pretty difficult. I'll be painting with perfect coverage, nice smooth gradients of colour, and then a minute later it's all spotty! I've found putting some thinner into the pot first and then the paint, mixing it up and spraying through a bit seems to help with coverage. I was also painting at around 15psi which seems to have been too weak, so I'm now using 25psi.


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