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Fun and adventures corrupting in the Realm of Life, by a rat with questionable morals...

Entries in this blog

Call To Arms, Wellington, NZ - My first Tournament as a TO

I ran my first ever tournament this last weekend gone. Here's a bunch of pics of all the scenery I built, and the event I organised out in NZ in Welly. Probably sunk about 1000hrs or so of my time into it over the last 3 or 4 months . I had a little bit of help from Nathan Smith the manager of GW Wellington, but I did most of it myself. I started the scenery build in the Uk and shipped it over to Welly and finished it off. You can hear me talking about it on Bad Dice Daily here : http://bad

James McPherson

James McPherson

Founded a sweet games club , The Miramar Freebooters!

I've been living in Wellington NZ on and off for a while now and have been thinking about starting up an independent gaming club for a while, and decided to finally get it going recently. We play tabletop wargames, boardgames and RPG's and are 100% free and all inclusive. I co-founded it and run it with my friend Tim who is helping to keep it going while I'm back in the UK on a break. The venue we use is a beautiful local art deco cinema down the road from the film studios where they m

James McPherson

James McPherson

2017 NZ Tournaments Roundup, Jan, Feb

2017 Kicked off with Valleycon in the greater Wellington area, a large mixed system gaming convention with everything from Historical, FOW, Bolt Action through to Infinity Wars, Warmachine, LOTR, and of course AOS. Wellington is split into two wargaming clubs, one with a more historical focus and one with a more modern/younger patronship. Valleycon is the large annual event for the former. There were around 120 players there which is the largest it's ever been I think. AOS was well represen

James McPherson

James McPherson

Happy New Year Everyone!

Happy New Year to everyone on TGA, anyone at Rygas Roughnecks in Exeter, Exmouth Imperial Wargames Club, anyone I met up at at WHW, and to all the Kiwi's out here in Aotearoa.  It's been an interesting year for me after a 20 year break from GW and the hobby, and I'm stoked to rekindle my love for Warhammer Fantasy and gaming! Here's an overall group WIP shot of what I got done in '16 Games wise here's a look back at how I did with my pure allegiance Pestilens army as I learne

James McPherson

James McPherson

It's a wrap!

Work has ramped up now and things are getting busy at Weta so I am finding myself with less time on my hands over the coming months. I went to the final tournament of the year this weekend, but  I injured my arm in the run up to it so I only got to play a couple games before withdrawing which was disappointing. I felt like all the elements have been against me a bit recently so have decided to call time on gaming with my Pestilens army for now, and maybe hope to get the odd casual game in on a S

James McPherson

James McPherson

Inepticon '16

Hot on the heels on Guardcon was Inepticon, a narrative event run by the excellent Nicholas Jebson of the Kapiti Wargamers club. This was a whole weekend event, with the Saturday games @1k and the Sunday games @2k. We had 8 on Saturday and 6 on Sunday, and played at a local college. I made both days, Saturday taking a fluffier list to the 1k games and Sunday playing a more competitive one. I wont best painted both days and also won the 2k tournament on the Sunday with 2 majors and a mi

James McPherson

James McPherson

PestileNZ - Rats in Middle Earth!

Well I made it out to NZ. The blue case and the KR were both full of minis, paints and modelling stuff when I left Exeter bus stn last week! I've started back at work already so don't have much time to update this, but wanted to post the pics and will update when I get free time. First tournament was Guardcon at the Auckland City Guard club in Remeura Auckland, It was on the day after I arrived and I almost missed it because my visa came late. Placed 2nd and won best painted army which was prett

James McPherson

James McPherson

Warlords, Pestilens, NZ, Bring the Foulrain!

So I spent the last few weeks hobby time mostly painting & getting ready for Warlords. I had a lot of deliberation over what list to take, I have about 2.5k of Pestilens and can make any of the existing formations, but haven't playtested all of them yet. I mostly played up to now with 2 Plagueclaws in previous games , but I wanted to use the Foulrain this time and that meant I had less real estate to play with points wise as it's 700 points, so I found it hard to shoehorn in the rest of

James McPherson

James McPherson

Exmouth Imperial Wargamers club night 18/08/16

I faced off against the excellent Paul Brooksbank's mixed Order faction of Seraphon and Wood Elves in a 1000 pt game of Take & Hold at my local gaming club this is what he had 1 Saurus Old Blood on Carnosaur 20 glade guard 10 Saurus Warriors 8 Glade Riders 5 Saurus Cav And I made a slight tweak to my Seeds of Hope 1000pt force by downgrading Skrolk to a regular Priest and taking 10 less Plague Monks and replacing them with a Plagueclaw. 1 Corruptor

James McPherson

James McPherson

Seeds of Hope, Climactic end to the Season of War Summer Campaign at WHWorld!

Seeds of Hope The aptly named Seeds of Hope took place on the Sunday after the AOS Open Day at WHW. 3 Games, each themed around each of the 3 cities on the S.o.W campaign map. 3 Places of Power (The Living City), Gift From the Heavens (Greywater Fastness) & Take and Hold (Phoenicium) 1000pts, 1.5 hrs a game, each game contributed somehow to the results of the Season of War campaign directly via campaign points, so whether it was via a favorite game vote or a major/minor v

James McPherson

James McPherson

AOS Open Day at WHW World

AOS Open Day So I fixed myself up with a hire car and made the trek up from Devon to Nottingham for the first time ever last weekend to attend the AOS Open Day and Seeds of Hope, the climactic finale to the Summer Campaign at WHW. I wasn't sure what to expect as the last big GW event I went to was Games Day '94 at the NIC in Birmingham which was just nuts in terms of size and scale with a crowd in attendance roughly similar to the size of a small Premier league game, imagine thousands of p

James McPherson

James McPherson

Early days, a summer of firsts

Age of Sigmar brought me back into the fold after a long exodus from the hobby.  Last time I was this involved with anything was the early 90's and I was about 11 or 12. Because of this I had to build everything up from scratch as I had no models or paints or anything, so I've been slowly getting set up since the AoS release over the last year while learning the rules and watching AoS bat reps on youtube (MWG and GMG and tabletop mini's mostly) and following youtube chat shows such as

James McPherson

James McPherson

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