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Mini Army Shot

So the horde is gathering nicely, and I thought I'd post a mini-army shot of the models I've finished so far. I'm now over halfway towards having a completed 1000 pt Vyrkos dynasty force to start playing some games with. This is the list I'm working towards as my first milestone: - Radukar the Beast - Belladamma Volga - 2 units of 10 dire wolves (+1 extra unit summoned by Radukar's command ability) - 5 Blood Knights This comes to 980 pts total. Of this, I now have 2


Zlatan in Painting

Mother has arrived!

What self-respecting force of bloodsucking wolfkin is complete without a wizened old dame riding a spurned ex-lover to lead them? I generally hate painting fur (Nagash knows why I chose a wolfy faction for my army), so last knight I sat down with the intention of forcing myself to get the wolves on this model started. 7-8 hours later I found that I'd basically finished the model. It's such a good sculpt full of nice hidden details and I literally couldn't put my brush down. Like Radikar, I


Zlatan in Painting

Blood Knights Tester Model

I've finished the first tester model for my blood knights scheme. I went for a similar overall scheme to the studio army but with purple barding. I'm still not 100% sold on it so I'd be really grateful to hear some feedback before I commit and paint the other 4. I may go for a very dark red/brown colour for the barding instead.  


Zlatan in Painting

The Pack Gathers

The first battleline unit for my new force is now complete; a unit of 10 dire wolves. These little critters were a really quick paint, which is a relief as I have to do 30 of 'em for my 1000 pt starter force.   To keep things simple, I followed the suggested recipe from the battletome painting section, with a couple of tweaks: Fur: Chaos Black undercoat, drybrushed with Skavenblight dinge and Stormvermin fur. A final very light drybrush n the manes and tails with Celestra Gre


Zlatan in Painting

Radukar Rises!

I haven't done much hobby for a while now but the new(ish) sculpts for the Soulblight Gravelords have stoked my bloodpaintlust and encouraged me to brush the cobwebs from my hobby cupboard and give them a go. I've decided to document my progress with my new army project, so here's the first entry of what I hope will be a regularly updated painting and gaming log. As with any of my army projects, I've started with the model that's provided the muse for the whole undertaking; in this case Rad


Zlatan in Painting

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