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My general hobby blog, more of a diary I guess.

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Back to Base-ics!!

Finally all the bits and pieces arrived in order for me to be able to make the base, pictured right, for my dragon ogre shaggoth! Every time I sit down to build/hobby/paint I push myself to try something new and to surpass all my previous work (this is a serious curse sometimes). So looking at the bases I made for my brayheard, pictured left which I made a blog post on previously, I decided the main thing I wasn't 100% happy with was the way things felt like they were stuck on top (probably due



Weighing in on scales! #WiP Wendnesday part 2! C&C appreciated

So unfortunately I can only give a small update on my progress because I only managed an hour or so total hobby time this week (trying to work out a colour scheme + baby + working lots = sad hobby time). After much deliberating I decided the scales would be purple as I thought this would be both complimentary and contrasting to the sickly skin, as always the pictures are not 100% true to reality because phone cameras just never are. I am really happy with how the wrist scales really brin



#WiP Wendnesday! I need C&C! NMM and othe new techniques!

So after a fruitless couple of weeks I finally decided to take a step back from my beastmen, this is primarily because I just for the life of me could not get a colour scheme I was even slightly proud of. So what better to do when you are at an impasse? Tackle a brand new challenge of course! In particular the glorious shaggoth model I have had sat in a draw since my birthday back in November. I decided that a lot of the problems with my beastmen was they are small and fiddly and I was almost bo



Started from the bottom.. aka bases!

After many hours of experimenting, failing, cursing and praying to the chaos gods I finally made 11 whole bases! I know right?! amazing so here they are! I am so please with how these came out, personally I think bases are far more important to the story of a miniature than colour scheme. I really liked the idea for my brayheard that they lived in a vast dark forest, seemingly never ending, but the happened to stumble upon a long forgotten and decaying ruined temple to the pantheon of cha



It's all about the little things... aka ungors

Unfortunately I am still waiting on the delivery of my textured rolling pins so I can get on with basing, so as I didn't want to entirely waste my day off I decided to put together 10 of my ungor raiders and I have to say this kit was pleasantly surprising. Now these model, especially by AoS standards, are tiny. But I was glad to find that they were full of character. The hunched bodies and disgruntled faces are really lovely and honestly I wasn't expecting it at all. When I bought my battalion



Back on the horse!... err goat? goatmen?

So after a few months away from hobbying I have finally got the motivation and time to jump back into my Brayheard project! I have always loved the beastmen but the old Warhammer fantasy battle was always far too daunting for me, now with AoS I decided it was finally time to show my love to the true chaos army. I managed to pick up a battalion box at a random toy store for 20% off after GW discontinued the box and a few other boxes too. Currently I have built 10 gors, 10 bestigors and a bray sha



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