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About this blog

Thought of maybe keeping track of my AoS games and hobbying. Maybe'll become a regular thing. Then I'll add more to the description. 

Entries in this blog

Glimpse the Future - Tourney Tactics

What the Fortune Cookies Shown Me.... UPDATE: I didn't mange to attend since life got in the way. So there will be no followup battle report. … I'm going to get my **** kicked so hard. The list that was submitted: Allegiance: TzeentchMortal Realm: ChamonLeadersLord Of Change (380)- General- Trait: Incorporeal Form - Artefact: Argent Armour - Lore of Change: Tzeentch's FirestormTzaangor Shaman (180)- Lore of Fate: Glimpse the FutureBattleline10 x Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch (200)- Lor



Disciples of Tzeentch Army Plans

There is a Plan for all of Us Army Milestones and Goals: Fun and Awesome Army to play with and against Win local painting award Fully painted and Playable at 1,000 Points  Fully painted and Playable at 2,000 Points 80% Painted of models by 2019 Tzeentch has always been my second favourite chaos god. First being slaneesh but I am waiting for new (sexy) models. I already have most of the models bought for the previous edition (A0S 1.0) and now updating i



Painting Contract - July 2018

The Painting Contract For July 2018, I commit myself to Painting to tabletop quality:  20 Pink Horrors 1 Magister 10 Tzaangors Signed, Qaz The offending models: Current AoS painting backlog: Hipefully betwwen this,  the 40k backlog and commission work … the log actually gets shorter.  Tzeentch (current interest): 20 Tzaangors 1 Magister (bought June '18) 6 Skyfires 3 Flamers Burning Chariot 6 Screamers 



Alright, how do you even ....

Hi,  My full name is … not-important but I'm known as Q to my friends. No known relations to James Bond's Q but I wished I was related. A collector of the plastic crack since I was 11 in 2002. Only started painting them in the last 5 years or so, and playing in last 2 years (AOS ghb2016 and 8th Edition 40k). The intent of this blog is to keep track of my games so that I may improve my general-ship and tactics and get my army painted. There may rants in between, narratives and battle reports



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