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A creative writing project about the lore of a self-made sky-port for my collection of Kharadron Overlords.

Entries in this blog

Elgi-bar: specialist weapon team

The special weapons that the grund grundcorps are famous for costs a heafty price. Even due previous successfull jobs by the Rereksfjiord  company, they can only afford to equip a small force with mortars,  decksweepers and cannons, and as by the skyports tradition wearing ancient chain mail and shoulder pads for protection. 



Elgi-Bar: Grundcorps

When the Nighthaunt legions rises from the graves to wage thier war of souls, the need of protection has risen as well. And where there's need the Kharadron overlords are fast to meet that demand, taking advantage of even these troubled times.  To complement the arkanaut companies of Rereksfjiord, gunnery sergant  Askgrem Boltbinder and his unit of thunderers has been hired together with a gunhauler.   



Elgi-Bar: The wardens and the alchemist

In a time where dark omens speaks of terrible fates and the dead rises to heed the call of the great Necromancer, one can not be too careful. Sky-custodian Harkin Demriksson has returned to his home port of Elgi-Bar, after a long employment  for Barak-Urbaz sky-fleets. With the rest of his sky-wardens they act as one more defence to Elgi-Bars sky-fleets flagship Karak-Dahendra.  But valour and steel alone can't ward off the destructive forces of magic. Branching out thier businiess, the Rer



Elgi-Bar: Ghudáron Bronzekeeper

As with most equipment on Elgi-Bar, it is from a time before the age of chaos, and nowhere is it more apparent than amongst this sky-ports aether-khemists.  Being built from modified horn recorders and traditional mining equipment it stands out compared to the more refiended tools from Barak-Urbaz. The upside of this is however that the older versions of the God's lung relies on more mechanical techonlogy which make it easier to maintain and repair.  The betolded Rereksfjiord company, which tak



Elgi-Bar: Second company of Rereksfjiord

While the veteran first company of the Rereksfjiord proudly bears thier ancient arkanaut armour, the second has embraced the newer uniforms and equipment commonly seen by the greater sky-ports arkanaut companies. While working for the same employer, the arkanauts of the Rereksfjiord company competes fiercly to outdo each other on missions. This is by the orders of thier captains, Toddrich of the first company and his younger brother Borvick of the second, whom are both sons to thier companys own



Karaz dahendra - arkanaut ironclad

"The proud flag ship "karaz dahendra" of Elgi-bar's skyfleet takes to the skies! Crewed by the different uniformed arkanauts of the Rereksfjiord company, it is currently under the daredevil captain Agrün Svinvirrsson whom is eager to prove himself as the most cunning sky vessel operator. This ambition comes from his first muster press,  where rival arkanauts from barak-zilfin boasted that no other sky port could never produce a captain better than thiers." This is the biggest model I've eve



Elgi-Bar´s code

Just like the major sky ports, the leaders of Elgi-Bar also interpret the Kharadron Code to reflect thier own way of warfare and trade.  When batteling with an army from Elgi-Bar, they follow the Code in the following ways:  Artycle Defend your territory - Your units doesn´t need to make any battleshock tests while being in thier own territory. Amendment Trust to your guns - Your units add 1 to thier Bravery as long as there are no enemy units within 3" of them Foot



Generous Ironclad

Stirbiorn Mithrilcog is like many other Kharadron Overlords from Elgi-Bar poorer than his peers. Even thought having a long term employment as navigator and cartographer in the Rereksfjord´s company, he still saves his wealth to afford one of Barak-Nar´s high preforming nav-suits.  Until then Stirbiorn gladly contributes his skills in mapping the skies over Ghur and find out the fastest route for the trade between outposts for the company.  During expeditions Stirbiorn  have to do with his wel



Elgi-Bar: Close up on the first company.

"Wearing traditional arkanaut armour, the first company of Rereksfjiord are all proud and daring inviduals ready for anything the mortal realm can throw at them".  The six "ordinary" araknauts where all made from parts from the dwarf warriors and thunderers kit, where the red haired caption Todrich carries a special built volley gun made by glueing the small two-barreled pistol to the underside of the right handed one.  The 3 arkanauts carrying the special weapons where a blast to buil



Elgi-Bar: First company of Rereksfjiord

The first unit from the arkanaut company of Rereksfjiord, with thier red headed captain Todrich Rereksfjiord at the lead. These models were made from various bitz, mainly from the dwarf warriors and thunderers kits.   



Elgi-Bar: The account of Skyrock´s rescue of Elgroz

Admiral Skyrock had bearly returned from the siege of Barak-Nar, when she received the news of Elgroz´s failing health and no medical treatment of the Overlords seemed to work. Without even stopping to restock her fleet, she quickly gave the order to set course to Lake Rurbedas where a Realmgate to Ghyran could be found on the lake´s bottom. Once in the Realm of Life, Skyrock hoped she would find a solution to Elgroz illness.   Ignoring the safe route to Rurbedas, a journey normally taking



Elgi-Bar: Yllrud Skyrock – Admiral of the Rerekfjiord company

Somewhat of a celebrity in Elgi-Bar, Admiral Yllrud Skyrock is an obstinate commander of the crews under her command. A veteran from Brokk Grungsson´s counterattack on the siege of Barak-Nar and saviour of Elgroz´s life, she has earned her place as Lord-commander of Elgi-Bar´s sky-fleet. Her most striking trait is however her known dislike to seeing bare flesh. She is considered uncommonly prude among a folk rumoured being savages. This is normally not a problem since most Kharadron Overlo



Elgi-Bar: The great grudge

While becoming more modern since regaining contact with rest of the Kharadron society and agreeing to the terms to the Code, there is still one grudge every duardin of Elgi-Bar still carries within them. Even though millennia have passed since the age of Chaos began and now recently the stormhost from Azyr have start driven the ruinous powers from the Mortal realms, the Overlords of Elgi-Bar have not forgiven the god king Sigmar for abandoning their ancestors, taking their creator god Grungni wi



Elgi-Bar: Master hunters and wild traders

Characterized by the wildlife of Ghur, the Kharadron Overlords of Elgi-Bar are considered poorer and not as civilized as the other major sky-ports and is somewhat looked down upon. It is true some members of the arkanaut companies of Elgi-Bar still uses the same armour their ancestors bore the days when they left their mountain holds, and the city´s technology is not as advanced as others (many foreign admirals often comment this to the fact that the inhabitants of Elgi-Bar still haven´t been ab



Elgi-Bar: The founding

It was under the great exodus during the age of Chaos, where the ancestors to today’s Kharadron Overlords fled to the skies, a castaway fleet of frigates in search of a sanctum came across the giant Elgroz. Filled with the well coveted substance “Aether-gold” the refugees first tried to extract it from this sky leviathan, but at the time their tools where not suited to even pierce the transparent skin of Elgroz. Fearing to lose it (and it´s valuable gas) the fleeing duardins decided to settle up



Elgi-Bar: Summary

The sky fortress Elgi-Bar in the wild beast realm of Ghur is a peculiar one for the society of the sky faring Kharadron Overlords. In contrast to the fully mechanical city-ports commonly populated by their kin, this metropole is built upon a humongous gas filled jellyfish, named “Elgroz” which in the local tongue translates to “soft skinned giant”, which drifts with the sky torrents.



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