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A series of posts about the lore of my own creation, the whisperwhile forest

Entries in this blog

Fort Ironfist

The fort stood on a spire of grey, weathered rock. It was made from huge slabs of black marble, and the walls were covered in arrow-slits. The main keep stood high above the surrounding forest like a gargant in a desert. Next to the keep was a smaller tower, and, lower still was a mighty wall. A golden door was sat firmly into the black marble, and stone steps were carved out of the rocky spire underneath.  Huge thunderclouds were hanging above the fort, as dark as the black marble walls. F



Getting up to date

Hello. Inspired by AOS28  I have recently invented a setting in the realm of life. Deep in the realm of Ghyran lies the Whisperwhile forest. Withered oaks and sickly ash trees encircle the Bitterbile lakes, whilst the rest of the forest is covered with lush green flora. Trees bigger than watchtowers and deadly plants as far as the eye can see, added with the warm climate and pockets of realmstone make this the ideal place for many strange animals and beasts to roam. Deep in the forest lies



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