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Battlereports, painting progress and tactics. 

Entries in this blog

Game 3: Anders (Stormcasts)

Scenario: Blood and glory (claiming a major victory rendered 15-5 in tournament points but the mission had been altered so that it was enough to control 3 of the four objectives to win a major victory). The tournament score was then modified -/+ 5 due to the difference in point cost for killed units. The end score could be anything between 20-0 and 0-20 in tournament points.    Anders army: Anders is a nice guy that I've encountered before in a smaller tournament. His 2000p army co



Game 2: Solaris (playing mostly Tomb Kings)

Scenario: Border war. Major victory gave 15-5 in tournament points. That number was then adjusted +-5p according to the difference in killpoints for eliminated warscrolls for a final score between 20-0 and 0-20.   Solaris´ army consisted of: Settra, Tomb king on foot, Hierophant, Tomb prince on Warsphinx, 2x5 Skeleton horsemen, 2x1 Tomb Scorpions, 3 Necropolitan Knights, 40 skeletons and 6 Spirit Hosts. My army is presented in the first blog post of this blog.



Battlereport game 1: Jonas (Free People)

The scenario was Take and hold. A major victory gave 15-5 in tournament points (10-10 otherwise). That number was then adjusted +-5p according to the difference in killpoints for eliminated warscrolls for a final score between 20-0 and 0-20. I made this battlereport writeup from memory and I therefor apologize in advance if I got anything wrong.    Jonas army from memory; Freeguild General, 10 archers, 2x10 handgunners, hurricanium, 16 knights of the realm, 2x cannons, engineer and Leoen Leceour



Reports from fanatic

The Fantasia Fanatic is a reoccuring tournement held twice a year in Umeå. Two weeks ago I attended the 30th Fanatic with my Sylvaneth.  We were 40 people playing 5 games over two days (200 players in total counting 40k, 9th age, warmachine and AoS).  In the following blog entries I will make some battlereports but first the list and some pretournement thoughts.    2000p Sylvaneth alligence  Spirit of Durthu  Treelord Ancient  Loremaster Branchwych  20 dry



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