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zilberfrid last won the day on February 21 2023

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  1. Ah, so like Chain Mail (of which D&D used part of the ruleset in early editions, 1971 for the fantasy addition). Even including the list of references and ordering combatants between order and chaos. It also has a save roll and unbinding of spells.
  2. If I want something detailed, I go for AoS or Necromunda. GW prices aren't okay for lower detail models, I can easily get those at half or less. About subassemblies, I recently-ish started scale models and subassemblies are normal.
  3. Pworks made the small rowing boats, ttcombat the rest. Old boats like the Revell viking ship might also work for you.
  4. I glued up all buildings, furniture and boats, but forgot to take a picture before putting it in storage.
  5. For the near future, I think I need a witch, some fey, trolls, a dock and a few buildings. For those buildings, I think I'll glue up the TT combat Rasaad schooner, Elven Docks, one of the Venice buildings, pworks harbour and Tavern and a Dankhold Troggoth, as well as sculpting some legs to my remaining trolls. I'm also going to rescue the creature from the Trogboss's hand, I could use a giant centipede. Not sure if I'll be painting all that much, I had a setback with my recovery and it's more intense than building.
  6. I have a lot of minis (between 350 and 500), but I store most in my friends' houses for roleplaying purposes. My display case is downright empty and I should fix that!
  7. They are 28mm scale (though the mills and grain storage are made for halflings), and really cheap. That inn (Agatha's Stone Moon Inn) cost me €21, and has gridded 1st and second floor, it's around 30*20cm. I the mills were about €14-€16 (€14 for the water mill+ bridge, €16 for the wind mills)
  8. I did not paint much more (just an owlbear to replace the one I misplaced), but did glue up the remaining buildings I had. (I also ordered more MDF buildings)
  9. I am very tired, but I can probably do more if you like.
  10. I now want an AoS dating sim. If there is a dating sim for KFC, birds and weapons, why not explore the forbidden lore between a kroxigor and a dryad? Fyreslayers, Darkoath, Bonesplotters and Daughters of Khaine are already dressed for the coverart.
  11. As Sigmar and Gorkamorka looked victoriously over the battlefield admiring each other's prowess, both noticed the damage on the other's armour... and the muscular body revealed by the torn garments
  12. I won't comment on the game, but the AoS models are brilliant. As long as books are overpriced and have a three year life span, I see no reason to do anything with the game.
  13. The rest of the terrain is modge podged, a quick spray and a few details will have to do for them (busy schedule, thursday deadline).
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