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How to collect terrain for your event

How to NEO


Our post today about collecting terrain for your event was provided by @Mitzy, one of the NEOs behind the Realms at War event.

Introduction: So, you’re putting on an event, what’s better, you’ve decided to take the plunge and use Coalescence as your means to do so. Well as always with us NEO’s we are here to help and guide you through this process. This post focuses on the battlefield and how you can populate it quickly and easily. After all, if there is one hugely improved feature of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar game, it’s that Terrain features heavily and is something to be celebrated!

Terrain needn’t be a worry or a factor that should put you off however. But you do need to consider several factors, and in this post I will try to break down these factors and give you some tips on how to get over the hazards out there.

Venue: Well, you have come this far and are organising an event so by now you have decided where you are going to play right? The first time my local gaming group (EATBATS) put on an event we deliberately picked a venue (in that instance a local rugby club) which had tables and chairs we could use.

Gaming surface: We had tables, but we needed to cover them so that the battlefield looked inviting to play on. For our first event we actually bought 6’x4’ (183cm x 122cm) chipboard sheets and laid them on top of the rugby club tables. These were all painted green with regular emulsion paint from our local DIY store. Nowadays, of course, there are several manufacturers of battlements printed on soft rubberised mousemat material. This makes for a vastly superior gaming surface but comes at a cost. For your first event you really don’t need to worry about this as it is purely an optional extra. It is definitely worth talking to your friends and gaming colleagues to see if they would help you by loaning you their mats/gaming surfaces.

Terrain: The starting point here is to document your own personal collection of terrain. For our first event we only had access to our own terrain (generally we all had roughly enough to cover one 6’x4’ tabletop) we then set about each buying a couple of pieces to add to our personal collections that could be used on the day.

It is worth pointing out that a lot of the events run in the UK ask each player to bring a selection of terrain with them on the day along with their army (usually the request is for a minimum of 5 pieces). This way you can circumnavigate the need to have your own vast collection waiting for tournament use.

However, for me personally the terrain is the thing that I get the most hobby enjoyment from, and each event I help to run is an opportunity for me to push myself to create bigger and better terrain pieces. For some examples of the types of extreme you can go to it is worth visiting the Realms at War (RAW) tables HERE.

For RAW as you can see in the photos we really let our imaginations run wild and made bespoke tables for five of the Mortal Realms.

Small scatter terrain can easily be built using everyday items leftover in the house as well as clipping every last item off those old unwanted model sprues. You never know when you might want to adorn a piece of terrain with spare weapons or cuts of meat etc (the Giant kit from Games Workshop is one of my all time favourites as it has a wealth of bits you can use in terrain building).

You will see in the photos in the RAW blog that some of the simplest things were really very easy. The corn fields for example were simply a coir (coconut fibre) mat cut in to rough field shapes. Ruined temple pieces were made from offcuts of plasticard cut to look like flagstones with old plaster wedding cake pillars. The sky really is the limit

Below are links to some of the great YouTube channels that I subscribe to, these guys and girls have all been sources of inspiration for me in my terrain adventure.

I hope that this has taken some of the weight off your shoulders and you can see that whilst terrain is important for the success of your event it isn’t something to be scared of!

If you want to ask me any questions please message me on Twitter @EATBATSmitzy















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