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Everything posted by Barkanaut

  1. There’s an unreliable rumor floating around most of the older existing bt’s will be getting an update with at least 1 model. The rumor person also said this includes ko. Assuming we get only 1 single model as mentioned what would be the most critical to buffing our army? If the rumor is true I think we got a chance for 2 since we sold so we’ll as an army. I personally think we need melee troops more than anything else and would hope to see that the most.
  2. I think I seen two pictures of giant arachnaroc spider entries in the book too so I think we'll be seeing those getting update too but it was really blurry so grain of salt. Also I love some of the models and others are simply good its not my fav destruction faction but its definitely one I would add to my eventual grand alliance destruction. I have always planned to do a BCR/Ironjaws vs my KO/ID. Now I'll add some Gloomspite Gitz. Loonking is definitely the coolest model so far though he has this sort of crazed grandiosity to him other leaders lack and that's saying something given how small he looks lol.
  3. Oooo a great pairing for my eventual destruction themed army if it’s true. I wasn’t hyped for goblins but now I definitely am.
  4. Backlog year it is except if Ironjaws happens en maybe. Also all official chatter says sob in December 2019 at the earliest so this seems kinda fake.
  5. I do like the addition of points but other than tt I agree with everything you said. It’s like surprise winky face another old character comes back. It’s so overdone I’m surprised they haven’t all come back. Meanwhile new and important characters for factions like Brok Grungson or Volturnos have no books on them yet so no important lore.
  6. Well it must have been working well since AoS grew on its own without fantasy fans until they decided to come back and co-opt it acting like they’ve always loved it.
  7. I keep telling people old armies aren’t safe investments. Most likely won’t make the cut into Sigmar. GW clearly wants to sell AoS models in the game AoS and all the better selling models have tended to be AoS specific. The writing is on the wall and if you get into an old fantasy army without a battletomb your taking a big risk. It’s not surprising in the least really as painful as it might be for fantasy fans.
  8. Well with Greenskins gone I think it’s chopping block time for many older factions. Though a few might get updates like DoK or moon clan. We knew GW wouldn’t keep them around forever.
  9. I dunno two chaos armies in one year? Seems a bit much. Also so far we need to expect mandatory Stormcast as well since its happened every year. Slaanesh is getting stuff then grots, then Stormcast and finally one more army for the year. I highly doubt it will be darkoath. Its kind of a wild care faction and I suspect we might begin hearing chatter after we get grots released.
  10. Considering you can count on one hands the amount of times we've been in the top 50 in a year I don't think they have anything to be afraid of buffing. You mat get just past two hands if you count to top 100. To say our army is terrible is a joke at this point and its scaring people away from the army. I don't think its hard at all I just think there are other reasons why and one of the biggest ones was the ITC people don't like the KO so naturally they made them bad and kept making them bad continuously for every update. It's ridiculous. KO have always had one good build and terrible internal balance. The only time KO could ever be called OP was when they first launched and they had super powerful thunderers which were nerfed correctly and then kept getting nerfs more and more nerfs. Also to truly make KO more viable in builds they need to give us more access to melee and buff and debuff units then. Let us play around with making different units battle line with unique hero's. Our army is so pigeonholed currently and a new model update can't come fast enough to give us more options.
  11. Right now they are collecting feedback on AoS facebook about points changes you would like to see in generals handbook. I was worried we would get drowned out but its pretty obvious we're an army in dire need going by all the comments about our army. Still it always helps to leave feedback and opinions.
  12. Can't have said it better myself they look so boring and square and like low resolution models. Like they were designed in the ancient days somehow before even old fantasy models.
  13. While I personally didn’t find or expect much to wow me for AoS Blackstone blew me away.
  14. Solid but Brok and a Navigator could do good in some lists and if you want to try the two frigate list instead of one Ironclad that might be recommended. Other than that your looking good. Many take a single squad of thunderers with no special weapons can fill out lists too. So its all up to you.
  15. I intend to grab one or two if there’s some left by next year and I get enough Kharadron done.
  16. They always do demons of some sort in January.
  17. I was like whe did the model get get so good? Oh lol.
  18. Who knows maybe freeguild might have some traction after all. Colour me surprised, but this is also why I like AoS GW they aren’t afraid to send out curveballs ion occasion. Assuming this hints at them.
  19. An Inquisitor could as well. Honestly I think the free guilders should calm down since all of this points to 40k most likely. It’s rare GW teases something and completely unexpectedly reveals something these days. There’s been lots of chatter about the new 40k boadgame so likely we’re seeing teasesfor it and common theory says it will be revealed soon.
  20. Ironjaws look great, but yeah the rest need boosts. I will eat my Kharadron hat if one of the next two death releases isn’t some sort of undead pirate. The fan demand is huge. I will be so torn if they get released and an updated beastclaw with new models. Who to pit against my Chamon ko/Deepkin alliance in my display board. Destruction or death. You decide GW you decide lol. Thankfully it’s going to take a long time to get the rest of my ko done let alone Deepkin started.
  21. Hell yes to the big Kharadron super ship. That's the best thing about KO you can never run out of ideas because there is always a bigger ship to make.
  22. We got nerfed every time a big update came out lol even undeserved nerfs to the point we are here now. Ideally I would love some new models, but if not then some serious rules updates would suffice.
  23. New army of some sort? Slaanesh? Those are my top votes.
  24. Well huh that sure is a coincidence that GW is building up two new chaos gods in both games. In 40k there was a recent big story reveal that there is a Tau greater good god, but I doubt he will come back to Sigmar in any way as it seems very specific to 40k. Makes me wonder if this really is a big thing being planned?
  25. Man GW I hope you see how popular they are. Even when the new undead stuff was being teased for malign portents everyone seen the ghost looking ship and thought we were getting undead pirates of some sort. My heart broke. If you do your own AoS undead pirates put your own spin on them + AoS twist of ocurse I have full faith you can do something amazing. I will ditch my plan for order vs destruction so fast and go order vs death if they get them.
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