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Everything posted by Furuzzolo

  1. I'm still fond in a good couple of dracothian guard guys but i really don't like the Stormcast look side by side with Dispossessed models (I like the general look of the minis but not togheter). Fulminators can land devastating charges and deal mortal wounds ranged + very tanky. Few wounds/points tho. More i think about this the more i like the vulkite berzerker bloab deepstrike with the runesmiter, it does really match our pickaxe ability BUT I'm scared of splitting so many points from the main army in deep strike.
  2. Yai I understand your point and re-reading my reply i seem very aggressive but that's not the case, i struggle to translate in english my "tone". I do agree that Evocator are worst allies then Riggers if we put them in the "Dipo-ally basket" but i'm still on my idea that we have better options for mobility ally and that out of allegiance riggers are not super performing. By the way in those years i learned that differents "pilot" on the table can get different results with the units they field. Maybe i struggle to see the strenght of the Riggers compared to other cause my playstyle is different then your! For istance i very like what the Steam Tank bring to the table, can run to objective and setup a countercharge for slow units, others in this post do not like it and would never bring it to the table. 😋 Sorry again if my post was badly written!
  3. Yes, more or less basing the argument on the cancon. I've read the report, yeah, and i play KO quite a lot. The riggers do serve as a countercharge heavy hitters since the grappling gun change (before the change they were the alpha strike MVP super-mobility objective grabbers), right now the Evocators can soack more hits, do bring damage and a lot of wound/points compared to riggers. From that math came my argument! If you feel I'm wrong please tell me your exp with them cause i usually find Riggers pretty fragile and, without khemist, weak. (And i do not waste them like a beardling, i always try to squeeze the value out of them eheh) edit... Sorry if i'm out of dispossessed topic but i think a debate around riggers could be usefull allies-talking.
  4. Hi guys, not an usual Stormcast player but i got my hands on some soul wars half and i started to write lists on Azyr. I have sequitors and lord arcanum, 2 ballistae and 10 evocators but i'd love to field fulminators and some classic paladin. Any suggestion, good command ability/artifact interaction to suggest? (Again, arcanun+sequitors battleline but i'd love a cavalry/paladins very elite army. 2000 points. I'm not found in the ballistae spam but kinda ok with one in the list to range-support)
  5. Yeah, we can hang on the previous rumor that the team behind Gloomspite gitz is working on the Dispossessed battletome. 🍻
  6. I much prefer cannon, when i see random value in the "attacks" i kinda freek out. I always try to do math while planning the turn, and those random numbers...not my thing. Endrinrigger are way overcosted out of kharadron, such as even KO players start to play Evocators instead (in our allegiance they are high mobility, in KO heavy hitters. Kinda different role) Still like fulminators more, to add mobility. But still, if you want to keep the duardin theme a couple of gyrobombers should do the job!(16 points x wound instead of the 30 points x wound of the endrinriggers)
  7. That's a list i would play! You're very slow, tho. I would maybe cut 10 longbears and 10 ironbreakers and add a cannon to long-range support your advance and help contest objectives! You can add any long range threat instead of a cannon, ballista or whatever...
  8. Dunno. "Legion of the Grudge" is growing on me 🤔
  9. I hope it's an "add", i love my steam tank! By the way we should not be hasty on the add to cart button. That's just a rumor... Or maybe i should buy my second cannon before you guys put it out of stocks?
  10. As Ragnar said! I deleted the post to not generate confusions, sorry!
  11. I only know that last week the people behind Gloomspite Giz were working on Dispossessed battletome. Then the Dispossessed tome became some sorto of Legion of the Grudge combining all the duardins. Now we get no tome but the gyrocopter in general handbook 19. I do fear the next week news for Dispossessed 😥 Are we getting TombKinged?
  12. Ok, the last update on the matter is no book for Dispossessed but Ironweld duardin artillery rejoin the allegiance in the ghb19. Book fir Fyreslayers. You can follow the sharade on the rumors thread.
  13. The point is that the lore for every faction is very specific. If we get 120 page of lore, 40 per allegiance with skyports, lodges etc AND a good reason (and i mean a good one) for the duardins to work togheter after they split up 200 years before...yeah. I'm on it.
  14. If that's a tome in 3 blocks of 300 pages i'm fine with it. Otherwise......😡
  15. Try at least to fit 20 irondrakes in the list! You're not going to be disappointed.💣
  16. Do you think you could have won 5 games with the riggers instead of the evocators? Or were they crucial to the victory? (Good job by the way, that was impressive!)
  17. Yes you are more then right 🤧 I explained myself poory, i was referring more to the cavalry aspect then to a fantasy spin. I welcome golem as centerpiece, I just like the "slow" theme of the army and i think that we should explore a different aspect of the playstyle then to cover a wide range of options like Fantasy armies. Free people do have shooting, magic (kinda..) and cavarly. I like our non-cavalry-aproach and we should delve it with other options like slowing enemy, scenery etc.
  18. I'm more keen on my idea of a drill-tank that can pickaxe one per game... Would a cavalry unit really fit our allegiance? I think not. Gyrocopter/bomber should be our cavalry, i can see them merge within Dispossessed.... No mount, no strange golem, that's just not the look and feel of our other troups!
  19. I just bought 46 warriors from ebay 😂
  20. Something like the Chaos Dwarves train-thingy theme of artillery?
  21. OwlBoar. Mmm. SigmariteOwlBoars ™️
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