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Everything posted by Furuzzolo

  1. The "endless spells" as Khorne manifestations open a lot of options regarding our rune magic. I like the idea of runes that we can invoke to the battlefield to manifest some bouble buff/debuff. Bonus to run, morale, hit, malus to run, etc etc... What do you think?
  2. So a subterrean door, Skulls around the door. Two Gryph hounds in egyptian style at the door sides......Even a god may regret what he's done..? Are we really talking Settra-stuffs?
  3. If they do merge the 3 duardin factions the battletome could as well be written on the Dammaz Kron.
  4. Let me disagree Pure Dispossessed allegiance give you a lot of options letting you choose battleline and the grudge ability isn't that bad. I had issue against death (they have some orde, some 4+, some monster but no grudge could cover all the army) but in general the grudge against 4+ save is solid against most of the armies. Free cities are good, i loved the one that let you deploy in deepstrike on table edge but i would not take 3 warriors or longbeards to legally have 3 battleline. Don't get me wrong, the podcast highlight the weakness of the army and the proposed lists are for sure a good options if you want a better shot at the objective game but, imho, you can pack a heavier punch as pure Dispo. And the battalion suck, I would't match the required units even with a knife pointed at my back. Let alone build a list around it. Take the video as different bell about the army, not as the absolute true. It's always good to have a wider range of opinions!
  5. I like this list Update us on the outcome!
  6. @heywoah_twitch did a very good podcast about a "competitive" aproach to Dispossessed (the first half of the video), check it out He missed out our little Unforged combo with the Ghyrstrike but if you are interested in a tournament enviroment you could find some very valid idea here!
  7. @Ironbreaker that's some quality report! How do you value your Organ gun+ gunmaster? I like to bring a Cannon instead (last game in 4 turn the cannon did exactly 24 damage to a 30 man block of Graveguard, got lucky with damage rolls but still the reroll against horde is massive) Give us your thinking process around the teardrop of grugni pick, please. I'm so used to the pickaxe that I'm kinda blind around other artifacts options!
  8. So you played your turn1 with 300 less point and how in Karak Eight Peaks did you survived the 2# shooting round? Can we know your list? I imagine 40 irondrakes and 1 runelord with pickaxe 😂
  9. I would be happy with ANY duardin model. Do not aim for the gods, lets start with a Thane! Or an Anvil...or a cogfort or whatever, put the Duardin keyword and I'm gonna stick it in some weird list like I do with the Unforged (The name of the rule writer is written in skaven blood inside the Book.)
  10. I too love the guessing game but we need facts here: Skaven and Grots are now rampaging battlefields all around the world. Which army is best equipped to stop them AND, at the same time, need a battletome? 🤔 Let me think about it... Dispossessed! I mean, Irondrakes guns were designed PRECISELY for underground warfare against Skaven ans Grots. The very unit is equipped with special armors to endure the heat of the weapons and-or warpfire from the damn'd vermins! (8ed Dwarf tome) You all know me and you know that I'm not biased but you cannot print Grots tome, then Skaven tome and don't follow those up with a Dispossessed one! 😇
  11. That's strange, I've nothing to do with that, this time...
  12. Yai, i like to take a 20 man Longbeards with shield+ 2h weapon. They have 4+ reroll save, 4+ hit, 3+ wounds (reroll 1) -1 rend, 1 damage. Never let me down.
  13. Again one of those witch-hunting things but did the Tenebrael Shard just disappear from the shop? I can find the Mistweaver saith but by any filter cannot find the Shard..... 😅 Am I blind?
  14. That, to me, is a tournament list. But every Dispossessed player tend to have his personal idea about that and a lot revolve around the player playstyle. First of all you need to play the objective game, few things in this game are going to remove in one turn 20 brakers+ Cannon from your objective. The cannon can help contest a middle of far objective and it force the opponent to move toward us. The warden king command ability is beautifull to clear units. Runelord I think all of us know. 30 Hammerers, 30 Warriors and 20 Irondrakes are my pickaxe target for 3 reasons: 1- I need to contest objective and be present and resilent about it (Hammerers) 2- I need to snipe Heroes, a big monster, Nagash, LoN general etc (Irondrakes) 3- I need to put a brick of stone on an objective and hold it for 3 turn (Warriors) That said we autolose a lot of battleplans (3 place of arcane power, the moving objective one is hard and the list goes on and on) but very few things we can do about it. Allegiance: Dispossessed Leaders Warden King (120) - General - Trait: Grudgebearer Runelord (100) - Artefact: Ancestral Pickaxe Runelord (100) Runelord (100) Battleline 30 x Hammerers (420) 20 x Ironbreakers (280) 30 x Warriors (240) - Axes or Hammers 10 x Longbeards (100) - Axes or Hammers Units 20 x Irondrakes (360) War Machines Cannon (160) Total: 1980 / 2000 Extra Command Points: 0 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 134 Always remember that whatever i say come frome MY experience and the army I play against. I always invite you to build your list and test it cause it's the only way to find a good one for YOU. We've a VERY little representation at tournaments and that make very hard to discuss competitive listbuilding.
  15. Yap, the whole "slayer" block has become the Fyreslayers faction. You can ally them to Dispossessed and use the old models as Vulkite Berzerkers, i guess
  16. The entire site is having problems, a lot fo warscrolls go to 404 error. Not much to read there, i guess
  17. Looks like you have all you need 😎 Warden king and 2 runelords are your standard command squad, you have that covered. I like to run 30 hammerers as a big block, you can field two 20 man units but they tend to drop numbers pretty quickly. You can easily field a very Elite army, avoiding the older kits (warriors are very good, tho). You need around 20 Irondrakes to make good use of theyr commander attack (and their base stats are very strong), 10 longbeards to buff near units. That's your core Elite army. From there you can pick what you love, Ironbreakers are very strong, Longbeards too. Chose allies to cover your weakness (mobility, mortal wounds, long range) and surprise your opponent with insane damages
  18. Not gonna lie, I play them a fair bit and achieve around 30% winrate My Stormcast and even my Kharadron are way better in terms of winrate but still...a lot of games are very intense and played to the last round, we struggle but it's very fun! Keep playing them, you're not going to win a lot but with practice and experience Dispossessed become decently good!
  19. @Kramer is on point, the 40 man is very good but you need to deploy and move thinking way ahead. If the opponent engage them wisely you get stuck with 10 attacking a unit, 10 another and 20 in the middle kinda keeping coherency. Removing models from wound is very painful in this scenario. I've never done the math and I'll whenever i have 30min but i always like the rend when possible, -1 is good but you can easly stack it to -2 from the Runelord and that's when the math really change. -2 is the jump from "a couple of wounds" to "mortal wounds" for a lot of units in the game!
  20. Our battletome is full of them. 😎 Let the vermins brag...
  21. Isn't the last daemon engine a Dracoth paw? I'm painting my Concussors just right now and the shape looks the same...
  22. And i told you that i mantained coherency all game long. We followed the rule and i'm well aware how both mystical terrain and coherency rule works.
  23. We played it correctly and i did remove units from within 1". Never took battleshock due to command point banking (no command abilities in the army). We were playing on a 2x2 as 1000 points games suggest Ok, so, that's not a masterpiece but still...more or less AHAHAH
  24. Some good news from the front. I played a 1250 Scorched Earth vs Ironjawz, my list was: Unforged. General (+1 wounds). Pickaxe. Runelord x2 Warriors x40 Ironbreakers x10 Irondrakes x20 Cannon My opponent fielded 1 wierdnob, 3 gore gruntas, 3 units of 5 Brutes, 10 ardboyz and an orruk warboss on boar. Was a short game, the warriors formed a line of 48" crossing 2 mystical terrains, with the 6+ extrasave from the runelord they soaked all the charges, killed 10 brutes. The shooting took the rest. The unforged pickaxed on one objective, burned it and the opponent called it at turn3. My takes: 1) 40 warriors are insane at 1250 2) Irondrakes with -1 rend are our most reliable source of damage in every game. 3) If they cannot reach the cannon, the cannon reach their souls.
  25. The concept is interesting but too onedimensional. What if no magic is on the table, lets say we face khorne or KO or fyreslayer or some low magic opponent like Stormcast, Idoneth, BoC etc? Could be good against 4 spells/round but what about the 0-2 spells/round army? Seems like a mechanic that buff our units the more the opponent shoot at them. What if the opponent dosn't have shooting? Is magic really that heavy right now? What if in an year from now magic isn't that strong cause shooting is on the rise and wizards get sniped?
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