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Everything posted by Furuzzolo

  1. Few things i cannot understand of they way factions works: 1) Why cannot Duardins play their artillery? 2)Do the admiral of a Frigate confiscates the weapons of his Arkanauts on embarking the ship? Why cannot they frigging shoot?? 3)If Dispossessed, free people and high elves defend the cities of order toghter WHY cannot I ally them?!
  2. You said it. I'm going to spam the s**t out of the rumors thread quoting you.
  3. When i started to collect Dispossessed i remember Fyreslayers and Ko as very popular. I recall watching tournament's lists and see 90 vulkite berserkers all over the place and I'd say Slayers were VERY well represented in the competitive scene. One came very high at Adepticon 18, maybe top 3? They're everywhere. So why were they so popular then with the same model range and the same problems they have now? Ah yeah. They were op. So lets hope the book has some good rule 😉 😉
  4. OK i missed "same unit"! Yeah, now looks very good, I'm sorry! Yeah, let's put that in the "rune lore" !
  5. I like the dispel of an effect currently on a unit but to deny the next spell looks kinda "no counterplay" to me. And that's not fun game design but still very good idea! Does some faction interact with spells already casted? Looks unique!
  6. Yeah we fix that too. Maybe we shield wall and we can reroll ALL failed save if we don't charge. So we can add movement with prayer, run to a midtable objective and form a shieldwall (4 move +2 rune +6 command point run= 12". Should be midtable)
  7. What make us "slow"? The shield wall. Static reroll failed save on units with a shield equipped? Too much? Imagine a runic lore, like prayers for our Runelords to pick. You leave the basic 6+ save rune on the scroll and give us 6 more to chose one from: -run and charge to an unit. - add 1 rend to a unit -add 5" range to a unit ranged attack -no battleshock for 1 units - add 2 to move to unit -set un reserve a disengaged unit, can deepstrike next turn. (Stormcast can do it instantly!) We bring 3 runelords to battlefield and now we have a fucktone of options.
  8. Cause you hear the 0.05% of Fyreslayer's players voices.
  9. Yes, about beardlings and grots and skaven! Not the tome. Ahah
  10. Lads I'm not here to sell miniatures but we should focus on what we have. Not going to call you a liar and say we're top tier but I cannot believe that anyone here bought Dispossessed for their competitive shot. We waited since August 2018, in 3 months now the gh19 should be out and a couple more tome announced! Let AT LEAST wait to see those allegiance abilities on the gh19, than, if they suck, I'll bring my pitchfork with you. Until then we chill and act like f***ing Longbeards, not beardling. Edit: in April the big GW survey should take place, we can and should give our opinion about Dispossessed to the studio. So lets be positive and send GW some good ideas!
  11. I like the models but do you think someone would question it if I bring the one that I already have to an event? They are not very different...
  12. Updates for our allies means updates for us! ... ðŸ˜Ĩ We need to wait for the tome, lets imagine the magma lizard is good, now. And lets imagine one of the endless prayers is good. We can ally a lizard+runesmiter and the prayer! Ok, I know. 6 out of 13 gh18 allegiances got a tome, i think 2-4 more are going to get one before gh19. We endure.
  13. Not to be negative, I'm very happy that KO have theyr underworld warband but I was expecting a more "AoS" oriented band. I see two Arkanauts that we already have, a Skywarden, a Thunderer and a Khemist. Nothing "new" like Sylvaneth band, the troll one or whatever...
  14. A closer look at the news: Fyreslayers got a tome. So... No combined Duardin soup, no Dispossessed+Fyreslayer soup. We can now hope for a standalone Dispo book or "mhe" for a city-style-book.
  15. Was the text of the video, no longer needed
  16. Have i lost some step or did they remove generic Greenskinz from the shop? Boarboyz, Orruks, Boss on wyvern and the one on foot with a better waagh then the mawcrusha.
  17. We don't need allies. On a more on topic note the lore don't really stand with KO in the mix. I can see Dispossessed and Fyreslayers togheter but KO had taken a way too different road lore-wise. Make actually more sense a free people-dispossessed great city allegiance. (Why the hell both armies acts as order amry but they cannot ally??)
  18. To break the "naked duardin" theme of Fyreslayers we could need some heavy armored one. Waaait a second, we already have that!ðŸĪ
  19. I'm a Dispossessed player and we discussed this way too much in the Let's chat Disp. Dispossessed have a strong flavor and, if you want, a legacy of lore VERY hard to just erase. I'd love a mixed tome but i cannot see them jammed with Humans and Aelfs...
  20. If tomorrow they do preview Dispossessed I'm going to roll d4 instead of d6 for my first 10 games.
  21. Go with the Cannon! A beast at 1000 points
  22. They are a beauty! It's a shame they got discontinued but i plan to buy from ebay and use them as 2h weapon warriors.
  23. Just watching what other armies got (and I keep out of the picture gloomspite gitz that were a major rebrand of an old IP, which, in our scenario, would be Kharadron and Fyreslayers) I see a couple of metamorphed units for DoK, spells and terrain for Beasts of Chaos, Heroes, terrain and spells for Skaven and FeC. We have plenty of units and I don't see us getting more, sadly. I bet on an Hero, obvsly a tome and updated rules, some runic manifestation endless-spells-like and MAYBE some terrain. Do you think that realistic?
  24. However both me and a team of experts have analyzed the video "Forbidden Powers" and drawn some conclusions. We have excluded the most obvious deductions such as Endless spells for Idoneth Deepkin and a new Stormcast Chamber and concluded that the only plausible option that can be hidden behind those doors is a Dispossessed throng. ðŸĪŠ If you take a good look at the video you can SEE and FEEL the muttering of the dwarves, the glitter of the King's throne and the 4 distinct figures of the bearers! Slow down the video to 0.5 and you can clearly hear the Thane distinct voice stating the long list of grudges against Nagash. The god mentioned in the video is clearly Grugni! (he made some mistakes, yeah...) It's obvious! Look at it!
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