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Everything posted by Furuzzolo

  1. Good Sigmar, that poor Daemon having his head cut off by the retributor's hammer. 🤧
  2. They are talking about adepticon tournament instead Dunno if later the Duardin topic gonna pop up. Ok, being rescheduled due to illness of the host (??). Next week should be the Duardin talk. I subscribed JUST to remeber them to talk Dispossessed too. They assured me they will. 👌 5 more euros gone to the cause.
  3. Today at 16:00 UK time the topic of the WarhammerTV stream is "Duardins of the mortal realms"! A reminder if someone of you ia interested. (You can find them on twitch, search foe warhammertv, should pop)
  4. Just wait 4 days, to test a tome we usually need a couple of major event, you are panicking with just 2 boxes of preview. Be patient! If you have doubts do not buy the tome, complaining now will not change the words printed in China 3 months ago.
  5. No way! They'll be now the Elite duardin army they were designed to be! I espect them to field between 60 to 90 models depending how heavy you want to go in the magmadroth spam. (If the beast is good) Anyhow we're going stay the horde diardin army of AoS, all our units are set up to be large one (plus 25mm bases on every model) Do not forget my work up there in the discussion, I need to fix typos but let me know if you see some op stuff that I need to tone down (or up)... I tryed to be very conservative in the power level. And note that I don't want to suggest new models (I'm sure we're going to get an hero and scenery, tho)
  6. Ok, kinda in a rush right now. Google doc keep out my formatting so I'll post the openoffice file I only worked with existing units but this should be a primer, feel free to criticize and tell me what you like and what you don't! At the end of the day this is an idea of mine, I'll consider all your suggestions and send the final product to GW Dispossessed Battletome.docx
  7. In my book I let the Unforged deepstrike with an unit by default, that should cover the "miners" role Coming home now then I'll translate in english my scribbles and post!
  8. In our playgroup we've a Dispossessed player (me), a Slave to Darkness player and an Ironjaw player. I hope that this news is true for every player that stuck with the army he loved for all this time!
  9. 2 days without TGA. I wrote a Dispossessed battletome. Really. Monday I'm going to put it into a google doc and share it with you, I need feedback before sending it to GW! 🤣
  10. We don't really talk about that. 🤧 We fled for survival. Now it's time to conquer what was lost!
  11. As I understand the thing it does work loke this: 1- We need to expand Dispossessed 2- Artist work on whatsoever concept they like and bring them to the rule team. 3- The rule team makes rules for the piece. Am I wrong? In my note I have, right now, the Giant stone golem, some cavalry, a drill but i guess there's no point in proposing new units, that's not how they come to be.
  12. Would be fun for us but not for them! Maybe a rule thay disable a scenery for one round per match? Or maybe we get to disable one scenery every round but we always need to pick a different one?
  13. A more steampunk take would overlap quite a bit with KO and Legion of Azg*** (?). We can suggest that, tho. Lets add to the list for the survey 😂
  14. The same I used to do! Lately I'm fond on this 10 man shooting screen, you always find an use for this 10 chaps... Kinda like on the style of archers for free people (I know, they move after deploy and thunderers do not) but having a ranged strategic unit that can screen, steal 2-3 wounds while camping a far objective or simply be annoying is kinda valuable.
  15. 10 Ironbreaker could be good, 10 hammerers are goofy. Both units shine at 30 tho but I would field at least 20 hammerers... I have a soft spot for them 😌 Lately I'm very happy with a 10 man screen of thunderers, just as a note for you lads.
  16. We already have 2 duardin elite army, sadly. Sadly cause fyreslayers ended up the opposite, spamming vulkite berzerkerz. KO and Slayers should be elite army and i think the new slayers tome is going to fix that. Dispo are the horde legacy-style duardin army. That said our units are fairly elite stats-wise(even warriors) for horde standards!
  17. You have a very solid batch of duardins! Yeah, drop the 10 hammerers at 1000 and go to 20 irondrakes, should be better.
  18. Do you know the feeling of wanting to wait for the book before buying some duardins but dear Grugni I need those naked dwarfs right now. 😡 ?
  19. That's a cool suggestion for the 15 of April feedback! I need to make a note, you guys have some good ideas!
  20. In Overlords of the Iron Dragon the main Frigate (Iron Dragon) and the 2 frigates fight aerial battle against a whole lot of things and Duardins shoot from all 3 the decks In Soul Wars an entire clan of Duardin live in Glymmsforge (not even one of the great city) and help in the I-don't-want-to-spoiler-"fight" so I assume that clans living in cities or near generic cities are a thing. That do imply that fighting alongside humans and stormcast is way more common than allying with Kharadon and Fyreslayers. I mean, if we do live in tandem with humans having lost our strongholds in the Age of Chaos the background lore do not support our allegiance rules. By the way I don't really care, to me till the book is out the lore is like a primer, it's ok if it is a bit confuses right now.
  21. You did a neat job! 😋 Regarding the artillery rumor it was spread by a rumormonger later found trollin with his second account. Still I think the Ironweld Arsenal is going to disappear when Free people and Dispossessed books came out. Make sense.
  22. @raaaahman so grats for the close game on the first one! First of all the movement characteristic of a random movement unit is "random" so the grudge do not apply. Second point I'm quite sure a unit cannot control 2 objectives at the same time. If a single unit is elegible to control more then one objective you need to choose one. Lastly in the case of a tie in poin usually you and your opponent add up the point value of ENTIRE units destroyed and the one with most "kill points" score a minor victory. Keep it up! 😉
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