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Posts posted by Harioch

  1. 16 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Make it simpler:

    Keep their current stats. Add All Vyrkos Bloodborn special rules and a table of special rules depending on their dynasty.5C06F5EC-17CA-4F61-8CF3-27D07D7EEE45.jpeg.fec87afa2bb49830a4b9c59cb93aadc1.jpeg


    And then you realize those cool and fun rules have been gutted out the Bloodborn warscrolls...

    I don't mind the Shadowfast but the Bloodscent rule should have been thematic on every vampires units...also making hordes of chaff units trying to make one or two wounds just for the big guns vampires to come and finish things...fell bats unit could have then been useful paired with a vargheist one..

  2. Question about the Vengorian lord. His CA says that a SBG unit can heal D6 wound if it killed an ennemy unit...does it mean we can revive a model or two ? Possibly a Blood Knight ? Or am I reading too much into it ?

    If not then it means it's only useful on Behemoths...

    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, Sception said:

    why?  he doens't make them stronger, doens't help them make those long charges out of reserve.  And their deep strike ability is semi-redundant with LoNight's outflanking gimmick.

    I think that's what concerns me a bit with the leaks we got about the battletome: there is some things like that that just seems like weird synergies:

    -like Vargheist do not benefit Legion of Nights' abilities besides being battleline...

    -Legion of Blood making D3 more fleeing models against vampires but only zombies and skeletons give a malus on morale.

    -Vampire lore being toned down on damage because you can do it double times if you cast on 9+...but at the same time it's poor if you cast it at normal values. And those range...

    Overall I'm very very ok with what we've seen. I'm not exctatic because I find most rules and warscrolls are quite boring(mortarch legions, thrones, allegiances, Kritza and Anika). Besides I really hope zombies and corpse cart are not part of the only good build SBG can do in competitive scene...because I can't stand Zombies. Yeah that's what bother me in the end. Nothing screams "fun time" to me...maybe the Avengori (the models not the allegiance...but I understand that monster mash can be fun to others) and Vyrkos but that's it....I'll still get them because I love vampires. But at the same time it's a "safe" battletome= legion of Nagash 2.0 but tailored to make nothing stands out. The heavy magic side of SBG hinted in the warco post made me believe Death could have a heavy magic faction for once (Destruction is due one too)...but it fall off with only one reasonable spell lore and the other just about bad damages..

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Aren73 said:


    I don't get the feeling that people are hating this release, rather I think the general feeling is "it's ok, it's a bit meh, probably not as good a release as Lumineth or OBR". 

    Now that you mentionned it, maybe this release lacked a big "Oompf" effect. Putting aside the ladies of nightmare and characters, there was nothing "new". A tons of good resculpts, like Blood knights which the community were asking for ages, sure. But no new concept/unit or big behemoth.

    I know we already have one or two big models (terrogheist and throne) but they are not new releases, hence loosing the effect. And the hybrid vampire, by the concept, divide people.

    I put aside characters because they are seen as great release when they come by one or two once in a while. But when you got 5 new one in a row it feels saturated by it. And maybe Soulblights will have a lot of characters to make the army functionnal, but others enjoy units more.

    Anyway this was my TED talk on why this release maybe seen as "ok" to some. 

    • Like 1
  5. I can honestly understand people who don't like the new hybrid vampires. It's such a weird and over the top concept, you'll love it or hate it..maybe both 😄.

    And it was a huge hyped release. A lot of people waited for vampires to come. As much as old "high elves" and "dark elves" fan. Not all expectations were to be fullfilled, hence a bit of disapointment. Even me. Endless spells, terrain, feral vampires and Vargskyr missing...(and I still want blood knight on foot for a Chosen-Brutes-Eradicator type of unit in SBGL).

    But after all I'm still happy and amazed by what I've seen.

  6. Those resculpt are amazing. I'm really pumped. Only the generic - dragon-bat-vampire is a bit meh to me. I'll probably run the named one and count her as the generic instead.

    I don't know which side I'll go first...nightmare horrors or barbarians wolves...with semi- armoured vampire with furs on thunderwolves conversion to make things right 😁.

    In a way I'm still not hyped as I was for the OBR because, to me, there is something missing to this release...like...I really miss those feral vampires unit..and endless spells and terrain. But maybe we get them along the way like earlier than we might think and not with a new battletome (seriously I don't care if they're not in it..i just want them...warscrolls are free). And maybe too much named characters that would have been cool if not named but that's a minor concern compared to my previous point in my opinion.

    I'll probably end up getting them on release day...if Blood knight boxes are not priced 80€ 😁

    • Like 1
  7. If generic battalions are a real thing maybe they're just the major part of all battalions but not exclusive. I mean we could see battalions by sub-factions etc. We could even have a variation in a subfaction that alter a generic battalion.

    Hypothetic example: The generic battalion "Cavalry-charge-whatever" is composed of three cavalry units and give you a reroll for a charge at your phase. But if you take this battalion in a Stalliarch Lords allegiance, it also give you a reroll for mortal wounds inflicted on charge etc or can include a Archai instead of a cavalry unit.

    • Like 3
  8. 3 minutes ago, BaylorCorvette said:


    As for what else I think is in the Gravelords line up that we haven't seen, I think Dire Wolves are a safe bet, possibly a new Necromancer model. I don't think there will be any other Cavalry (except for possibly a Hero, would love a Vampire Lord / Blood Knight Hero on Horse). I am hoping for a infantry Vampire unit similar to the Vykos Blood-born. Also a larger more elite unit open too, be it a giant golem type of creature or Vargskyr type. Oh also a center piece model, possible a Vampire Lord (or named Vampire) on Abyssal Terror or something?


    I'm up for all you said. Especially Blood-Born...they are a unit I never knew I needed in my life before they get revealed. If we don't get Blood Knights on foot, at least we can get the semi-beast-vampires intead.

    • Like 1
  9. 17 minutes ago, Bayul said:

    I love that cakes a mandatory.

    I read "capes" 😁 ...but a "bloody" cakes should be a given to celebrate the release of Soulblight...

    Is it still time to wish Santa Klaus Von Carstein will bring us new Dire wolves ? And many new units ?

  10. 5 minutes ago, Chumphammer said:

    This looks like it's tentacles


    I wish it's a carnivorous plant for Sylvaneth (but it can be tyranids too). Oaks, leaves and trees are fine but there is more flora they can expand to..

    ..yes I want a Dryad-Poison Ivy.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 minute ago, Harioch said:

    About new vampires characters, I don't mind that neither Vlad or Kemmler (etc) never come back. They had a good fluff and a good ending, at least Vlad, in the end. But pn the other hand, Aborash is already hinted in AoS and he never had a model or rules back in the Old World which is a shame since he was some of their best character. Bringing him into the Mortal Realms could expend his lore (which was cool but less fleshed than Neferata or Vlad or Mannfred). Besides, his power level isn't really a problem in AoS when there is a God/Demigod at every corner of the Realms, compared to the old setting.

    But the main reason I want Aborash, or a new Vlad-type-vampire-lord is because, given the recent awesome upgrades Kroak, Sigvald, Belak'or had, I want to see what GW can do with a big imposing armoured vampire (standing on a rock because that's a thing..I guess) as a big centerpiece. Even if it's a new character/mortarch I don't mind.

    I agree. Being a late edition or early new edition battletome can be a problem if you miss all the cool new toys (endless spells and scenery for IdK and DoK) and new theme rules (legions/skyport/etc. That Nighthaunts still missed until White Dwarf and Belakor book). It's not about power of the tome itself, as we've seen it can shift heavily (SoB, DoK, Slaanesh, Lumineths....if it's a trend Soulblight are in a dire situation :D) , it's just the tools you have are lacking compared to a middle edition tome.


  12. About new vampires characters, I don't mind that neither Vlad or Kemmler (etc) never come back. They had a good fluff and a good ending, at least Vlad, in the end. But pn the other hand, Aborash is already hinted in AoS and he never had a model or rules back in the Old World which is a shame since he was some of their best character. Bringing him into the Mortal Realms could expend his lore (which was cool but less fleshed than Neferata or Vlad or Mannfred). Besides, his power level isn't really a problem in AoS when there is a God/Demigod at every corner of the Realms, compared to the old setting.

    But the main reason I want Aborash, or a new Vlad-type-vampire-lord is because, given the recent awesome upgrades Kroak, Sigvald, Belak'or had, I want to see what GW can do with a big imposing armoured vampire (standing on a rock because that's a trend) as a big centerpiece. Even if it's a new character/mortarch I don't mind.

    7 hours ago, DocKeule said:

    I thing it is a disadvantage (being an IDK player also). Problem is they seem to need some books to get into the groove with the main theme of a new edition. In the DoK and IDK books you could the some raw concepts but also that they were not quite there yet.

    I agree. Being a late edition or early new edition battletome can be a problem if you miss all the cool new toys (endless spells and scenery for IdK and DoK) and new theme rules (legions/skyport/etc. That Nighthaunts still missed until White Dwarf and Belakor book). It's not about power of the tome itself, as we've seen it can shift heavily (SoB, DoK, Slaanesh, Lumineths....if it's a trend Soulblight are in a dire situation :D) , it's just the tools you have are lacking compared to a middle edition tome.

  13. I would left skeletons archers to Ossiarchs just for the sake of identity and theme (but I wouldn't discard Deathrattle archers if they come anyway). But I can see a vampire or human archer or rifleman unit....There was a unit of human Shyish riflemen in a Malign Potent novel that had purplish energy coming from the gun if I remember ?
    A unit of magical vampire riflemen sounds cool to me.

    But more in the theme of Gravelord/Old Vampire Counts, I would prefer a unit of mage-vampire instead of basic shooting. Ossiarch are the military force with troops, war machines, archers and all. Gravelord should be mystics, spies and other shenanigans, leaders of hordes of mindless undead, just to be a different kind of playstyle.

  14. 55 minutes ago, Mcthew said:

    Was going to 'like' this post, because it really is a good post.

    Except that again this is based on someone else's summary of the narrative. If I based my opinion of a story on someone else's summary of a book or film, I'd not have read or watched half of what I have (seriously, would've avoided all Star Wars movies or Star Trek, and forget most fantasy films!)

    We need to be patient, and read the book first, rather than assume the quality of it. (We all know what 'assume' does.)

    But... I do like your post so I'm  gonna like it for constructing a good argument about Nagash being centre stage for a whole edition 😉 and that the plot doesn't diminish a good story for Death!

    Honestly, I still don't know if I should buy this book based on the summary I've read.

    Maybe the book is better than what reviews highlight and deserve to be brought, at least for a lore addict like me,  but... it's a GW book...meaning expensive, a lot of printing errors and bad translations. It's better now than what it used to be, but sometimes there is some "hiccups" even in recent publications. BR:Morathi was a pain to read because of those issues. And in the end, it's a gamble because it can end up being disapointing anyway 😄.

    I think I'll take it, like I took Wrath of the Everchosen, reluctantly...I really hope the" Lumineth-are-so-over-the-top" trope is just in people minds. Only Space marines deal with a tremendous level of fanfic writing ...and it's really a shame for 40k lore. No hate for Lumineth tho, I would have said the same if it were Orruks instead (...or not, because Orruks are cool 😆).

  15. 32 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    He'll be back. It's implied that AoS Arkhan was more a creation of Nagash's memories than literally the same person from the Old World (something Arkhan himself muses on). 

    My guess is Neferata and Mannfred will go to war with one another directly and as Shyish is being torn apart, he'll pop up in the middle of their inevitable duel and tell them to get back in line (and the Nagash will probably appear above them).

    I suspect he'll be back as a Bonereaper himself lorewise (meaning a construct and not deathrattle-lich) lorewise. Modelwise and rulewise...not so much.

    But I really hope he'll be back somehow. He's my favorite character so I'll be pissed if he just disapeared from the setting.

    Want to see the book by myself before judging if I find the story interesting but the small bits about Alarielle seems good...Nagash, Teclis and the war between them not so much...

    I also agree that Nagash is poorly written in most GW lore.  None seems to grasp his power and motivations to make him really interesting. Which is a shame since he was really omnious and ancient mythical evil being. Only exception to me was Josh Reynolds in both Soul wars and Undying King.

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