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Everything posted by Richelieu

  1. OK, it took some fiddling, but behold... The Heroic Heroes...Or some other suitably fabulous name. Start the game with three CP, a fourth in your first hero phase with a 50% chance at a fifth. Then two 33% chances to get another one each time you spend one.
  2. Wait, wait we can do better. Your strike force could all be models with the Hammers of Sigmar keyword on their warscroll, but your Stormhost is Tempest Lords for the CP generation. Steelheart's Champions are normally pretty bad... But with an extra 5 attacks each they become great. Heck, even Gavriel is a beast with a bunch of extra attacks. I'm gonna figure out a list. I'll post it when I'm done.
  3. For maximum insanity you could take a Lords of the storm battalion and am aetherquartz brooch. But then you wouldn't have any good command abilities to use your limitless command points on.
  4. So who thinks it would be a good idea to make a Tempest Lords Dracoline based list that just pumps all your dracolines attacks to kingdom come, gives them all guaranteed 6" runs, adds +2 to their runs with LAoT, makes them run and charge with Heraldors and then smash into your enemy... If you guys hadn't figured it out yet, building imaginative lists is one of my favorite things to do.
  5. Trust your gut. Orrery can only be applied to saves, whereas we cannot fail is an ability.
  6. And here is further evidence that GW does not, in fact, want us to stop using our old models and buy the new ones. It would be generous to call LAoT average from a rules perspective, especially compared to the likes of black coach and lady Olynder. Add in his ridiculous price tag and he is just about plumb last on my Stormcast shopping list.
  7. Yes, you just need to make sure there is some visual indication of which of the primes is your actual prime.
  8. I think Celestial Vindicators has a place in a cavalry heavy list, especially for those players who have already invested in 4 Fulminators. Giving them an extra attack and reroll 1s to hit on charge is devastating.
  9. I really do not get the people complaining that old units are obsolete. There are so many old units that are now viable that weren't before. To name a few: Lord Aquilor no longer has to be general to use his CA. Knight Azyros now adds bonus to melee too. Hurricane xbow raptors are cheaper and get their bonus when dropped with scions. Palladors are probably good enough to sometimes make the cut at 200 points. Nobody ever used gavriel and now he has a place. Drakesworn Templar is actually useful. Lord castellant got buffed, as if he needed it. The only unit I can really think of that just got shafted was liberators and most of us only used 5 of them per list anyway and only because we were forced to, so I say good riddance.
  10. Vandus is so much stronger now than he was before. The real benefit of running Hammers of Signature is that you gain access to the ridiculously strong command abilities of the HoS named characters. Why would I need his CA to last a whole round when I can just use it twice and annihilate whatever unit is in front of me?
  11. Here's a variant with a sequitur screen. You could swap the 20 sequitors for 10 evocators of that's your fancy. The list's offense would be off the charts if you did, but it wouldn't be as good at protecting the castigators or controlling the board.
  12. @Freejack02 @DanielFM those are all thoughts that went through my mind when building the list and I think they are worthy of testing to see which performs the best in real world situations. I could definitely see swapping the Venator for an Azyros. And if you're into putting all your eggs in one basket then also swapping the prime for LAoT. I'll have to use proxies to test though... Lots of other new units to buy and build before getting a bazillion Castigators.
  13. Yes, he does. The wording describes what you do at the end of every movement phase if he is in the heavens. You either hold him in reserve and add 2 attacks for the rest of the game, or you bring him to the battlefield.
  14. I considered this, but the command points are better spent using the anvils hero phase shoot. CP is also much more capable as a stand alone unit, clearing objectives of small units and contributing to the overwhelming ranged firepower.
  15. Here is an example list. I think it will require lots of play testing to find the best configuration. This one is an Anvils list and its sole goal is to obliterate the opponent in two turns. Turn one it will drop and get the battalion bonus, turn two you shoot three times in the hero phase. Remember that castigators are much more durable than Vanguard raptors, and more than twice as good as judicators in melee. Your positing is going to be about killing a key target and defending your big unit against a counterattack so they can triple shoot with anvils. Your heroes, hunters and judicators are utility.
  16. @DanielFM I am in complete agreement with you about Soulstrike. People are going to be caught out hard by 32+ rend 2, 3+ 3+ ranged attacks. If you go all in, it is totally reasonable to kill Nagash in one shooting phase.
  17. This is an extreme exaggeration. If you're running a block of 20 sequitors, it's usually going to be difficult to get anything but your 9 great maces in range to attack. And if it's a small unit, the difference in damage output is so miniscule as to be irrelevant. I would posit that there will never, in the entire lifecycle of AoS, be a game that is decided based on Sequitor weapon selection.
  18. In most situations they are. You could build a couple with swords and a couple with grandstaves so they can reach from the back rank. The prime should use a grandstave since one extra attack for that weapon is more powerful than one extra attack with a sword.
  19. This is correct, as clarified in the FAQ about Morathi being general of a DoK list with a Temple.
  20. No, it's an error. Edit: I suppose it's not necessarily an error. Their warscroll says they can't cast any spells besides empower, it doesn't say they don't know other spells.
  21. Stardrake is not a devastator. In fact, it is rather pillowfisted. The standard way to make them pull their weight is to give them the Staunch Defender command trait, a defensive artifact attuned to your meta (Mirrorshield for shooting, Ignax's Scales for generic mortals, Refracting Lens for magic), and then putWarding Lantern from the Lord Castellant on him. At that point he becomes virtually unkillable and you can use him to bully your opponent. Take a knight heraldor so that he doesn't get stuck in meaningless combat with a tough model he can't kill.
  22. Do you ever put this army on the table, or is it purely for competition and display?
  23. To add to this, while I think Lens is quite strong, you take it at great opportunity cost. Rather than bringing an artifact that helps you execute a plan you are defending against something that will wreck you. This means that your opponent has spent probably their only artifact to defend against something that, if you're taking an allied wizard, isn't even your game plan.
  24. I think it looks like a brutal 1k list, but I question the plan. Cavalry's biggest asset is their mobility. Putting them in the air and relying upon a 9" charge wastes their mobility.
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