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Jagged Red Lines

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Posts posted by Jagged Red Lines


    14 minutes ago, Grimrock said:

    I'm not expecting tyranids or anything, but what about an void born eldritch horror-esque faction? 

    Imagining something like the inchoroi from R. Scott Bakker's novels. 

    Horrific alien race arriving by accident when their ship crashes. Almost worse in many ways than the factions of the chaos gods, they seek to avert their own damnation by closing the world to gods, heavens and h.ells. 

    • Like 2
  2. I've been catching up on this thread and I feel like we might be getting overhyped at this point.

    1) this footprint could be just an indication of a new battletome for sons, or sons/ogors. There might not be any major new sculpts getting revealed. Bear in mind that the AoS reveals are just a part of a much larger stream. Desperately hoping for a new mega, a mega-sized named character, or new mancrushers is potentially setting yourself up for disappointment.

    2) bear in mind we are also expecting battletome reveals for tzeentch/lumineth, as well as any new slaves to darkness sculpts that haven't yet been officially previewed (chosen?). That's already a packed stream, and makes it less likely that we'll see the kind of range overhaul everyone seems to be hoping for.

    Hate to be a Debbie Downer

  3. 1 hour ago, sorokyl said:

    Why do you think its artificial scarcity? Do you think GW has fun warehousing their hundreds of SKUs in warehouses around the world? I expect that they are getting them out as fast as possible, considering their plastic production has been bottlenecked for years and they are having to export in the middle of a global pandemic AND Brexit. Why does it seem like they made two runs? Who knows. These things have huge lead times. Maybe they realized their original order was not big enough. Maybe they had to swap production to something else. They're not doing it to ****** you off I promise. 

    And no, the 50 review copies they sent out are not the reason you aren't getting one. That's called very effective advertising cost. They didn't say "We think we'll sell 10,000 of these. so we'll make 10,000. Oh lets give away 50 of those".  it's "Let's make 10,050 because this is way cheaper than google ads..."

    Why is it artificial scarcity? Its restricting what should be an evergreen product, ie. a starter set like Soul Wars, to a limited run. (See also Cursed City).

    Why would plastic production be bottlenecked? They own their own factory, and produce thousands of kits, very few of which are limited edition. Nor would export issues have any relationship to scarcity. Much of the scarcity is in their domestic market here in the UK. 

    This is just a cynical play for FOMO, and yeah its probably working for them and their balance sheet. But honestly, I don't think its working for the community, if the Cursed City debacle was anything to go by.  

    Them giving free copies to influencers might have had no effect on scarcity, but I personally find it quite poor taste when there are thousands of people who won't be getting a copy tomorrow.

    • Like 3
  4. 24 minutes ago, Soolong said:

    Dark sphere London are getting stock 'in the autumn' so maybe that 300 is a cross the year. 



    Yeah, was hoping to get at least one box from them. Not enough copies on the initial run. GW creating artificial scarity again.

    Meanwhile there are more than enough copies to give to every social media personality to write glowing reviews of. Sick of it tbh. The whole thing feels scummy.

    • Like 2
  5. 10 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Dispossessed are currently souped into Cities of Sigmar. Seems a bit redundant to take ingredients from one soup, make another soup from two Dawi armies but not the third, especially when Kharadron have more in common culturally, genetically and visually with the Dispossessed.

    Yeah I'm almost certain Cities will get replaced by 'Dawnbringer Crusades', which primarily has the human freeguild stuff and maybe some new knights of azyr.

    Can see some parts of the range being broken up then, dwarf soup, some wanderers to kurnothi/sylvaneth and very possibly dark elves to umbraneth.

    • Like 2
  6. I'm honestly surprised points haven't been leaked yet. That seems to have a far bigger impact on purchasing decisions than core rules changes.

    Personally, I haven't even wanted to paint stuff for the past month, let alone buy new kits, until I see how radically points have changed in this edition.

    • Like 3
  7. 53 minutes ago, Indecisive said:

    'Nature elf soup' sounds like wanderers are getting taken out of cities. 

    So potentially dispossessed will go to 'dwarf soup'.

    Which leaves the dark elves and high elves. Har kuron has some recent lore, so that's probably staying.

    But I'm getting increasingly worried for my phoenix guard army. Maybe time to look at ebay while they're still worth anything

  8. I think Chaos Dwarves will be an expansion on Slaves to Darkness in the same way that Kruleboyz is an expansion on Warclans.

    For the same reason, kurnothi will be an expansion on Slyvaneth and Umbraneth will be an expansion on Daughters of Khaine.

    I think we're at saturation point now for new factions, and I expect to see new ranges added to existing armies. Can't see there being another two factions a year for the next few years.

    • Like 4
    • LOVE IT! 1
  9. Yndrasta is my favourite ever model from GW. Everything about her is epic, including the haircut, which makes her look like a viking shieldmaiden/valkyrie.

    I honestly love where they've taken stormcast. These guys feel like a mix between Odin's Einherjar and Greek Hoplites. But I'm definitely going to be replacing all the helmets. The death masks seem weirdly serene, rather than grim. Find it a bit unsettling. 

    • Like 2
  10. Just noticed the face looks like a giant distended, toad-like mouth, and now I can't unseen. Like this dude's scro.tum neck covers the entirety of his torso. I went from hype to utterly zero.


    • Confused 2
  11. Just now, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I think it's fairly possible that they want the god models to be mostly played in the narrative games or 3000 point sphere.

    But I think there is also a trend towards increased point costs in general, starting with Slaanesh. Soulblight has higher points across the board, especially for Nagash who is now at 975. I think if Kragnos, Allarielle and Kroak follow this pattern, then we might be looking at overall higher points/smaller lists in AoS 3.

    Definitely think they'll hike points significantly across all armies at the start of 3.0, especially if board sizes are reduced.

  12. 29 minutes ago, Feii said:

    alleged leaks - take with with a grain of salt if it is not allowed please delete it mods 

    Kroak is apparently 18 wounds no shrug same rules except the one New below.





    Doubt this, mostly because of the poor English in the supposedly quoted text. "Was inflicted a wounds". Sounds like something from a non-native speaker and not something taken from a GW book.

  13. 1 hour ago, Hollow said:

    Pfft. GW Orks are based on 1980's football holligans. Men running around drunk starting fights. 

    The best thing about this is the way orks talk is basically a carcicature of a regional dialect from the part of England I come from.

  14. 2 minutes ago, CommissarRotke said:

    something extremely interesting from the Gods and Monsters preview!!

    In the God of Earthquakes section it says "In his quest for vengeance, he prays to his tribe’s ancient deity, the Drogrukh lord Kragnos, who eventually awakens beneath Twinhorn Peak"

    Now, we've been guessing the Beastgrave has been Kragnos but... check out the map of Ghur. Twinhorn Peaks is on an entirely different continent, leaving the Beastgrave mystery still unsolved.


    Is... morghur sleeping under a mountain too?

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