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Jagged Red Lines

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Everything posted by Jagged Red Lines

  1. As in Chaos Terminator Lord? Doesn't look like khul
  2. I was waiting to hear about the arcane journal for old world orcs for clues about bonesplitterz. From what I've heard, currently you can't run a whole army of savage orcs because it's a limited upgrade on units. I was expecting that - if bonesplitterz are indeed destined for old world - the arcane journal might include rules allowing a full army of savage orcs. There was no mention of that in the preview article today, and no inclusion of savage orcs in the bundle box. It's a slimmest glimmer of hope yet that they might be hanging around in aos4.
  3. So given that rumours point to an index at the start of 4th edition. Anyone like to theorise what kits/subfactions/armies are being cut? I'll start: * Bonesplitterz (sad face) * Cities dwarves * Beasts of Chaos cease to exist, but some stuff gets rolled into slaves * endless spells and (possibly) faction terrain * Most fatcast from first edition: prosecutors, liberators, paladins. They'll prob get replaced with thunderstrike equivalents - we've already seen what new liberators look like in Realms of Ruin. Unsure about the fate of the pyjama-cast, or vanguard. * Skaven resin/metal stuff as rumoured * yhetees, old gorgers, cats, maneaters, firebelly, slaughtermaster I think GW is going to be brutal next edition. For the past year or more there have been serious stock issues, with some people waiting a year to get hands on a loonshrine, for instance. Even plastic kits go out of stock for months at a time. I get the feeling their factory or warehouse can't keep up with production demand. This is only made worse by their ever expanding catalogue. They need to cut back to make room for new releases.
  4. Off topic, but I've spent the weekend assembling darkoath savagers. I plan to paint one a day for the next 40 days, by which time we should have the new box. But aside from how beautiful the models are, I just want to appreciate the level of representation there is. There's a nearly 50/50 split of men and women in the box, which is fantastic, and the models come in different shapes and sizes. On the box art, they are painted in several skin tones. When AoS launched, the starter box bloodbound felt in some ways like a reimagining of old world marauder tribes. So in turn, new darkoath feel like a reimagining of bloodbound, where they are moving away from the weird sausage party, into a more faithful representation of a primitive warrior society at war. I'm hugely stoked for the new army, and I'm also excited by the fact GW listened. The fact we are also getting darker, more lightning-infused stormcast, is just the cherry on top.
  5. I keep hearing that at LVO GW directly said the rumours of Beasts being squatted was incorrect. I don't know if it was on stream or in person. Either way, would be pretty cynical even for GW to lie about that just so they can keep selling models before 4th Ed. Who knows though?
  6. Darkoath release cannot come soon enough. I'm going to sell all my other armies and play these exclusively. I swear this to the dark pantheon through this oath.
  7. Why do they keep flirting around the edges of darkoath, with underworld and warcry, or else unique warbands? Give us core units to replace marauders.
  8. I've run melee KO just once and it is such a rush! One of the most exciting melee armies in the game. They're like alpha strike ironjawz except they hit a lot harder. The biggest problem with the book imo is their easy battle tactics, which are hugely uninteractive.
  9. 'Oblivion for broken souls' most probably means 'permanently out of stock' for fatcast.
  10. Of course, and I've argued in favour of this so many times. But for me, the worst kind of opponent are those that get miserable and salty because my army or list is 'broken'. (I play foot ogors and fyreslayers mostly) The best kind of player is the one that doesn't cry when they lose, or gloat when they win. They're there to do as best as they can, but also to play in a sporting and friendly way. Some of my most fun games have been against the best players in the country. I got curbstomped every time, but they were generally lovely people with passion for the game. I think it's toxic to blame the game or a list or the opponent, when what is really holding you back from winning is improvement in your own skill as a player.
  11. I love a skew list. It's what makes AoS a wild and exciting game. There are bad match ups, but I feel like every faction is mostly balanced. If you keep losing, the fault isn't with "other people being mean." It's because you failed primarily as a player - in which case you need more practice with your army. Look at the winner of Worlds. He took Lumineth, which has a sub-50% win rate and beat all the meta lists and all the top players in the world with a mostly combined arms list. (Edit - he also had something like 500 games over the course of a year with his list iirc, which underlines the importance of practice. See also the 10,000 hour rule from Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers)
  12. Hard disagree, I think it's awesome that they've released every battletome and still have more than half a year before the next edition. That's an amazing feat, and something we should be grateful for. There's nothing worse than having a new battletome and for it to be invalidated a month later when the game changes, like what happened in 40k. At least with these dawnbringer books, they can fill in the remaining time until the next edition with model support and optional narrative rules for those who are interested. Crowding the release schedule throughout the edition will lead to delays in battletomes, and that would be an extremely bad thing for those factions that get pushed back.
  13. Edit: noticed a lot of confused reactions from short-beards. I'll leave you here a sample of AoS 1 rules. Ancient Dignity: Dragons are ancient and prideful creatures, and the Elves that ride them are no less haughty, but from such nobility and dignity stems an inner strength. If, during your entire hero phase, you can maintain a dignified (even arrogant) composure and not smile, smirk or laugh regardless of your opponent’s antics, you may re-roll all hit rolls of 1 made for models in a Dragon Host until your next hero phase.
  14. My spider sense is tingling. The gambler in me wants to snap up all the cheap doomfires on ebay in preparation for an absolutely filthy army of renown.
  15. I was quite surprised with all the rumours about bonesplitterz going away that there was so little emphasis on savage orcs in the old world book. From what I can gather they are a 0-1 unit in any list. I would have thought there would have been a bit more prominent as old world is a more historic setting and savage orcs look more primative. Perhaps it's GW getting rid of problematic racial connotations in its miniatures. For instance, mongolian goblins, japanese rats, aboriginal orcs etc. Might be why there are rumours that eshin are getting left out of the skaven range refresh.
  16. HWG said the kroot were about half of what is coming for them. I'm not a 40k person, but these could tempt me.
  17. You're kidding?! 5 loonsmashers for £8.99 sold out in seconds, and on ebay for double the price. Same with mollog, stabbas and stormcast chariot. Krondys for £60. All incredible deals.
  18. Could be just because I'm painting them at the moment, but that looks like a fyreslayers helmet.
  19. I don't think we'll see any previews for DB5 yet. Normally these reveal streams are followed quite closely by the preorder announcement, at least for dawnbringer stuff. I think it'll prob just be stuff for DB4 we haven't seen yet - perhaps another death hero and the boxes. We may see a teaser video for DB5, but I doubt we'll see models yet. On the off-chance we do, I think it'll just be the darkoath cav we saw in the NY silhouette. Would love to be wrong though, and that we get more.
  20. The novel is one of the best AoS stories I've read. Helps that it's from the best author.
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