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Jagged Red Lines

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Everything posted by Jagged Red Lines

  1. The 'leaks' said that weapon ranges were 0.5 inches for infantry and 3 inches for monsters. False. They also said that there was a single hero phase at the start of every round, rather than one in each players turn. Again false, at the warcom video says that you can cast magic in your players turn.
  2. Nah mate, absolutely zero worries at all on that front. Everyone pretty optimistic as far as I can see...
  3. I doubt battalions will go, because that make deployment less important. You will have no option to build into the priority by limiting drops.
  4. Thank ****** it's modular. Best news all day. Don't need to know any more.
  5. Was dominion a limited run that they massively over produced? Or was it an ongoing product that they continued to make throughout the edition? Perhaps they could be moving to the latter model for Ruination, particularly as it seems to also fulfill a dual role as a starter box for spearhead.
  6. Is this due to the scenery piece do you think? Vaguely recall there being delays with the hunter and hunted box too, from announcement. But could be wrong?
  7. No catastrophe for buyers. Its everywhere, no panic buying, can't be scalped, and is an affordable start to either army. I'd say that was pretty preferable to a situation where the starter box is only available from retail for 24 hours and thereafter can only be bought from ebay for double the price.
  8. Yes. Around 1.04 mins "It comes in the launch box, everything you need to play spearhead - the board, the models, the cards the terrain"
  9. Iirc they said in the stream that there's also going to be terrain in the box, so people can play spearhead. Which makes me wonder if either there are going to be fewer minis or if the ruination box will be significantly bigger.
  10. Weird shower thought. Noticed that in the greenskins arcane journal there's an army list that is primarily goblin wolf riders. I wonder if this is more evidence that the snarlfang riders were designed for old world but the main studio effectively stole them to use in AoS.
  11. My dude, do you have a date for us for darkoath box and dawnbringers 6?
  12. I reckon DB6 and dark oath will be announced for preorder this Sunday.
  13. It's only obvious to no-lives like us who hang out on forums. A person walking into a shop and buying a vanguard box of beasts of chaos, wouldn't dream that in three months time that their £70 investment will be invalidated. That's an absolutely despicable business practice.
  14. Yeah, I mean, slaves to darkness, moonclan gitz are all in OW, and I can't see them getting removed.
  15. Exactly! Battle tactics are hugely fun. They give you hard decisions in the list building stage and in the mid game. The problem is that many (not all) battle tactics are uninteractive. For instance, KO's 'get in a boat' or 'get out of a boat'. Or else they force you to hang back and not engage, I.e. magical dominance to be out of unbind range, or surround and destroy. These battle tactics actually reward you for not fighting your opponent. Therefore you get armies like Big Waagh (pre battlescroll) which looked like a combat army but was actually one that hung back, did a few moves here and there, scored some primary and secondary, but rarely got stuck in. Compare that to my favourite generic battle tactic - led into the maelstrom. You have to complete a charge with hero and battleline and still be in combat with one of those at the end of the turn. It forces you to think about what you're putting in to combat. You want to kill your opponent, but not too much, and you don't want your stuff to die too badly on the clapback. It's super fun and engaging, and turns so much on the dice roll. If there are changes to battle tactics, this is what I'd like to see more of. Stuff that gets you into combat, depends on you and your opponent rolling dice, and isn't an auto-complete.
  16. I think this might be false mostly because Ben said in the video that combat range is now flat 3 inches. This guy above suggests that its flat 1/2 and only monsters get the 3 inch reach.
  17. I'll be honest, I've never liked his work. I know he's like the holy cow, but I wonder how many people secretly feel the same. Even as a kid, warhammer to me was Adrian Smith and Karl Kopiniski. I think Blanche with his weirdly proportioned characters and 'can't be arsed' style on the detail, was just too surrealist. I never felt transported by his art, and I feel like his impact on warhammer has been wildly overstated.
  18. They should make a proper evergreen coffee table book for each faction. Lore, art, painting guides etc. Really go to town. Then just publish the rules for free online, or else have all the allegiance abilities, battle tactics unlockable on the app.
  19. John Blanche is ridiculously overrated. There. I said it.
  20. Definitely don't pay top dollar. There will be loads of people selling their battletomes for next to nothing in the next few weeks and months. I'm trying to sell mine! If we get an index edition, they'll be useless.
  21. Thanks for the shout, will sub. Those are beautiful
  22. Since we're doing requests, could @SG Warhound confirm if bonesplitterz survived?
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