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Jagged Red Lines

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Posts posted by Jagged Red Lines

  1. 1 hour ago, pitzok said:

    It's a limited comemorative miniature, they never get non-legends rules.

    My point is that it would have been far cooler for him to have been a permanent part of the range - a la gotrek. Such a cool model, and would have loved to have seen him on the table regularly.

    • Like 2
  2. 23 minutes ago, KingBrodd said:

    Really suprised to still see no DB6. It surely has to be next week? Releasing in May just over a month from 4th Edition is cutting it close.

    4th prob early July are we thinking? 

    And yes, it feels super deflating to buy rules that'll be out of date in a month. I just bought two boxes of darkoath, but I'm weirdly not hype at all about them. 

    It's not like soulblight at the end of second ed. These rules will be invalidated at the turn of the edition.

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Dragon-knight77 said:

    So i wondering what name character are we going to getting soon

    like we have a relative idea with SG warhound rumors with Nu-Queek & New Warlock Irkit please

    r/skaven - So what everyone thoughts on the Skaven rumors + leak from SG Warhound

    on the Stormcast  all we got is Poster guy but that more on the speculation side whether or not he character or just a unique hero unit

    I think we might get a new Hallowed Knight character possibly their own Lord Commander? 

    That'd be Queek Headtaker my dude. Just hope he's as cool looking as his Total War design.



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  4. 22 minutes ago, IrlLordy said:

    I think the general acceptance of female stormcast probably went some way to persuading GW that female Custodes would also be accepted.

    Not to disparage the entirety of the 40k fan base, but you've got to realise that a scenario where the heroic protagonists are strong, universally male and racially intolerant, has the potential to attract someone of a certain political persuasion...

    Those people tend to be quite reactionary toward inclusion as a concept, which they see as an attempt to curb their freedom.

    I think it's a difference in political demographics - the AoS community is generally much more mature, tolerant and friendly.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Dukeus said:

    I hoped for something Else with the New Stormcast.

    They Look way to much Like Dark Angels and Black Templars. Feels Like a cheap Copy for me with all These religious Scrolls and the Mini is so busy Overall. I prefer the more Roman asthetik ( Stormstrike Chariot, Praetors) than the religious temple knight Theme. 

    But there are enough stormcast Minis anyways so i am Happy to skip a few. Maybe These Guys with a different head on a mighty steed could Change my opinion.

    Yeah, they need lightning effects! Cracking weapons, glowy eyes, carried aloft by lightning. Instead they're just slightly more religious. 

    I feel there's a disconnect between the models and the lore.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, cyrus said:

    It is a GW statement and They have been very clear so far .

    All the quotes from Warcom articles :


    23rd of May 2024

    "Certain factions people remember from Warhammer Fantasy Battles are not part of the narrative we’re telling with The Old World, but will be provided with rules at the launch of the game.

    • Dark Elves
    • Skaven
    • Vampire Counts
    • Daemons of Chaos
    • Ogre Kingdoms
    • Lizardmen
    • Chaos Dwarfs

    These legacy faction army lists will be made available for free as pdfs as a service to fans who have these classic armies on their shelf, so they can still bring them to battle for old times sake."


    22th January 2024

    "But while these are complete lists, there are no plans to release miniatures to use them with – the rules are intended for people who already have armies in their collection."


    5th january 2024 - 

    “What about the legacy factions?:

    Rob (Aldeman):  A few of the factions from the previous Warhammer Fantasy Battle game will not feature in Warhammer: The Old World – this is in terms of game rules, model ranges, and the ongoing background narrative. These ‘Legacy’ factions will however get free, downloadable army lists so people can try out the new system using their older model collections. More about this in the coming weeks, though please note that they won’t be considered legal for tournaments, and won’t receive ongoing support.

    If you want to come on this long-term journey with us, the factions in the Forces of Fantasy and Ravening Hordes books are the ones to collect and play – and we want to be pretty clear about that!”



    In addition :

    It will take roughly 2 years to re-release the 9 focused factions ( 1 every 3 months with 3 waves each) and then from Hastings's rumors they will start to release campaign books with FW/GW miniatures moving timeline towards Siege of praag/great war against chaos. Something very similar to Middlearth relaunch in 2018 = same Project Manager Rob Alderman

    Hastings was the one who reported first that Bretonnia and Tomb kings kits were back in production in june 2022 for the ToW launch.





    I guess what most people are worried about is them being retired completed, a la sacrosanct, with no home in TOW or AoS.

    • Like 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Funny thing is if THWG theory is correct then anytime some 40K player start a Daemon of Chaos army or bought a Daemon prince for their Chaos Marine army, then all that revenue would have been report for AoS because all the daemon stuff (especially product like Be’lekor ) are label as AoS products first and foremost.

    AoS and 40k are both main studio. Specialist studio (formerly Forge World) is HH and TOW. 

    This is why prior to 10th edition, GW remove HH kits (like the leviathan dread) from 40k.


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  8. 1 hour ago, Cdance93 said:

    I am just not buying this. On any meaningful level only the Group’s balance sheet and P&L matter.

    looking through the annual report lightly I don’t see any kind of corporate structure but I would be surprised that a design studio would have its own P&L unless each studio was its own subsidiary within the group. 

    sure for budgeting they may want to know the actuals for each studios products.

    Totally fine my dude. But it's worth pointing out that Rob worked there, his girlfriend did until last year, and as did his close mate Peachy. 

    • Like 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    I could now imagine classic Ogors (as their own faction and not part of CoS or something) to get removed as well

    It's worth watching this, if you haven't already. 

    The tldr is that specialist design studio and the main studio have a separate profit and loss sheet. So if product is sold by both departments, it becomes impossible to say which studio reports it as profit.

    That's a long way of saying that ogors are 100% safe, because they're not a supported faction in the old world. 

    Obviously it means the sword of damocles still hangs over dispossessed and spiderfang.

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  10. 1 hour ago, Mortal Wound said:

    And fourth, GW is demonstrably not that culturally sensitive.

    Can I just say, as a working class person from southeast England, that the use of "wot haz we 'ere" type dialogue from orcs/gargants/ogors/any stupid antagonist, plays into negative class stereotypes.

    I work in the City of London, which is dominated by public school educated rich boys. I encounter these prejudices every day, where people consider me boneheaded purely because of my accent. It's high time GW stopped punching down.

    • Like 6
  11. 23 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Do we think Bonesplitterz and Beasts of Chaos are getting reworked?

    Based on the regiments system i think its plausible that we could be getting them back some day as regiments instead of a subfaction. Bonesplitterz could get a hero + 2 or 3 units that can be slotted into either Ironjawz or Kruleboyz. The same could be said for Beasts and can be slotted into any Chaos army. It think it actually fits their lore too.

    This way GW can still do the micro armies they always wanted without having to commit to a whole army + tome system and years of support that helps with limited warehouse space.

    The only way they'll be brought back is if shareholders realise that GW is effectively halving potential profits by retaining its kafka-esque separate p&l sheets for specialist and main studios.

    I doubt that'll happen though, as they didn't kick up a fuss when FW was removed from 40k a year or two back.

    That said, I'm determined to go out in a blaze of glory with bonesplitterz. Even if the rules are somehow worse than they already are, I'm taking my crazy waagh magic boyz to the sunset.

    • Like 3
  12. 1 minute ago, Grungnisson said:

    Sales of what, exactly? BoC and BS? I'm not quite sure they were the sales behemoths you're suggesting they were.

    I don't care about how GW looks at sales figures. Quarter of a million dollars may look inconsequential to them.

    But to the people who spent several hundred pounds on new armies since January (I'm one, and a mate recently started beasts), those numbers are not inconsequential.

    Deliberately holding back the truth until a time it was convenient for them to communicate with their customers has left customers out of pocket. These aren't speculative assets, we didn't buy expecting to lose.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    But we pretty rapidly got confirmation from Whitefang and other

    Whitefang never confirmed this. The only indication we had was that SG Warhound cry reacted to someone asking if beasts were staying. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    I can confirm it isn't through personal experience. Often, "I don't know, I'll have to look into it for you" is equally as damaging.

    Politicians do this all the time. The answer is phrased as 'there are no plans as far as I'm aware' or 'no one has told me anything like that.'

    Never - this is 100% false, they are definitely staying around.

    • Like 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    Just to add my point of view from yesterday and god knows how many pages ago...

    I think this is a case of one department not talking to another. I doubt very much that the Head of Global events would say that if they knew as it would make them look silly when it happened. If you knew, you wouldn't say that and would stick with non comital phrases.

    Pretty sure the normal person response if you don't know would be 'I don't know'. 

    You understand how this looks like a cynical attempt to deliberately keep people in the dark, in order to inflate sales.

  16. 8 minutes ago, Marcvs said:

    This is very ironic when multiple people on this forum (so, generally, very involved in the hobby news cycle) where pushing back against the very idea. For reference, here's also a reddit thread after The Honest Wargamer started talking about the possibility of BoC going away with like 100% of initial reactions saying he was wrong (or worse): https://www.reddit.com/r/ageofsigmar/comments/195jk3n/where_does_the_rumor_that_beasts_of_chaos_are/

    and I quote from the most upvoted comment:

    "It pretty much exclusively comes from the YouTube/twitch personality theHonestWargamer's opinion almost no one else thinks it's going to happen"


    Exactly. It's one thing to say 'the writing is on the wall' after rumour sources say they're going away. 

    And then GW staff say that those rumours are ******. 



  17. 4 minutes ago, AquaRegis said:

    I forgot where I said that nobody has the right to complain. All i said is that the writing was on the wall for these factions.  The only real shock is that they have scrapped half the stormcast range, given that most SCE players have built armies and spent over £500 on these models. 

    They supported WHFB for over a decade and then scrapped 2 entire armies and multiple models in a short span of time. Being in 3 differnet editions doesn't indicate they will stay given GW's track record. 

    You created your account last week, and suddenly you're here to curbstomp anyone who says they're upset about the cull. All signs point to the likelihood you're a GW bot. 

    • Like 2
  18. 27 minutes ago, EonChao said:

    I know this is going to come off as sarcastic but it's meant entirely genuinely, I really hope you do, and that if possible you enter them into any painting competitions, armies on parade etc that you can. Best thing to do is to keep GW aware of what they've done in hopes that if there is a plan for something similar to take their place down the line, that they see there's a market for them. Sadly I only currently have Hedkrakka's Mob but I'll be certainly getting them painted up and posted on socials later this year and hoping a few of the kits get picked up for TOW so I can grab a few to do the same with.

    Ironically, the index will be the first balance update for bonesplitterz in years. They've been completely ignored in almost every battlescroll. That, more than anything else, has been the main reason their meta representation has slipped so hard. Prior to the big stabba nerf a couple of years ago they were podiuming quite regularly. 

  19. 6 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    But can you apply it to all the army, or is it a !1 thing per 1000 points" thing?

    You can't run a full army of savage orcs, no. I was hoping they'd do something like that for the arcane journal, but they didn't in the end.

    I even interpreted the lack of a 100% savage orc faction in the arcane journal as an indication that bonesplitterz would remain a part of AoS, and I bought 200 quid worth of bonesplitterz a couple of weeks back. 

    I intend to run them exclusively for the next year and podium a few times with them, as a final ****** you to GW. 

    • Like 3
  20. 9 minutes ago, Gitzdee said:

    Whats the point in stating your opinion like this? 

    They have had a tome.

    They have received a warband.

    Theres actually quite a few Bonesplitterz players on tga already. Maybe not all competitive ones.

    Thats more than some other subfactions ever had.

    Cant be sad/mad about something like this?

    Just ignore this absolute dribbler. They're a new user just here to shill for GW when it is being criticised. 

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