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Jagged Red Lines

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Posts posted by Jagged Red Lines

  1. 1 hour ago, zilberfrid said:

    I was on FW and clicked in the AoS region, and SKaarac and Mazarall are no longer available.

    Its a shame. Imo skaarac is the best fantasy model they've ever made. It's full of movement and raw power. If they've discontinued it from poor sales they need to look at the reason for that - a consistently subpar warscroll.

    • Like 1
  2. Think the biggest issue with warhammer TV shows is the creative restrictions over the way the protagnoists act.

    Space Marines are just dull as ditchwater, they think and talk about honour, loyalty and devotion, and not a lot else. They don't question their place in the universe, or the brutality of their creation. They don't eat, drink, defecate, laugh or ******. 

    All that means when they talk to each other, it makes me cringe so hard I feel like I could turn inside out. This is already bad in audiobook format and it'll be even worse in a live action format.

    AOS has exactly the same problem in its stormcast, who become less human (and therefore less relateable) every time they're reforged.

    If w+ is going to be successful, it needs to focus on the humans of both worlds. The freeguild infantryman fighting alongside a stormcast host, or the captain of a space marine battlebarge (think lotara sarrin). Otherwise its just going to be unwatchable cheese.

    • Like 3
  3. 44 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

    I'm really surprised about the lack of excitement regarding Warhammer+. I thought that for Warhammer geeks like us it is like a Christmas gift we always wanted. And the animations look really good. 

    Have you ever seen the 2010 film called Ultramarine? Not even a cast featuring John Hurt or Sean Pertwee could polish that ******.

  4. I just find it weird they've launched an entire streaming platform for what will probably be initially no more than a couple of hours of content. 

    Why not allow it to be hosted on prime or netflix? That would be a far better way imo in bringing new people to the hobby. This w+ platform seems to be something that would appeal to those who are already fans, and even then only a minority.

    • Like 2
  5. I love the more realistic, grizzled look they've been giving female warriors recently

    When you think about it, war is incredibly violent. I always would have thought male warriors would look like rugby players with more scars. There's no reason to believe female warriors would look any different.

    Totally side note, but I was really interested in a viking-themed game a while ago, but it was being developed by a Korean studio. While all the men looked like hard-bitten viking veterans, all the female (supposedly shield maiden) characters looked like glamour models. I found it utterly jarring. 

    Female warriors should look tough enough to be able to kill a man a lot bigger than them, and hard enough to not give a ****** about it.

    • Like 5
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  6. As we go into 3.0, one of my biggest question marks is over the future of Cities of Sigmar.

    As someone who bought into a heavy phoenix/phoenix guard army soon after the book came out, I'm quite worried the book will get a bit of a shakeup, with half the kits (especially high elf stuff) going to legends. Its honestly quite stressful worrying your army might get squatted at any moment

  7. 21 minutes ago, baiardo said:

    I think a more wise strategy from GW is release new army/models with a good/average power and not OP but slowly increase their power with updates and rulebooks so less people are disappointed.


    Lumineth are really good but tzeench is a pain to match up..especially if you play SCE

    Its not just power level though. Bin books have poor internal balance. Would consider original idoneth a bin book purely because it shoehorns you into a single build.

    A sin book is good not only because it does well in the meta, but also because every unit is viable and encourages a range of diverse lists. For example, cities or daughters of khaine, versus mawtribes or fyreslayers.

    • Like 2
  8. 24 minutes ago, Aeryenn said:

    In my AoS playing group we joke that rules writers should have their name written down on the front page so we could know what kind of power level to expect.

    "You bought a battletome from writer A? Ahhh, I can't match that with my battletome from writer B. How about this time you bring your old army with battletome from writer B so we can both have fun?"

    Honest Wargamer has suggested there are two rules writers, one is called the 'sin guy' (i.e. lumineth, seraphon, tzeentch) and the other is called 'bin guy' (slaanesh, sons of behemet, sylvaneth).

    I like that a lot better than naming the rules writers directly. I remember back in 5th edition 40k where Matt Ward was getting absolutely torn apart by the community. Wasn't pretty.

    From what I've seen so far, gravelords looks like a 'bin' writer book

  9. Just now, HanShot First said:

    Tyrion please, I know we just got new models so I’m ok to wait a little bit but Tyrion better look better than Teclis.

    He'll have some gigantic metal rainbow thing on his hat like his protege. Prepare for epic disappointment. 

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  10. 1 hour ago, NicholasFlamelGames said:

    I'm not sure if this has been posted but I thought it was pretty cool.

    I know beasts. I have spent my lives – both of them – hunting them, studying them, taking their measure as I run them to the ground and drive my spear into their sorry hides. So listen to me when I tell you of these creatures, and listen well, because it just might save you: whatever it is they want in Ghur, it goes beyond a simple desire for violence. As long as they and their Earthquake God roam free, none of us are safe.’

    - Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear

    Urgh. She sucks. Reminds me of one of those Instagram poachers in Kenya.

    I'm rooting for the beasts. Overthrow the oppressors. Four legs good, two legs bad.

    • Like 4
    • Haha 6
  11. I definitely feel bad for stormcast players. Even if their armies aren't invalidated, they definitely suffer by comparison to the new models.

    That said, I'm 100% going to start a new stormcast army because these miniatures correct the biggest design flaws with stormcast, their chonkiness.

    • Like 1
  12. 28 minutes ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    A wild rumour appeared. Couldn't copy the text so just took a screenshot. It's so random to see this pop up on GamingLeaksAndRumours of all places but it is a rumour so might aswell share. Most reads like common assumptions but the Duradin bit is a bit unlikely I reckon, I just can't see it happening. 

    OP states they "got it from a French worker who translates the text into French for Games Workshop text."



    Can see this happening tbh, especially the release of some freeguild-type humans for cities. Especially with the trailer for 3.0 featuring humans with the old empire aesthetic. 

    This does make me concerned about my phoenix guard cities army though, and whether they will go to legends. 

    • Like 1
  13. 31 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    I‘ll wait for GMG‘s Battletome review before buying anything ^^



    Totally agree on this point, with how swingy book design is these days, you don't know what sort of battletome you're going to get.

    If you invest early in an army and end up with a badly-written book, you're stuck in the 'feels bad' corner for the next two or three years.*

    That's part of the reason I didn't buy cursed city when it came out.


    * BTW should clarify that badly written doesn't necessarily mean in terms of relative power level, but rather one that has poor internal balance and encourages mono list design, or else offers few synergies. 

    • Like 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    This is highly illogical, buddy. Shockwave's head would explode right now to use Transformer terms with you. 🤯 If you don't like something, say it. Denying your own opinion doesn't turn you into a miasma for others and if it does, then it's entirely their problem. 😀 Y'know, we live in times where everyone wants to be "unique" (ironically making sure to look and think the exact same thing as the majority) and people are more afraid of sticking out and voicing less generic thoughts. It's impossible to like everything. And I believe criticism is the best info possible. In my work, I'd also rather have people be straight with me and not sugarcoat everything...

    Agreed. Have seen people complain about 'negativity' in the hobby and how it brings them down.

    Nobody should quash anyone else's opinion. Everyone should be entitled to say how they genuinely feel about something, provided they don't belittle anyone else for feeling good about it. 

    Tolerance should extend both ways, for those who are happy about something, or those who have complaints over other stuff.

    • Like 4
  15. 2 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Hoping for new angelic-looking prosecutors with feathery wings, like the new celestant. 

    Maybe the dragon-riding SCE rumoured by Honest Wargamer is a reimagining of the fulminators 

    What does it mean when I get a whitefang laugh react emoji? Ridiculous/miles away? Or on the money?

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