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Jagged Red Lines

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Posts posted by Jagged Red Lines

  1. 5 minutes ago, JerekKruger said:

    Doesn't seem particularly accurate to me. The only things is rate as spot on are the FS vs. IDK box, and the S2D Christmas box: the rest is either wing or vague enough to be guess work.

    I disagree with you about it being guesswork, but honestly I appreciate you for being willing to actually look at it and share your thoughts. There's something pretty frustrating about being dismissed out of hand. 

    Apologies if I was uncivil at all.

    • Like 2
  2. Just now, novakai said:

    Facepalm, what up with people dying on the wrong hill?

    If you'd read my post, you'd know I'm not saying I believe it wholesale. I just find it interesting that many (but not all) of the predictions came true. If you read the actual screenshot, you'd know that too.  

  3. 1 hour ago, JerekKruger said:

    So the rumours were:

    • OBR End of January - nope;
    • IDK/FS Early April - yep (I will assume the comment about crabs was a joke and not a prediction);
    • Ogors Summer - nope
    • Nighthaunt October - nope

    On top of that, it completely missed Sylvaneth, Skaven, DoK, SoB, Lumineth and Tzeentch. Apart from IKD/FS I'd say it was pretty unreliable: yes both Ogors and Nighthaunt got a release this year, but 11 factions did so guessing those two (both relatively old books) had decent odds of being right at some point in the year, and it was completely wrong about OBR.

    The order was wrong, sure, but most of it was accurate. Honestly I feel release schedules are so fluid these days at GW, with disruption to supply chains that they even struggle to stick to their own stated roadmaps.

    You also missed the correct prediction of a lumineth release, which was unthinkable at the time as it was less than a year since their last book. As well as the correct prediction of sylvaneth and tzeentch.

    The slaves Christmas release was spot on, especially with it including BoC models (theridons).

    I'm not by any means saying that we should base all our hopes on it, or believe in it wholeheartedly.

    But I do think that - especially if we get a GSG/S2D box announced for spring - there might be a grain of truth in the rest of it.


    2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Do you have a screenshot of that? The only 4chan post from around a year ago that I remember turned out to be clearly made up.

    Yes, I went through it a few pages back. There were more hits than missus imo. Enough to suggest that the poster had more than a grain of reliability - although their timing was all off.


    On 11/14/2022 at 12:24 PM, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Looking at these rumours again from last year, quite a few have turned out correct, while others were pretty far off the mark.

    Looking at what they've got wrong, there may be a better indication of what's next:

    Correct (and sort-of correct)

    * IDK/FS and combined battlebox (Fury of the Deep)

    * Ogors and Nighthaunt (although the timing is off)

    * STD Christmas

    * The rumour that STD will include BoC is clearly wrong, but it's possible the source saw the Theridons and thought they were minotaurs.

    * Lumineth and Sylvaneth tomes


    The currently incorrect (and potentially in the pipeline for 2023?

    * OBR new book, with archers and liege on monster

    * Gloomspite book and STD/GSG battlebox

    * Skaven, seraphon, CoS, khorne battletomes


    * Nagash and SILENT PEOPLE



  5. 5 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    I would be so dissapointed with a STD vs GG box as it would hint at a single model release for the army.

    The rumours say we should expect to be disappointed. 

    Those 4chan leaks from a year back talked about gitz being around Christmas with S2D, and them sharing a battlebox. With the delayed slaves battletome, it's certainly within the realms of possibility.

    • Sad 1
  6. 16 hours ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    A reminder of how rumours are often so near the mark. 



    Looking at these rumours again from last year, quite a few have turned out correct, while others were pretty far off the mark.

    Looking at what they've got wrong, there may be a better indication of what's next:

    Correct (and sort-of correct)

    * IDK/FS and combined battlebox (Fury of the Deep)

    * Ogors and Nighthaunt (although the timing is off)

    * STD Christmas

    * The rumour that STD will include BoC is clearly wrong, but it's possible the source saw the Theridons and thought they were minotaurs.

    * Lumineth and Sylvaneth tomes


    The currently incorrect (and potentially in the pipeline for 2023?

    * OBR new book, with archers and liege on monster

    * Gloomspite book and STD/GSG battlebox

    * Skaven, seraphon, CoS, khorne battletomes


    * Nagash and SILENT PEOPLE


    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, Ogregut said:

    I think the people who bought it (like myself) did so more for the models than rules. An errata was going to come regardless. It just happened on the same day and not with the usual FAQ and errata. 

    I've no disappointment at all and I'm still eager to get my hands on the models and read the background. 

    Absolutely the same. But other people who bought into the army because of the rules, have a right to be critical of how GW handled it. It's arguably true that the errata should have gone live at the same time the preorders went up.

    1 hour ago, Marcvs said:

    I was just curious to know if they were actual corrections or pre-release nerfs

    The Nurgle banner and the Tzeentch mark were clearly corrections. As the original wording for each was unclear or incomplete. 

    The Everchosen rule and the alteration of the casting roll for Daemonic Speed were obvious nerfs. 

    Interestingly, Honest Wargamer mentioned that the battletome feels an older book. Lots of customisation which they've since removed from the later books.

    I wonder if this means they'll get a toned down, simplified updated book in a year's time.

    • Like 2
  8. 4 hours ago, RocketPropelledGrenade said:

    To be fair to GW, the same day the NDA embargo on rules reveals went out, they revealed the errata. That's as good transparency as you can reasonably ask for--the leaks were outside their channels. They've done crappy things at times, but I don't rate this as one of them at all.

    To be fair, the errata came out a good six or seven hours *after* the preorders went live. So there's likely to be many people who rushed to buy, thinking that the box would sell out, who are now regretting their decision.

    Personally, I've just been building knights to run in the other subfaction, so it doesn't bother me too much. But I understand people's disappointment - it would have been much better to have these the same moment that preorders went live.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, Nezzhil said:

    Whitefang said it

    It's wonderfully vague though. Doesn't leave out the possibility that lots of Cities units will go to legends.

    Especially as the only official communication we've had from GW seems to strongly suggest that Dawnbringers are a "re-imagining" of Cities of Sigmar.

  10. 2 hours ago, Black_Templar_Lad said:

    Sorry to say I'm really disappointed with the Lord Solar model. 

    Maybe it's just cos this reveal had my highest expectations.

    I proper expected just an absolute specimen of a pose. Horse rearing on its back legs, hair and cape flowing majestically like it's very stature was conjuring a storm, more ornate designed armour. 

    It all looks a little flat. Don't want to knock the sculpt, just not for me. This is THE Lord SOLAR, honestly expected him to be a centrepiece model. Take away the base and it just looks a tad plain, imo.


    I'm the opposite. I don't even play 40k and this is making me want an imperial guard army, just so I can play with this model.

    Its utterly beautiful. It reminds me of the old world Tyrion, Green Knight or Archaon. Every race had an awesome centrepiece on a horse. 

    • Like 1
  11. I have an Ogor rumour. Honest Wargamer said stonehorns have a new monstrous action - roll 3d6 and move over a unit like it has flying. Can move over multiple units. Each unit moved over takes d3 mortal wounds. Have to end the move in combat.

    No idea if he was trolling. But seemed serious. Quite fun, if true!

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