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Jagged Red Lines

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Everything posted by Jagged Red Lines

  1. Agreed. In terms of design, ironjawz and KB look too different to share a battletome
  2. Might be just my misplaced faith in Grimnir, but I feel like Fyreslayers might get something in the preview. Could be just underworlds/warcry, or something in dawnbringer. But my beardsense is tingling.
  3. I mean, there were rumours that beasts of chaos were getting squatted too at one point - but then they got a new book. Maybe they still will once the old world comes out, especially as beasts are an old world starter faction. GW seem to be doing whatever they can to avoid people using miniatures in both games.
  4. Yeah before I saw it was WH+ I thought it might be Tyrion. Hopefully soon
  5. Got a whitefang like. Buckle up for a celestant prime remake. BRING ME THANOS
  6. It's because they're portrayed like the norse einherjar, sent from valhalla and wreathed in elemental lightning as they fight. Instead what we get is a standard warrior in immaculate, generic-looking fantasy armour. Part of the problem is because GW is drawing on their experience with space marines. With SM, they're deliberately offered up as a blank canvas, in order to appeal to the widest audience. You can have viking marines, roman marines, mongolian marines etc. Because stormcast are the poster faction in AoS, in the initial design philosophy you can see they were also deliberately trying to keep them quite bland. Then, perhaps realising the base kits weren't quite as customisable, they later offered robed wizard stormcast, then more savage-looking stormcast, to provide more flavours for different players. With the move to thunderstrike, you can see they're trying to standardise the theme again but perhaps this time giving them more character. It's my hope they lean into that. Make them look more like this. Let's go full Thor Ragnarok with them.
  7. Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think GW doesn't do justice in their sculpts to how cool stormcast actually are as a concept. Look at this art and imagine a model like this. Something like the c'tan void dragon, leaping into the air carried up in the lightning. Instead they just look like a bunch of LARPers milling around. I hope they at least do justice to the celestant prime in this respect when they come to redesign it.
  8. Would love to see an AoS equivalent of dark eldar mandrakes. One of the coolest concepts in 40k imo.
  9. How do you feel about Ironskull's Boyz? These would probably be what new ardboyz would look like? I can see how they're a lot better than the existing sculpts. But personally, I still don't like them as much as the other ironjawz stuff. I don't know whether it's the legs, or what. I'd just much prefer they redesigned them.
  10. Basically, the points only come directly from GW, so they can't leak in the same way as the GHB or battletome. If we get rumours about specific points adjustments, then the only possible source is GW itself. Considering that amounts to someone putting their jobs at risk, I think those rumours are highly questionable. Hopefully we should get the balance update today though.
  11. I guess aside from cities launch box, the only other AoS from this weekend will probably be the new scenery. I doubt they'll show us any more on Dawnbringers 2. It's not until Autumn that it's out? By GW's logic, that could be as late as November
  12. Wonder when they'll release an audiobook of Yndrasta. I'm desperately keen to read it, but don't want to pay through the nose for it on ebay.
  13. That's because the book is incredibly well written. There's at least four strong list archetypes in there that work competitively. It's a fantastic achievement in terms of rules writing, given there are so few options.
  14. I returned the audiobook after getting half way through this. If you're talking about the first short story in the book. Part of what made old world slayers so awesome is that they were genuinely funny. Look at Bjorni Bjornisson or Snorri Nosebiter. Even when they were serious they were unintentionally funny, like the scenes of endless ceremony in Karak Kadrin, which bores Felix to tears. Fyreslayers are just too po-faced. There's no irony in how they name everything fyre-this or magma-that, despite how ridiculous it is as an idea. They're like characters imagined in badly-written young adult fiction novel. I felt like I was reading a Nick Kyme Salamanders novel. Part of the charm of dwarves is how absurd they are when they are grandiose, but how honest and loyal they are with friends.
  15. I have developed a bit of a thing for more 'svelte' ogors recently. Particularly the viking-themed ones from Txarli and Claybeast. Would love mawtribes to get a ground-up redesign like seraphon.
  16. I like how they're being portrayed as more elemental in the art at least since third edition. For instance, eyes crackling lightning and lightning effects from weapons. I'd like them to go full Thor Ragnarok with them in terms of the models too. Something like the C'tan Void Dragon, with warriors descending in the lightning. Maybe that's the direction they'll take Neve Blacktalon if they re-do her. They started off as space marines when AoS launch. But I feel like they're slowly becoming less generic, and perhaps closer to the Norse einherjar they're based on.
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